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Everything posted by sc_mama4

  1. sc_mama4

    Band to RNY..first steps

    I was reading some of yalls siggies. Was there a reason you did the band first and not rny or what? Like with me they said I didn't qualify for the vs, band, ds bc I had GERD so severe I actually sprayed the radiologist during a swallow study..they give u that like alcaseltzer (sp) tab stuff and it got half way and I went to say I'm gonna puke and when I opened my mouth it was full Linda Blair everywhere, impressive but gross lol. Anyway, I was just wondering about that that's gotta be hard having to go thru two major surgeries like that..I couldn't imagine.
  2. sc_mama4

    Just had surgery

    Welcome!!! Its great to hear your doing well and on your way to bikini season. . .great timing in my opinion to have surgery :-D Stella I'm a rny pt and Im not familar with a mini gb but hopefully someone here has been there and can help u out. If either of yall need to talk feel free to msg me anytime.
  3. sc_mama4

    shoe size

    Oh yeah! Mine went from 8.5 to a 7!
  4. sc_mama4


    Lmfao @Gin Holy mother of whale that was funny. I can see us girls.. Yes um we will have the salad with a side of ejaculate and ah what the hell I'm splurging this time bring me a pound of it.. can't get enough of that tastey sauce I like to put it on everything!! O.o
  5. Delt with this type. I had to let my peg drain into a bag. My ex got in the car and said my god you stink and that's nasty. O was pit down constsnly by him. It hurt so bad. Just know there are men out there that will see u for u. Hugs I know how u feel really I do.
  6. Sounds ur a go for journey. Gluck! Msg me anytime I'm a military s.o also.
  7. sc_mama4

    The hard wait

    Ur more than welcome!
  8. sc_mama4

    butt pain

    I sat on a pillow driving
  9. sc_mama4

    Marriage after surgery

    Well. In 06 I discovered my husband had been cheating homosexuality since we wed. I gave chance after chance and nothing. Finally it hit me one day I don't need him so I began getting my life I. Order the surgery etc and knew I was filing after surgery. I ended mine but it was something I had to do I cpuldnt take the betrayal any longer. Towards the end he changed fro jekyl to hide constsntly. I vowed this. I made the choice to better my self and left. Rny can someti ed be our fairy god mothers. Hugs!
  10. sc_mama4


    I was thinking the same bout the Dr. I hate calling them ugh. Its normal to swell up like a marshnellow either. . So
  11. sc_mama4

    butt pain

    Ok I feel so stupid what's defensive driving online? LoL I read that three times and still did the monkey head scratch. When I lost down to ny smallest I actually developed a pressure ulcer on my behind from driving. I had no clue what it was til I went to the Dr. O.o
  12. sc_mama4

