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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Darragha

  1. Darragha

    5 days post op......

    My doctor at NWWLS is using a "new" band--and the protocols for it are different than what I was initially told. With this new band, I'll be on 1 week of liquids, 1 week of mushies and then on to solids. I'll find out more at my pre-op on 9/10. Darr
  2. My husband is going to take two days off. I'm being banded in Everett, Washington on 9/19--and should be home later that day. He's staying home on the 20th, but then I'll be on my own. But I'm taking two weeks off. I have enough sick leave accrued at the day job to choke a horse and I'm taking some of it. I'm betting that after a few days I'm going to up and around and doing just fine--so I'll have an amazing about of "me" time which is something rare, indeed. Husband at work, daughter at school...it'll be just me, my miniature dachshund, the cat from hell and my current "writing in progress." Betcha I'll finish writing that book during my two weeks off, too! A friend of mine, banded a year ago, told me she lost 30lbs in three weeks after her initial banding. She's dropped 100lbs in a year. I saw her eating (about a tablespoon each of foods she knew she could tolerate) and *not* drinking after eating (which she said is hard) and over and over again she said "I love my band." Being with her at a family potluck and seeing someone well on their way, makes me even more excited to be *almost there."
  3. I'm very close to my band date and have been beginning to wonder the same things: will I miss food or will I miss the "breaking of bread" with family? I'm trying to remember that it's not a matter of whether or not I will ever be able to eat a plate of tempura again--it's the fact that chances are much better I'll be around, period. I think, in the long run, it doesn't matter that I'm having a bowl of miso Soup while they're eating sushi. We're together. I can do this! My prayers go out to anyone in Bandster Hell. I'll be joining you soon, I'm sure. Strength in numbers! Darr
  4. Darragha

    its over

    Please share your recovery story as the days progress.
  5. Darragha

    One final fat humiliation *I hope*

    Those skinny chicks (and bless them for their undoubtedly well-meaning innocence) will eat your dust in a year. {{{rubbing hands together manically}}} Darr
  6. Darragha

    "Gorged" on Mexican food last night....

    I read the title of this thread and immediately knew it was a "success story" as to a confession of being naughty. Congrats on not eating your way through a Mexican restaurant. I sooooo look forward to that day! Darragha
  7. I'm looking for a new concept to run a few ads in September-December on various "reader" sites. I'm toying with this idea...the hunk with wrists bound by a computer mouse cable. Think it's too much? Or not enough? What about this one? (And no...the photo is not of my husband and myself) Darr
  8. Darragha

    Out of the mouth of babes...

    "Okay, Mom! When you get skinny we're going to dress like sluts and rock out at a Shakira concert! I want people to mistake us for sisters!" So sayeth my 15.5 year old daughter. I have so much to look forward to. :girl_hug: Darr
  9. Darragha

    Thread Killers

    I could use that in a book. Anyone ever experience this? Goodness! Puts a whole new meaning to Port of Call, huh?
  10. Darragha

    Of Mice and Men (for sh*ts and giggles)

    I've uploaded four more "idea ads" to my blog. I don't want to waste bandwidth here, so if you can...please share your thoughts here. Here's one I like quite well... Thanks for your help. Darr
  11. Darragha

    Of Mice and Men (for sh*ts and giggles)

    Damn. I'll have to create an ad with a younger couple and post it.
  12. Darragha

    Of Mice and Men (for sh*ts and giggles)

    BitterOldHag! You may be my new best friend! Tell me more about your days in advertising. Generally speaking, I like creating my own ads when new books come out (which is about twice a year)--but I'm far from professional. I haunt stock photo sites and buy the ones I think I can put together to create a "quick story." Like the middle-aged couple in their kitchen. They're reading something on the laptop (an ebook, presumably) and then get "inspired." That's why I put the quote from a reader on the ad. Teach me, Yoda. Thanks, Darr
  13. Darragha

    My hair!!!!

