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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Darragha

  1. I'm already ordering off appetizer menues and/or getting Soup just to put myself in "band mode." Darr :car:
  2. Darragha

    diet soda

    I was told that gas bubbles might reek havoc on me if I drink carbonated beverages. "Terminal gas pains" in the chest and shoulder area. A nice bit of news was that I can still drink a cup of Joe w/ milk and count the milk as a Protein after being banded. One month to go! Darr
  3. I'm so sorry. To quote the movie, "The Mummy," Nasty little men like you always get their comeuppance. Always. What goes 'round, comes 'round. He'll find that out, huh?
  4. He couldn't handle the stress of you being ill or he's just a putz?Does he have addictions that distract him? Not to pry, but he sounds a lot like my former husband (1983-1988) who thought it was better to go look for pot than to help me move from our upper floor apartment to a rental house. Where were his priorities? In his bong. Darr
  5. Been married 17 years. Have an incredibly solid relationship. My weight has affected only the venues of our love-making but not the act itself. We're looking forward to a bit of spontaneous elevator sex when my weight drops. Going up! My husband expressed concerns not about me becoming interested in other men, but in men "looking" at me. He has nothing to worry about, yanno? I love him so deeply that if Sean Connery and Sam Elliott were offering, I'd turn them both down. If we find ourselves heading for a bump in the road, we'll chant together and use the problem as a springboard for growth. We've done it before! Darr
  6. I believe my banding will be done internally, near the top of my stomach. If I wake up from the anesthesia and find out the doctor banded my right foot, there'll be hell to pay. Darr
  7. Muscles and ligaments get all tweaked during any surgical invasion. Could it be various internal filaments balking at movement until their bruising heals?
  8. Darragha

    What do you tell people at work

    Alien abduction. I'm taking 2 weeks off after being banded. When I return, I think I'll say, "alien abduction." The day job can always use a little humor injected into its hard a**. Darr
  9. I am the guest blogger at food. I'm giving away a free ebook download from the "Darragha collection" (or one of my books for those who might think I'm talking about something from the Franklin Mint). I'm giving credit where credit is due. Thanks goes to my parents and step-parents, my long-time friends at TLC and my new friends at Lapbandtalk. I would not have had the right mind to make a decision about having lapband surgery without the good influences of TLC, the knowledge I needed to make my decision without Lapbandtalk, nor the financial means without the support of my parents. Join me! Thank you, Darragha
  10. Darragha

    on the fence

    scales are for fishes. How do you clothes fit?
  11. I bet this is happening all over the place. Most restaurant meals are "two meals on a plate" yanno? Who really needs that much food? Plus the bread and dessert and drinks...
  12. 9/19! Dr. Montgomery, Everett, WA!
  13. Darragha

    Ok. This liquid diet stinks---help me!!

    Exactly! That's what I want to see! You rock! Darr
  14. Darragha

    Its A Done Deal

    Brava! I believe you've made a great decision!
  15. Darragha

    Keeping a journal/blog

    Yes. See links below. Enjoy!
  16. Darragha

    on the fence

    Thanks. Do I get to have one panic after post-banding? It seems to me that the decision to band is a sound one por moi. I am a professional dieter. I'd like stop that foolishness and work in concert with my band to a healthier, sexier (then again, I am pretty sexy now according to my husband), able-to-fit-my-butt-in-airline-seats Darragha.
  17. Darragha

    Ok. This liquid diet stinks---help me!!

    It does suck. It really does. But shrinking my liver is what it's about right now. Little liver little liver little liver. We'll both make it. Darr
  18. Darragha

    Losing weight too quickly??