    Feeling depressed

    U know I use to hate cooking bc my feet hurt to stand when I was obese. Now that I can I've turned into a Paula Deen lol. Pinterest is my haven. I go there and try stuff constantly. My kids don't realize how often they eat tofu (they think its a jiggly cheese lol) however becareful with tofu and ur boyfriend husband or whatever bc I can't remember what my nut said but it can kill testosterone or something like that in men and if u plan on kids that may affect. I can't remember what it did but u can Google it. I love to cook so much now and its theraputic to me. I laugh bc ny exs never got to eat like my bf does lol.
  13. Oh gosh. Yeah been there. All I can say girl is u keep pushing and yelling something isn't right. Dont take no for an answer. Its hard to deal with incompetence and we run into this sorts thing constantly. Tomorrow call around and tell ur story and see if that gets u anywhere. I know it took me driving two hours to finally get help. I hope and pray u don't. I know how aggravated u feel bc I feel it frequently. My insurance wouldn't pay for migrane medicine and I asked how much out of pocket and I couldn't afford it. I sat crying on the phone begging them to over ride and get the medicine they told me no flat out. So that night I had to suffer with a migrane so bad I was vomiting which made it hurt a billion times worse. I know its insignificant but ur not alone in this and I'm here for u. Don't get discouraged the Lord wouldn't let u come this far just to stall. We will figure out something. Ok??
  14. Were u diabetic before?? See I was starting to have problems w my feet before surgery. Like I worked 19hourd and didn't realize I had rubbed a blister so bad on ny toe it resembled a 3rd degree burn. A lot of drs doesn't understand bariatric surgery. I still have to remind no nsaids etc. and then I still get a look with a well why not? SMH! O the joy of explaining mal absorption and medication that one is always fun too. U may wanna ask to be referred to a neurologist that also specializes in pain management. They may be able to do something there for the nerve damage or at least make the pain bearable.
  15. I'm five yrs out n May. I have never had the numb extremities before but I do stay cold. I shiver constantly and I am almost always lethargic. I never miss a dose in Vitamins or b12 and I'm still tired. I was staying very anemic which can contribute to being tired but they sent me to a oncologist and I did a full day of Iron transfusions. So far my levels has stayed above 10. I don't know what to tell you on how to go about getting help bc I can barely get help myself. Doctors look at us as if we're idiots and we are treated like we are less than a human bc we chose to ha e bariatric surgery. Its very depressing not being able to get help or to even have support behind you when your sick everybody just assumes all we do is sit around and whine. I always say I wish my body had a meter that would show my pain illness etc bc then and only then would ppl start treating us with respect and a tad bit of empathy. I wish I knew what to tell you to do to get help but I just don't know and that breaks my heart for ya. So all I can really offer is support and to let u know in here if u need to chat. ((Hugs))
  16. Shyanne I feel the same way. I look at it like I had to go through all of that to be where I am today and where I am today includes so much more than just weightloss. It includes an amazing partner who gave me an amazing family to rely on since I had lost mine and I look back often and say I went through that hell but the Lord rewarded me greatly in the end. My surgery and everyones changes more than their weight I say it changes their life and that's why I always say the Kelly that got on that table in May died and a new one woke up and to that I thank God for that. There's a song by Mary J Blige called stronger and one lyric says : I'm stronger, stronger, stronger Sometimes I can't believe That you are with me There's nobody lucky as me So I get on my knees To make sure that He Knows that I'm grateful For what He gave me I will survive I will survive As long as it's you by my side We've been through the storm We've been through it all We had some close calls But never would fall We climbed all the mountains Walked through all the valleys And you never left me behind I found my way through the clouds No more runnin' scared and closing my eyes, oh I will be true, this love from my heart I'm laying my life on the line Oh, I will survive Thought somebody could relate to that song also. Its kinda my anthem
  17. sc_mama4

    foods cooked in oil

    Becareful with oils bc if u lost ur gallbladder u can get the runs and that ain't fun.. I have a recipe for baked fried chicken and it tastes just like its been fried..if u wanna try it.
  18. My brains fartin... Let me think back and see what I can search down recipe wise from my files. Can u let me know what u like and can tolerate??
  19. Now with that said lets move the hell on and be nosey about what's for dinner tonight!! LoL Lotsa love to all yall. And naw for real what we eatin I'm hungry. . . <3
  20. sc_mama4

    V8 energy drink

    Idk. I didn't even know they had one out. Next grocery trip I will try to scope one out and see. Basically bout all ya can do is SIP and wait. If ya feel sick u got ur answer lol.
  21. sc_mama4

    look at this

    To all of yall addicted to the scale look at this and know: [ATTACH]3142[/ATTACH]
  22. sc_mama4

    look at this

    LoL!!! We all do and funny story my bf who is a Marine has this issue now also. I put him on my diet and I control his portions from June last year til now he went from 230-192. He's on that thing constantly. I don't weigh myself bc typically my clothes tell me. Its hard not to get addicted to it. From a 20--> a 10 wOw!!! Girl its kini season and prob time to hit Plato's closet if u have one. Congrats u gonna be smoking for beach season!!
  23. sc_mama4

    The hard wait

    Ok. Well that's a start. If you need help u holler at me anytime day or night!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
