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Everything posted by sc_mama4

  1. sc_mama4


    Yeah he dies laughing at me and how insane I am. I wrote a last will the other night asleep LoLoL I guess bc my chest has been hurting so bad asleep I'm paranoid Im gonna die I guess lol. I've tested friends and they will say Kel go back to sleep and I will respond okie lol. My son is the same way he rambles in his sleep. Its funny.
  2. sc_mama4

    Dont want to eat

    Yes it does hon. Your bestfriend just died and it sounds crazy but ur grieving. Hang tough this will pass. I wanted to tell u Mio makes a sports version of their flavors that contains vitamins and electrolytes get some of that and put in ur water that way ur getting things u need just by sipping. Hang in.
  3. sc_mama4

    So weird to be Post Op

    Glad to see ya on this side now!! Take it easy!! Lots of love
  4. sc_mama4


    Welcome and hopefully everything will go smoothly for u if not that's why we're all here :-D
  5. sc_mama4

    Dont want to eat

    Well to survive u kinda have to. I would eat things that benefit u the most like ur protein etc. Make sure ur getting ur vitamins bc u don't want to wind up back in the hospital deficient and really sick. I know its hard and ur dealing with a lot but u gotta take care of yourself. If u need to vent I don't mind to listen. (Hugs)
  6. It doesn't sound to me like u did damage but it sounds like its just irritated. Can you take some pepto or a acid blocker? Try that if u can. Also, can't remember who asked about medicine. If your able to what I did with Medicine is I asked for liquid medication and then paid to Flavor it. Those rx u can't get in liquid I would put in applesauce and do like a chaser of a drink. I always did a sip of soy milk. Be quick at it like spoon then SIP-swallow. That's what helped me and make sure u rinse ur mouth after medication. I was on antibiotics liquid and didn't do this and it caused thrush in my mouth severe. Hope that helps yall. I feel for ya bc I've been there. ((Hugs))
  7. sc_mama4

    Bowel prep is killing me!

    Send someone to the pharmacy and see if u can buy a sitz bath its a little hat thing u can buy and it squirts warm water to help clean u. Also don't use toilet paper get u the flushable wet wipes and gently clean urself then after every bathroom visit put Vaseline with some butt paste there. That's about all I can offer bc my rush became so raw it hurt. I did what I told u to do tho and it helped a lot. I have to use go the GoLite crap that should be renamed go aLOTly bc of my yearly scopes and that junk makes me raw and then causes horrible hemorrhoids. Best of luck to ya! ((Hugs))
  8. sc_mama4


    Ur gonna be girl just some of us have to climb that mountain to get what we want..hang n there!
  9. sc_mama4


    LoL yeah u don't know!! My bf tells me or I read the ramblings in my journal Lmao he says one time I shot up and yelled "pots and pans!!" And I said "honey ur so sweet bc u bought me nectar for the bird thingy.. o.O" lol
  10. sc_mama4


    That's just awesome!!
  11. sc_mama4


    I've had insomnia since 2004. Even before I had rny. I can't do ambien bc unfortunately I'm a sleep walker, texter, journaler, talker and I get up and cook toast...o.O they put me on restoril and I take that only when my benedryl doesn't work. I'm not even going to share the mg here with you guys bc you'd all freak but lets just say o go through a bottle of diphenhydramine at least twice a week. Its either that or do something insane like drive my car on ambien.
  12. sc_mama4

    What are your portion sizes?

    I think this surgery for everyone and myself is discovering how to use ur food as fuel instead of comfort. If ur body is hungry actually hungry u put fuel in it. I think everything's gonna click with u like mine has. I now go thru a grocery store in 20 mins and don't read lables bc I already know 90% unless it's new then I have to educate myself. I personally love salad. I will do like a vinegar dressing instead of cream based. One thing we have to watch tho is sprouts becareful with them they carry salmonella and u can get sick from em. I personally love them but I don't like praying to the toilet lol. Snacks for me I will do turkey pepperonis and string cheese I like those or I will do a small cup they look like yogurt cups of cottage cheese and I will put a few chunks of fresh pineapple on it with bannana.
  13. I have yet to figure out why some men are asses. My ex is a sociopath. I wish I were kidding but he is insane. I've talked to my therapist about him and his actions. Before I left I had a cat that came up to me one day pregnant. I fed her and took care of her outside bc that's how I am. Well I noticed she gave birth so I started feeding her with cream in her dish. Well she came up to eat from where ever she had her babies and my ex took his 45 and shot my cat right in front of me and laughed and said "that's a dead p***y" I had just lost my mom and my dog and I literally sat screaming. He would wound deer just so he could slit their throat. I mean this man is crazy. Which is why I fled like I did. Before I left I slept with all three kids in bed with me. I would tell myself if he's going to kill me he's gonna have to do it with me protecting them all. I would sit and shake constantly. His favorite thing to do was to scream as loud as he could while I was cooking or watching tv and he'd laugh to see me throw up bc it scared me that bad. Finally when I left I just left everything we owned behind and to know how much we went through and to see how blessed we are now is amazing. God really got us out and took care of us in so many ways. Anyway that's why I'm terrified of him finding us but my bf like I said got me a ruger and the anxiety has dropped bc I know my dog would alert me and I would have them shot before they knew it. My kids also have a spot incase its the day and we have a saying they know when they hear that to find their spot bc the firearm is coming out so. Its sad I have to live this way and what's sadder is my ex now lives with a single mom and three daughters and I just pray he doesn't kill her but I can't alert her without putting myself in danger. I won't even ask for child support from him. My bf called him and he agreed to allow adoption if we paid and my bf said he would and he'd ship him the papers. The thing about him is he's the opportunistic kind and lazy. He isn't going to track and follow and work to find me. That's how he operates is on opportunity ..so I do have that in my favor. Anyway I'm rambling sorry.
  14. My dog is three and he's a dachshund named Copper. The amazing thing about this lil man is his ability to tell me I'm about to seize. He will literally go bizerk and alert the neighbors two miles uproar lol from barking I'm jk but he does sense them before I even do. He's amazing always there to lay beside me and knows when I've had surgery he typically lays on me but when I'm hurting he snuggles beside of me. Do yall have a pet? [ATTACH]3112[/ATTACH]
  15. sc_mama4


