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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by sc_mama4

  1. I had severe pain when I ate and I couldn't like pin point it but one xray and I was diagnosed.
  2. sc_mama4


    I'm five yrs post op and have it severe. I haven't slept since yesterday. I do this frequently and its a pita.
  3. sc_mama4

    Heading to the hospital ...

    Got mine to from one semper fi to another u got this!!
  4. sc_mama4

    Final appt today

    Yay!!! I can't wait to know when...I remember my last appt I was so nervous.
  5. sc_mama4

    My husband is Awesome

    Oh well in the case pop the cork and get it on! LoL
  6. sc_mama4

    turn 30 this july....

    Awesome girl! I turned 30 last September. Do you have anything special planned?? I was happy to begin this chapter of my life bc my 20's blew. So far I'm enjoying every bit. Can't wait to watch your journey! If you need anything feel free to contact me.
  7. sc_mama4


    That's good! I know before surgery I would stall and couldn't figure out what to do. Is there a prerequiste u have to lose before surgery?
  8. sc_mama4

    Gallstone anyone?

    I had a perfect gallbladder pre-op and my surgery was in May and by July I was having emergency surgery to remove it. Saying Adios to that lil guy allowed diarrhea to say aloha all the damn time. :-| seriously you should hear my stomach at this moment sounds like a water cooler and all I'm drinking is water w/ electrolyte mio in it. o.O
  9. have they did any x-rays or studies? I had a similar issue and turns out my intestines had rotated (volvulus)
  10. sc_mama4

    My husband is Awesome

    Oh my gosh I love that!!! I love red wine its always been my favorite. I wouldn't pop that cork for nothing, save it. That's just me though I'm a hoarder with memorabilia
  11. WOW. I hope you see how much of a change you have there! =D
  12. sc_mama4


    Have you thought about putting yourself on the diet now to try it out?? Kinda give you something to keep ur mind off the clicking clock and kinda fun to test yourself.
  13. sc_mama4

    Just Curious

    I started at 240 and as of today according to my dr's scale I'm 131. So our weightloss is kinda similar in numbers.
  14. sc_mama4

    Destroyed my life

    i never thought about the staples affecting it, but shoot its worth a shot. What i've really had problems with is things staying in place and hernias and now I'm getting these horrible spasm's. It has came up about reversing it, but to be honest that scares me to death. The complications stapling caused I fear what could go wrong if they reverse it. I'm in a frame of mind now like if it aint broke dont fix it or lets just patch it lol I won't get any plastic surgery because I'm afraid of complications. The reactions I had with the dermabond was hives. Oh dear Lord the hives were horrible. My incisions swelled up huge and itched dear Lord I would go to sleep and wake myself up itching my stomach. I was so sensitive I had a reaction to the plastic in my water bottle and my lips swelled up like Angelina Jolee lol. Seriously murphy's law has a LOT of fun with me.
  15. sc_mama4

    Willing to mentor

    First don't stress out. We all hit a plateau and thats when we figure out really how to use this tool we've been given. If you've plateaued try changing your eating around or increasing your fat burning exercise..my favorite it just dance lol. Depression seems to hit us all and its really confusing because we should be euphoric after losing that much, but sometimes it just doesn't happen that way our brains are tricky creatures. You are literally mourning a life long friend that you relied on, food. You go through the stages and its perfectly normal. If your thinking irrational or thoughts you shouldn't that's not. If you need to pm me to be private. When I first got depressed I was down around 60lbs. I was standing in the bathroom drying my hair and looked at the sink and thought "I wonder how bad it would hurt to die that way" it was really irrational and scared me. I went that day and waited in the waiting room to speak privately to my surgeon. He got me set up with therapy and helped me a lot even going as far as to call me privately from his home phone. Try to reflect on the good things right now instead of the bad, i know your going yeah ok. Trust me, get ur hair done or go buy you a top or pants that you like and dress up whether u feel like it or not. That girl that on that table 10 months ago died and the one who woke up is a brand new one you have a chance most don't get and thats to reinvent yourself. Talking it out helps too or at least it does me. I actually get on my own nerves repeating myself but its how I cope now. Another suggestion stay off the sad sappy music.. get you some crazy jumping music that makes you feel good and inspires you. Music is my life and really its what I turn to for therapy. I also see a therapist once a week to get out frustrations and it helps a lot. Like I said if u need to chat pm me because I can bet you are not going through something I haven't experienced and I'm a open honest book. It gets better, each day you get stronger. (((hugs)))
  16. sc_mama4

    Destroyed my life

    Actually ur half right I was severely allergic to the dermabond. Now I can only get sutures ...ur body does get sensitive to stuff after. Like I'm lactose intolerant and now allergic to fish. Its weird.
  17. That's always the assumption. I had the will power to lose keeping it off was another story. My family berated me over my weight w things like u will never be small enough to wear my clothes etc. Ugh. I learned to stop trying to make others happy and make myself happy. Hang n there :-D
  18. My story will scare u to death lol. I'm scared to death of it also. I will sit and fight and fight propofol until finally I give in. Scares me to death and as soon as I'm aware I'm awake I'm like trying to jump outta the bed. Its awful.
  19. Oh my gosh how adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the tutu LOL!!!! Have you been following Obie's story? The biggest loser doxie style?? He's adorable and totally relateable...especially to us.
  20. sc_mama4


    Dude fist bump...u officially stumped Google LOL. I couldn't find anything besides it can cause stomach cramps but that article wasn't attributed to gb patients.
  21. sc_mama4


    I tell u this in the years I've lived this way I've never heard of a person getting dumping from oral sex LOL...and now that I've mentioned that I'm gonna Google it. LoL we will know n just a click. Brb
  22. Oh I had a yellow lab her name was Molly. She passed three weeks before my Mom did in march 2011. [ATTACH]3113[/ATTACH] That's my mom Dec 2011 her last Christmas. She passed from a pulmonary embolisim and died instantly on my daughters 9th bday. However she was a organ donor and her eyes gave sight to two ppl and her bone/tissue has helped 147 so far for a total of 149 ppl. On 3-28-2012 she was awarded the bronze star of life for her gifts and the fact they have NOT rejected. Molly was a fighter too she had hip replacement surgery and was my very first rescue. I found her Dec 99 she was born in Oct 99 so she was newly weened when I found her. She was my everything and unfortunately I couldn't bring a huge lab to college so she stayed behind. It was hard. She was amazing and smarter than some humans lol.
  23. sc_mama4

    Bad Day..

    Oh don't let it. Any surgery can result in complications surgery is surgery ya know. Especially when man starts reconstructing Gods work. . .being aware and educated can help prevent a lot and persistence.
  24. LoL I surely did and asked out three nurses once on the table a d last I remember is I told the anesthesiologist he had a cute butt. O.o lol
  25. sc_mama4

    such bull crap!

    Do u think maybe their denying bc the drugs ur on needs to maintain a certain theraputic level to work and with rny medication is so unpredictable due to the malobsorption(sp)

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