    This hair-loss thing frightens me. I have really, really thick hair. I wear it short, and my hairdresser actually shaves off a layer underneath near my neck because I have heavy hair. I don't want to lose my hair! I feel like I think I'll talk to my hairdresser, buy the products mentioned, up my Vitamins and buy some Rogaine. Darr
  14. Darragha

    Total Meltdown; Pray For Hubby

    He just loves you, baby--and this must be how he's reacting to the stress of you having surgery. Was he this way when you had babies? I enjoyed reading your post. Any woman who gets up and unplugs her own IV is my kind of gal! Darr
  15. Holy cr*p! I might make it! I weighed myself on the bulk mail scale 'round back of the post office today and I'm 15lbs down from 7/31. I'm supposed to lose 20-25 before my surgery on 9/19. I am doing a major happy dance! (how many calories does happy dancing burn, any way?) Darr
  16. Said no to attending a potluck today. Didn't feel the need to sit there and not eat high-carb crap and explain why I wasn't eating the mac and cheese, yanno? I did just fine with my salad and chicken breast! Said no to gorging myself with pizza--which we ordered tonight for the first time in over a month. I ate one slice of thin crust and the cheese and tomatoes of three slices. This is quite a departure for me. I've been known to eat a whole large pizza in one sitting. It's not just getting the band--it's a new way of eating that is both a challenge and a victory in the same package. I knew things would change for me, but today, they really did. I am re-learning, re-thinking and evolving! :clap2: Darr
  17. Right there with you, sisters. I need to lose 20-25lbs before my surgery. I started my pre-op diet on August 1st and my surgery date is 9/19. I've lost about 13-15lbs. I'm on 800 healthy calories a day. Some of it is Medifast. Some of it is salad greens. Some of it is yogurt. I eat some grilled chicken or tuna, too. No more milkshakes. No more "daily doses" of pizza. No more "only one candy more." I really want to have the surgery and my wanting is bad enough to literally STOP ME dead in my tracks from overeating. This may be the first time in my life I've actually thought about what is going into my hand before it reaches my gob. Start now! You can do the pre-op diet as a warm-up for being banded. It's like walking around the block to get ready for a 5 mile run! Baby steps get you places!
  18. Darragha

    September 07 Roll Call

    9/19/07! Whoohoo!
  19. Darragha

    Saying "no" to food food food food food

    That's it! That's exactly it! Darr
  20. Darragha

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi I'm scheduled 9/19 at NWWLSC. I started my own "pre-op" diet on 8/1. I've lost 15lbs. 800 calories a day. I'm averaging about 880 calories per day for two weeks. I am a tad bit tired--but have been doing really well. Darr
  21. "Sandra" posted on my bandster blog that she'd like me to share the exercise my step-mother taught me to help with my low back pain while walking. 1) Walk heel to toe. Deliberately. I have a tendency to shuffle my feet. Walking heel to toe made a big freakin' difference in the pain in my lower back (sacroiliac) 2) Sit on a bench (she showed me this on a park bench), put your bottom all the way back and roll your shoulders forward with your arms extended and crossed in front of you. My lower back is the first thing to go when I'm walking. After doing this "stretch" a couple of times, the pain WAS GONE. Gone! My step-mother has done several courses of physiotherapy and has hired personal trainers in the past. The two steps above helped me walk longer and farther yesterday. And today, I'm down another pound! That's 13lbs lost since August 1st and about 10 more to go before I join the band. Darragha
  22. Our internal workings are miraculous. Thank you for posting those photos!
  23. Darragha

    Surgery to be delayed

    Ten? More power to you, sister. Oh, my!
  24. Darragha

    What do you eat for breakfast? I need ideas!

    Great ideas. I'm doing a Medifast and coffee for breakfast (pre-band phase). I'm finding that it's not that hard to give up bacon, eggs and toast. Hooray!
  25. Goodness, I hope so! In the book I'm writing right now (write now?) the heroine is 36 and the hero is 24. And in my book coming out in October, the heroine is 26 and the anti-hero (not quite the villain) is 18! Of course in my 9/17 release (2 days before my lapband surgery!), the heroine was born in 1864 and is over a hundred years older than the hero. Darr

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