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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by sc_mama4

  1. No one is shoving anything down your throat its online u have the choice to read or you have the choice to ignore. So why not ignore and just stay with all the non complicated perfect ones? Nobody stands over yal yelling read my story so even make such a problem about a issue that is so easily solved. :-/ And if you experience a problem just know we are all here to listen to you and try to help. Period.
  2. sc_mama4

    Aunt Flow during Surgery?

    I've had the same thing. Endo was bad and the cysts were terrible. I had to go through infertility treatments to get my girls. I had a lot of mc also which hurt me a lot. After my son I had my tubes tied. That seems to have caused my cycles to get heavier! I've never had them like now. Until I can get approved for that I'm ok dealing with it. Its just weird going all those years w a cycle maybe three times a year to now.
  3. Gosh. I hope u get better! Glad it wasn't a clot.. shew
  4. How do u know that by us giving a snippet in our replies that somebody despirate to find out why this or that's hurting isn't going to change and improve their life bc they did a random search on Google and up comes one of our threads? Honestly u can be as informed as much as possible but until you experience u really have no idea all you know is facts and honestly that doesn't compare to living it. Out of all the research I did I never read about volvulus, Hernias, spasms, unknow diarrhea, new sensitivities etc. I read on the prior forum how wonderful life changing and happy they all were. . .then here I sat thinking oh my god I'm the only person with this so I wouldn't even talk about it. My family really didn't understand nor did my friends. I don't think its right yall think we need to censor our posts bc you don't like to read repeats. Well I'm sorry if that's how it is but I have no family and all my friends are states away. So yeah I may repeat myself and annoy the hell out of you with my bad days but know that when your posting about the positives and progress the ones sick are behind yall supporting you and encouraging we deserve the same no matter if we do repeat ourselves a billion times we all cope differently and I for one am one of those habitual repeaters but look at my situation. My mother is dead, my biological father left me at 9mos I have no bros sisters aunts uncles. I'm disabled I spend my life inside the house day in and day out talking to a weiner dog. My bf just said yesterday how much more happier I seem since I joined this site. I go to a therapist weekly but I want friends I can rely on bitch to and laugh with. I already get treated like crap by medical profession all we want is to come here bs laugh and know there's support. Its not support if ur bias and only want to hear the good. Sorry but that isn't how things work and don't you think thst while yall are reading our bad days that we aren't sitting there mad we aren't apart of the non complicated groups? We don't like being this way matter of fact it pissed me off my surgery came with complications.
  5. sc_mama4

    Aunt Flow during Surgery?

    I've tried to get that also. Mainly bc I've had to have so many transfusions but my great insurance says no.. bit they'd rather pain thousands n hospital stays and transfusions? O.o
  6. sc_mama4

    malted milk?

    Yeah u def will know. I tried muscle milk and Lord thought I was dying.
  7. sc_mama4

    Feeling depressed

    LoL I see that stuff constantly and I'm subbed to Paula Deen lol good Lord. I'm also finishing up a prednisone pack and I swear I want to eat my phone LOL. U def don't need to see that. I know my first food porn was after surgery and s burger king commercial came on I had never really ate there before but oh my word I sobbed like a baby! Then felt like a goober lol. See if u can turn off their feed that way u can at least see the inspiring posts on fb instead of those. I'm sittin here giggling thinking about my post op days lol. Hang n it will pass soon or u will got nuts and wind up with just a handful of fb buddies lol
  8. I'm 5yrs out and I am brutally honest about this surgery. I am the type I'd rather you tell me like it is instead of sugar coating it. I've lied to myself almost my whole life with the "I don't eat that much.." excuse. I am where I am today because I did it to myself. The obesity I did myself and the surgery I did to myself. I accept my actions and trust me its a dark life when ur in a hospital and all u have is urself and ur thoughts. I do not intend to terrify ppl to have the surgery but I can say this I care enough for my fellow bari patients to tell yall the truth and what can happen. Bariatric surgery has became so mainstream now I fear a lot don't take this seriously hence why suicide, sex addictio. Or alcoholism rates are so high for us. The reason you will probably hear about my story in every post is bc I would have truly appreciated someone in my pre-op post-op days coming to me with the truth. Instead I felt dooped. Out of all the reading on forums etc not once were there a person openly honest about how it truly affected them. Do you know how hard it is to be deathly sick and you hear rude comments from nurses such as "bet ya wished u had just got a gym membership huh?!" Or to have your family just get tired of listening or you lose relationships bc of your condition? It really hurts to come to a site and literally pour your heart out only to be berated by somebody you look to for support. We may weave our story in all the time but we do so bc we know or HOPE fellow bari pt will listen and not mind to do so bc unlike everyone else we r all supposed to be on the same road. Accept us all no matter what bc haven't we lived a life of hell prior to surgery due to the constant degeading conments and stares...let this be the one place u can trust to come to and know ur not going to be hurt..we r all entitled to that. =)
  9. sc_mama4

    The hard wait

    Its hard I chose to take mine slow. Everybody did the workshop in Nov 2007 and most had surgery by Jan 08. I took my time and mine was finished in May 08. What I did was I started to visit the groups various ones and I listened and evaluated it all. I did a lot of educating myself on questions ppl typically forget to ask. I became very close with my surgeon also. Also during this time I started the prep to start my divorce after the surgery. Right now to keep ur mind off of 'when is it gonna be??!!' Find u a group visit many and listen..do ur research understand the process and really educate urself nothing will impress a Dr more than coming in fully educated on the surgery he's going to perform. Know the different types and how they all work. Do you know what kind u may be having:? If u need anything msg me!
  10. sc_mama4

    malted milk?