    My husband lost 12lbs his first week on WW. It's possible! Congrats on the great start! Since humans are "ugly bags of mostly water" (to quote Star Trek)--maybe you had some excess liquid in your system. Darr
  19. Darragha

    on the fence

    Please note: I have not yet been banded. However, it seems these questions have been asked and answered on this forum, and it is therein I have gleaned my responses. are you able to have a normal life? Normal is only one hat we all wear depending upon circumstances. Enjoy life more than being fat? Yes. Have a life, in general? Yes. Weight loss = better health. Better health = longer life. In general. Statistically speaking. can you sit down to dinner with your family? What? After a lapband surgery you have no chairs in your house any longer? You can do everything with your family you did before. Only better. can you eat out with friends? From attacking and chewing on cattle in the fields to dining at a five-star joint, yes. Having a lapband does not prevent you from enjoying the company of friends, ordering food away from home or eating in general. Are you constantly thinking about food and how/what to eat? Probably. If you don't use the tool you just put inside you by thinking ahead, planning and learning the tricks, you will puke. Hopefully not in front of the friends, as noted above. 24 hours away, huh? Have you ever dieted before? Without the tool of the band will you be heading down the diet path again? Please share your decision! Darr
  20. Darragha

    what if i can't do it??

    I started my pre-op diet 8/1--and my surgery is 9/19. Until I had a "plan" from the doctor, I was doing low carb. I like low carb. I feel good on low carb. After my initial appts, and 3 cases of Medifast later, I am on "4 Medifasts" and "one meal" a day. I find I do best if I eat (not devour...oy) my "one meal" midday. Medifast for Breakfast, Medifast for a snack. lunch. Medifast for a snack. Medifast for dinner. A yogurt as a snack later in the evening. I'm pretty sure it's going to do me in. News flash: Darragha gets trapped under 800 calories a day. Film at 11. For the love of God....someone help that poor woman! Yes, I am going crazy. Darr
  21. Jeez...this pre-op weight loss is hard! I'm on 800 calories a day. Found myself feeling exhausted and upped my caloric intake to 1000/day. Doing 30 minutes of walking on 610 calories does not work for me. Can anyone say, "Abandon ship! Darragha's going down!" Today I ate some chicken for lunch snip snap snop. It was gone. Did I chew? I don't think so. Did I even notice or enjoy the food as it went from plate to gob? Nope. I am more full right now than I have felt in over 2 weeks because I snarfed my food! At least it was lean chicken and not a vat of pasta--but I snarfed my food! I'm supposed to be working on NOT blinding shoveling and performing serious snarfage rituals. Chew chew chew. Eat slowly. Consider your meal as a guest to your body and don't devour it in one bite! I am not the Big Bad Wolf! But today, I feel like it. Get your fingers away or you might be in some serious trouble {{{snap!}}} Darr
  22. Darragha

    Rock bottom

    You didn't say what kind of 6-month "wait" you're going to do. If your insurance company requires you to "diet" for 6 months prior to its paying for your WLS, please consider getting off "all white foods." No bread, spuds, rice, etc. I found personally, that my PCOS was relieved by a low refined carb way of eating. Sugar was my enemy. Bleached flours and high glycemic foods were my enemy. Your mood will improve once you get through the detox. My depression was all blood-sugar related! Your health will improve and you'll be able to mae it that 6 months in a happier state of mind. Congrats on starting your journey and welcome to this forum (my new favorite haunt)! Darr
  23. Darragha

    charley horses ...

    I've been waking with Charley Horses in my calves and forearms. Painful as all get out. I'm taking supplements and Calcium. Not sure what the problem is! Darr
  24. Darragha

    *Expanding Horizons*

    I have Jessi Ahroni's book. I think it is quite informative--but I mostly purchased it because it is published through iUniverse--a self-publishing company. This woman did all the work to get her book published, herself. From writing, editing, promoting to warehousing. Self-publishing is a hard road and I support the independent authors of the world! Some of the most well-written books I've read have been from the realm of "self-publishing." Such as "The Christmas Box," and "The Wizard of Oz." Support small press authors! Whoo...off my soap-box now. That was good exercise, that climbing up and climbing down... :confused: Darr
  25. I've ended my love affair with food. Our impending "forced" separation will be good for us both. Nothing tastes as good as thin feels--and I am going to be able to live that phrase, as if I don't, I will puke.

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