    Hey sis ...one u share ur new bday with my daughter!!! Congrats. My hospital stay was five days also and ran into complications. I wanted to tell u I'm five years out and night before last I had made beets and spinach noodles and my stomach talked from 9pm until 3pm the next day. I woukdnt call what I had diarrhea bc it was more like pure Water. It was so bad I actually recorded it from my cell phone and let my bf listen to it. Mine wasn't painful but (this gonna be tmi) I knew if I passed gas I'd use the bathroom so everytime I had to do that I had to hop out of bed run to the bathroom and do it and I believe I couldve made the guiness books for those ..wow. I took immodium and pepto all night and then it quit. I figured what's causing it and I'm on a prednisone pack right now for a severe sinus infection. I'm sure with ur pneumonia ur on antibiotics and that is where all this gas and diarrhea is coming from I'm willing to bet on it. There's nothing u can do bc u need that to get rid of the pneumonia.. just hang in there and msg me if u need too. Lots of love
  16. sc_mama4

    butt pain

    Girl me too. I have no butt or boobs. Sitting in a bath tub hurts like hell. It hurts to sit in my bfs lap bc he says my boney butt hurts. Your going to notice this for at least two years. I sleep with so many pillows I look like an elderly woman lives here and the mattress I have was over 3grand. I've tried them all select comforts temper pedics and now this one. It hurts to lose weight and u will notice bruises on ur hips and stuff too. I would tell u it gets better but in five years out and I still ache. So..
  17. Mine pees when he's mad ... :-/ It is calming and I love him UNTIL its midnight and he goes tearing off the bed barking growling insane hair up at NOTHING (that I can see at least) since I fled that abusive relationship I've been terrified he'd find me and everytime my dog does this I think omg it'd him and go into a panic. It was so bad in Dec when I cane hone from surgery I called 911 and the cops here knows our story bc my ex called cps and everything on me lying trying to get my address. The cops know our case now and the one cop that has been dispatched here for various bs calls welfare checks etc came to the door. He said as soon as he heard my last name over the radio he responded and would bc he promised "that Marine your with I'd watch you" turns out my bf asked him to keep a eye on us last bs call this cop got. When he showed up he walked through the entire house and said for me to go to bed he would personally do drive throughs every two hours bc when they came in there was a suspicious vehicle leaving the empty houses driveway near us and the way ny dog was acting yall there was somebody there u just know ur dog. Well now I've explained all that uselessness lol I now own a gun LOL. So u come in my house at night first u gonna meet Copper Meyer my mighty weenie then u gonna met Ray my Ruger and at least three hollow points lol.
  18. sc_mama4


    Or they've got a hell of an excuse as to why not too and is smarter than us. Girls its not I have a headache excuse anymore!! Its a do u want to drive me to the hospital and explain why I'm dumping?? I thought not lol. I don't see how it could but I can see how early out it could be a irritant I mean ur stomach is healing and real sensitive so I can see how it could make some sick ..I mean if u did and threw up do u know how painful it is to dry heeve post op ... Haha fking horrible.
  19. sc_mama4

    Bad Day..

    Wow. I finally feel normal. I've had some of those and my prior relationship he abused and hurt me so bad that now in this relationship I'm terrified to say I'm sick. Hence why I walked around for weeks with a ruptured appendix. Now with this spasms I think he's finally getting why I am disabled and its not just seizures it'd a basket of problems. I found on his phone yesterday where he had been researching the pain I'm in and how severe. I smiled for a second and thought maybe this time God has sent me somebody who truly does care bc like u said in waiting for the day I'm left. Its sad really sad u go through hell just to go thru hell.
  20. I swear without my lil weenie Idk what I'd do. He's seriously like my comfort blanket. In Nov-Dec after my appendectomy my bf went and bought me a bear similar to him so I could sleep.
  21. sc_mama4

    Bad Day..

    I'm up for a egd so I see that coming. What they find I have no clue. Hopefully its something that requires minimal invasion to my body bc major surgery is getting harder and harder to recover from. Got split wide open in Nov for a ruptured appendix that had hardened into a mass they had to cut out. . .I got pics of that ugly baby I birthed LOL. I was feeling better for the first time since before the appendix and now it's just one thing after another.
  22. sc_mama4


    Lmao I just snorted at that. Oh Lord.
  23. If I could attach a video yall could hear the insane internal argument my gut is having and has been since 9pm. Yeah no sleep tonight but I'm surely burning the calories running to the dang bathroom. Immodium and pepto = FAIL... I believe somebody has a voodoo doll of me. . .seriously lol. At this point I'm crackin jokes and destroying the ozone with the methane I'm producing. Apparently my body doesnt agree with beets and spinach combined. Yup my body is a one man band tonight. Felt the need to notify yall of this. LoL
  24. sc_mama4

    Holy BAThroom...

    I recorded the noises and Austin was dying laughing said it sounds like prediator lololol

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