    Oh and wanted to add too I will throw metamucile (sp) in there too and I'm getting s great dose of fiber that I don't get bc I don't eat breads.
  11. sc_mama4

    malted milk?

    I can't do the protein powder stuff its too much a d causes dumping I have a sensitivity to protein higher than 10g at a time. However, I make my own protein but its in a smoothy form. I use almond soy milk it is my favorite and I use low-fat yogurt and I put pecans in mine and it literally tastes like butternut icecream. I get 10g protein per 6oz and I drink these 4 times a day. . .as a snack moreless. I became lactose I tolerant after gb so I had to learn what I could and clouldnt tolerate lactose wise and that is a major pita. Oh and I wanted to add sometimes I will throw some tofu in with my shake and it upps the protein just make sure u blend that puppy up good its gross getting a sip of lumpy smoothie lol.
  12. I wanted to tell yall too if u can do subling or liquid anti emetocs call ur Dr and request a dramamine patch. It goes behind ur ear and I swear is amazing. I wore these for a while after my first peg surgery. It works and u don't have to struggle with swallowing something when ur dog sick.
  13. sc_mama4

    Discomfort When Eating

    Oh gosh. Well girl I'm five yrs out and having kinda the same problem but mine is called esphogeal spasms(nutcracker type) I'm trying to get that fixed now somehow waiting to see the srgeon. Since u r so short out it could be this a spasm or u could have a ulcer. When I had an ulcer I hurt right below my sternium at the very end where the zygomatic process ends..that's where my pouch is. That pain came on when I ate something mildly Spivey or took medicine and that pain was pretty intense actually caused diarrhea. Now my spasms start randomly and can be caused from eating or just by getting aggravated that feels like I've swallowed something wrong. The pain is sharp and intense in the center of my chest. Feels like a heartattack and like my body is being bear hugged tightly..it radiates into my back strraight between my shoulder blades. The best I can describe is if uve ever swallowed something wrong and ur eyes tear up and the pain is intense ..well that's how the spasms feel and there's two types u have mine and u have the kind where I vomit bc as soon as u go to swallow ur esphogaus goes nuts and u vomit. I have vomited with my spasms before and I'm telling u I'm crying on hands and knees to the Lord when that occurs. U need to call ur surgeon and he will prob want to set u up with a egd to find out. Til then try to stay hydrated and get ur Protein in..if it hurts to eat don't but make sure what ur drinking counts ok? Hang n ((hugs))
  14. sc_mama4

    Feeling depressed

    To both of yall. Its normal. Yeah it is ridiculous how much we live our lives around food! Its amazing I noticed that bc that was one of my first ah haha--bawling crying moments. U get it! Finally! This surgery is so much more about weight etc. Your gonna hurt and ir gonna twinge bc for one...we did hella damage to our bodies being obese as we lose our joints hurt and ache I know mine did. Mine hurt severe bc I was over 200lbs and a frickin cheerleader! I've had two surgeries on my knees so now that I'm a twig when it gets cold I walk like I'm 90! I ache everywhere. U r gonna find it hard to sleep as u lose cushion this is all normal. I keep telling others...ur grieving the death of a very special person which use to be food. Its not stupid to cry or get mad bc that's all the levels of grief. If yall need to msg me I will give yall my phone number and u can both call me crying bc I see myself when I read yalls story..all of us vets do. Hang in there and maybe block that person on fb for a while so u don't get to see the food porn. . .u can unsub from their notifications I believe. I always post my food recipes private just bc I use fb to store some of my junk LOL.
  15. sc_mama4

    Aunt Flow during Surgery?

    Mrslulu I'm a pcos girl too!!! That's what shocked the hell outta me when mine showed up. Now I'm like clock work something I never felt with before!
  16. sc_mama4

    My one year anniversary

    Yall are positively gorgeous. Keep it up!!
  17. sc_mama4

    Vitamins... Yuck!

    Actually I do gummies
  18. sc_mama4

    Aunt Flow during Surgery?

    Tmi FYI,: I actually went to surgery on mine and the Dr made me remove my tampon and lay on chux pad.
  19. Looking and reading u all are beautiful. Keep it up!
  20. Any update doll??:
  21. sc_mama4


    It seemed mine got worse. I started having problems in 2004 due to a call I responded to. Since then I've had nothing bit sleep problems. I bet yall can relate to this. . I always say o wished I could lay my head down and go to sleep normally again...I dont see that ever occuring naturally again. However seeing that half the board has this at least I know when I can sleep yall will be here at ,2am to chat with lol
  22. sc_mama4


    I wanted to add if u go natural homeopathic remedies go to bath n body and buy the lavender apothecary line and use that. When I was preg helped a lot!!
  23. sc_mama4

    butt pain

    Yeah I lost my mind when I lost the weight lol. Sad but true
  24. sc_mama4

    butt pain

    I wish I had that prob w my boobs I'm afraid to jump bc I'm afraid my nips will fly off and then I really won't have anything lol

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
