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Done with this

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Done with this

  1. You need to not think of it as exercise. I just get off my butt and do something. Anything. Go out and window shop. Walk to the store if you have one near you and get yourself a Water and peanuts. You'll have Protein when you get home. Make a point to only get things you need for a day when shopping so you get out more. Eventually you'll be active and you'll feel so much better. Making new habits and consciously being aware to rid the bad ones. Sounds too good to be true.... that's what I thought.

  2. We have been legally separated for over a year. Divorce papers have been filed. He has long since moved on. I appreciate all of the feedback and for those of you that just want to say negative things and judge it's okay to have your own opinion. I was just looking to see if t was anyone else who has is walking in my shoes as promiscuity is an issue with people after they have the surgery. I have been to therapy and I do know right from wrong. I am not looking for approval or to make myself feel better for exposing it. I hope that there are people who have read this that may be in my shoes or have thought about it. I won't respond anymore and I am done with this forum.

  3. I am post op 3 years and drink caffeine on a regular basis. I have never had a problem with it. The only exception is coffee. I had to have my gallbladder removed a year after surgery and coffee makes me sicker than a dog. I drink caffeinated teas and diet sodas all day and hasn't ever been a problem. Not saying that you should do it, but it's not an issue for me. My bariatric doctor was also a patient and he drank coffee all day every day and he told me that if I can tolerate it then it's not an issue.

  4. I do not drink or do any drugs. I do not feel that this is an addiction. I have to clarify that when I say multiple partners I am talking 2 not 10. I really appreciate your feedback and it helps to know that people care enough to answer my question. When I say that my husband didn't change with me it was that he didn't get excited or support the way that I was changing. He didn't give me any attention and I didn't feel beautiful around him. If anything he made me feel that I wasn't attractive to him anymore because I was a different person on the outside. We went to therapy and tried to make it work.

    3 years 5 days ago I have gastric bypass surgery. 2 years 8 months ago I began cheating on my husband. He still to this day doesn't know that I have been out getting chased by men and being a very bad wife. We have been separated for a little over a year now. I didn't want to have sex with him after the surgery. Something changed in me that made me resent him and lost all attraction for him. He is a really good looking man and has all of the right anatomy. He loved me as a large woman and I became small very fast and he didn't change with me. I found that men were becoming more and more attentive and I was enjoying all of it. Once I broke the ice and cheated the first time it was all over for me. I wanted more and more and it was easy. I am in a relationship with another man and still cannot stay with one person. I am not sure how to stop this cycle and stop wanting more then one person at a time. I don't want to hurt anyone, but I feel no regret and I am really good at keeping it a secret. Any suggestions on what I should do? Do I keep on this path of being unfaithful or do I have to figure out a way to be committed to one person? It's very hard for me as I really enjoy having more "options"

    I read your OP as being full of contradictory words and messages (see red font above).

    It reads like you don't know what you want or what you think is best for you.

    Only you can answer these questions for yourself. Whether you and I would behave the same (or differently) doesn't really matter.

    BTW, if alcohol or drugs are involved in your sexual encounters with new people, you are flirting with major health risks. I sincerely hope that's not the case.

    For all these reasons, I think you would benefit greatly from finding and working with a good therapist.

    I know it took courage for you to post this. I wish you the very best.

  5. 3 years 5 days ago I have gastric bypass surgery. 2 years 8 months ago I began cheating on my husband. He still to this day doesn't know that I have been out getting chased by men and being a very bad wife. We have been separated for a little over a year now. I didn't want to have sex with him after the surgery. Something changed in me that made me resent him and lost all attraction for him. He is a really good looking man and has all of the right anatomy. He loved me as a large woman and I became small very fast and he didn't change with me. I found that men were becoming more and more attentive and I was enjoying all of it. Once I broke the ice and cheated the first time it was all over for me. I wanted more and more and it was easy. I am in a relationship with another man and still cannot stay with one person. I am not sure how to stop this cycle and stop wanting more then one person at a time. I don't want to hurt anyone, but I feel no regret and I am really good at keeping it a secret. Any suggestions on what I should do? Do I keep on this path of being unfaithful or do I have to figure out a way to be committed to one person? It's very hard for me as I really enjoy having more "options"

    1. You need to be very careful about the amount that you take. I have been to the hospital twice for an overdose of Tylenol. After surgery you are not supposed to take more than 1000mg a day. Make sure that you talk to your doctor about taking yourself off of other pain meds and replacing with Tylenol as this can cause major organ damage because you don't have the ability to absorb Vitamins and any medication like you once were able.

  6. I know how you are feeling and I still continue to have the anxiety that I am not losing or I am gaining and that I might fail at this, but you are doing great. Just keep taking your Protein and get out and walk walk walk. I have lost over the amount that the doctors said I would and I am still losing. I didn't lose it all in the first few weeks as I think it really starting coming off at aout 5 months. The scale will continue to go down and you will get used to your new body and then you will start to think you're back to the way you were, but keep those pictures close of what you looked like before the surgery and will smile. Don't lose your motivation to want to live a long healthy life and know that all you have to do is stick to your plan and you will do great! I had my doubts, but I am completely transformed. =)

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