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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by sc_mama4

  1. sc_mama4


    What phase diet u on?? Still puree or blands??
  2. sc_mama4

    Need some advice

    I got to thinking too. It may not be jealousy it maybe sheer panic. They have groups out there for rny pt and fsmilys w a member with rny. Perhaps that's it??
  3. sc_mama4

    Need some advice

    That's what I ran into and I now have chronic stomach pain from stress. Its just not healthy and even though its harsh this surgery is hard enough to deal with u just don't need more on top of the emotional roller coaster u go thru from rny. Family comes around they always do and let em know I love you but I can't deal with this and that on top of this its just too much and just ignore. That's what I did and I think my family got the hint. After all its not their fight its yours and only yours. You'll be fine and things will work out but for now like ya said concentrate on u... Take care xoxo
  4. sc_mama4

    Stoppes losing

    I leveled out at a year and a half. My weight has stayed between 125-135. Typically I will gain weight right before my cycle.
  5. sc_mama4

    Need some advice

    To be honest I use to be the girl who put up with everything. Now I could careless what you think. I want a life calm and peaceful. I actually cut ties with my moms sister in January bc she's 1) a alcoholic and 2) got pissed I tracked down my mothers organ recipients then had the largest newspaper back home do a story on her. She wrote me on fb first and I called her up and called her out. I don't care what people think of me. You need to do what's going to be condusive for you. Drama causes problems health, emotional etc. Your body is already going through enough. I can't tell u the decision to make but you need to weigh it down to what's the best for YOU not THEM. Good luck and hang in.
  6. sc_mama4


    I went from 240 to 128 I have minimal sagging in my legs and I mean a little bit and none in my arms. However I've had three children and 3 c sections my stomach looks like a war zone. I wear a size 3-4 in jeans but if I had a tuck it would probably be a 0-2 bc in the 3-4's their baggy in my legs. I'm also five years out. I moisturized my skin a lot also but every body is different. I was n wlsg with a girl who had a washboard stomach after her wls. So it all depends. Don't waste ur money on gimmicks though k.
  7. Lmfao o m g I laughed my ass off at yall!! And ur husband Lmao u gonna catch him doing back street undercover deals Lmao. I was the same way but I had last supper syndrome. I ate Mexican food and I'm not kidding I think I ordered one of everything and ate and ate and ate. Then my friends threw a big bbq for my surgery and I drank like a fish and remember log rolling down a hill on post yelling at my GI buddies only fluffys can get speed like that o.O then took a bath w all my clothed on and puked on my foot. ..ppl u are drunk when u puke on ur own foot and u go ..well damn. I'm tellin ya I was a mess. LoL listening to yall reminded me of so much of what I went through. Then the day of surgery they left me alone in pre op and I was paniced so bad I thought about bailing. LoL I swear our minds at times can be horrible to live with. Yall hang in there and in two yrs we will look back and laugh our asses off at this stuff.
  8. I've tried just about everybody's responses on this. Personally I look straight through them when they make comments like that. After a while you just become immune just like I became immune to being teased for being obese. Since you have to work with em I'd just say uh huh and go about my business after she realizes ur not even listening she'll shut up. I know its easier said but don't u allow anyone to bring you down this is ur moment in life not theirs. =)
  9. sc_mama4

    butt pain

    Ur foot should be gettin lighter not heavier.. o.O. lol
  10. sc_mama4

    Just had surgery

    Is she on a pre op diet? If so her NUT should have provided her with some literature on what to eat. I'm not sure of her plan and I'd hate to tell u wrong. Every surgeon has diff plans. If u can tell me kinda what her lines are I can give u some ideas of what I try to stick to.
  11. sc_mama4

    Hello Hello Everyone.

    Where here go help I all they wahy
  12. sc_mama4

    butt pain

    Oh ok. My knees hurt bad also..especially in the cold.
  13. sc_mama4

    Ultrasound tomorrow

    I was a little over a year and a half. I had to have infertility treatments with my daughter and was told it would take a act of god to get preg naturally...well it did and I did a year and a half out while on yasmin birth control. I had my tubes tied during his csection and i regret it.
  14. sc_mama4

    Help! pro-op weight loss

    Don't let it. Enjoy it . Sounds like u need this song also http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=Et-ACnr_Oqc&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DEt-ACnr_Oqc
  15. sc_mama4

    not givin up

    Very welcome.
  16. sc_mama4

    not givin up

    Stay focused and try not to get discouraged. Reach out when u need help. Hang in and stay positive.
  17. sc_mama4

    Got my date!

    Congrats and good luck!!!
  18. sc_mama4

    Please help...

    Just like everybody else said I'm with them but wanted to add. When you go thru a surgery as significant as we did your body holds on to junk. Like me it was the weirdest thing but I sweated like a pig. I swelled up too and had all this diff sorts of post op things. So once ur body has derided from the anesthsia and all those drugs u should notice a big difference. Patience young grasshopper =)
  19. sc_mama4

    3 months post op

    First u need to take ur patootie to the dollar store buy u 3-4 full length mirrors their 5 bucks and hang them up bc ur gonna wanna look at that a lot more often and without the risk of breaking ur neck lol. I positively love those shoes..u lookin hot there mama really.
  20. sc_mama4

    Band to RNY..first steps

    Oh ok. My hair dresser had the band first and I watched her struggle a lot with losing down to what she wanted to lose. Like shed want the Dr to put more than so many cc/mL's in and he wouldnt. I just wasn't sure if maybe civilian docs make this first and then revise with rny. See my rny was done by the military and I personally believe that's why I wound up with complications. I was very naive and should have used a highly reputable surgeon instead of the military that more less used me as a guinea pig
  21. sc_mama4

    RNY youtube video

    Anvel(sp) not angel..sorry
  22. sc_mama4

    RNY youtube video

    That's what I watched prior to my surgery my surgeon came over to explain and I said something like then u take that angel(sp) thing and create the pouch he said huh u have been researching.. I just laughed.
  23. sc_mama4

    Help! pro-op weight loss

    I dieted like I had already had the surgery. I lost 30lbs. I used the elliptical machine for a hour and a half every other day. I had a lot of problems with eating. I tell ppl I suffered from last supper syndrome and I'm not kidding I did and it was bad. I cut out sodas and switched to water. I would drink one whole glass of water prior to eating and then I would eat. I also wouldn't allow myself to eat past 8pm unless I became hypoglycemic then I'd do a glucerna drink. I never had problems getting the will power to lose my dang problem was keeping the weight off. It was a constant battle. If need to you can pm me and I can tell you how I eat and see if maybe that will help you reason I'm offering that is bc my bf went from 230 I. May last year to 192 now bc he allowed me to do his portions and cook. We hardly eat out. I wish u luck I know how frustrating this can be.
  24. What your going through is normal and all of us has been where you are. I want you to watch this video and read the lyrics. This song is your life right now and it tells you what an amazing gift your going to have once this passes. You chose to save your life and you have come this far. You are now in charge not your weight so don't let it tell you anything different. Your going to make it and if needed I can give you my number and u can call me anytime. I'm here for you anytime day or night but first watch and read the lyrics of this song. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=Et-ACnr_Oqc&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DEt-ACnr_Oqc Lots of love((((((((hugs))))))))
  25. sc_mama4

    Ultrasound tomorrow

    Lots and lots of luck coming your way. My son is a gb baby and he's healthy as a horse and I'm sure ur lil man will be the same!

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