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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Lou:)

  1. So I have been diagnosed with sphincter of oddi dysfunction. From the research I've done myself online I found that this is common among gastric bypass patients. Women are more susceptible than men. It is very annoying. I was able to get into my new pcp but she just said when I have the pain to take an antispasmodic med (which I've had for six months and it doesn't help) and she said to relax and tell myself there is nothing wrong with me and to try to wait out the pain. Not a chance. I feel a constant ache but when it flares up it is worse than a kidney stone or gallstone. Anyone been diagnosed with sphincter of oddi dysfunction and what do you do to help?

  2. Hi,

    I am almost three years post op. I have lost a total of 107 lbs. about a year ago I started having severe right upper abdominal pain. It was diagnosed as gallstones. I had my gallbladder removed 6/5/15. On 6/10/15 I wound up right back in the emergency room with the same pain. It was diagnosed as Constipation which I have not experienced that I am aware of as I have ibs with diarrhea. I went to the emergency probably every two weeks with the same problem until the end of October when it was realized I had pancreatitis. I underwent a laparoscopic ercp on 12/10/15 where it was found there was a gallstone stuck in the bile duct which was removed. Two days ago I had another attack. I went to the emergency room again and was again diagnosed with constipation. Due to all the changes with hmo plans this year I cannot see any of my regular doctors. I had to choose a new pcp and they don't have any appointments for two months. I am so lost and I have no idea what could be the problem now! I am so tired of going to the emergency room and feel bad for my husband because it seems this issue consistently ruins our plans. Please if anyone has any idea or experienced the same thing let me know!

  3. Front or backside of your leg and how far post op are you? I lost feeling in my left leg in the front after the lap band but it got a little better over time and then when I had the revision it got bad again. If it's the back side going down your buttocks then it is related to your back. Look up sciatica.

  4. I am 13 months post op and have had diarrhea since my surgery. Today I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy to check out what is going on. My doc said the following:

    1. My pouch is really really small.

    2. It does not really resemble a pouch it is closer to a tube - it goes from my esophagus pouch right to my small intestine.

    3. He believes since it is so small that as soon as I eat my food is going straight to the small intestine without being absorb properly.

    4 as a result of that he believes I am constantly dumping.

    Now this was a GI doc and not my surgeon. I have not talked with my surgeon yet.

    His diagnosis seems right to me. I don't have a feeling of fullness for very long' date=' and seem to be hungry quickly sometimes. I'm not sure what foods I really need to avoid as I did not have to go through food classes prior to surgery.

    Please help!


    I thought I was dumping all the time, but then it seems to be lactose intolerance. But today I had no dairy but I ate a boneless buffalo wing and I'm back on the toilet. The only thing that seems to keep me from having diarrhea is having the green smoothies from my nutribullet.

  5. Stupid people I dont think the should allow door to door sales people anymore

    I just don't answer the door if I don't know the person outside. I've got a peep hole. Also I may have found out why I've had the runs since surgery. Lactose intolerance. I did not have dairy last Friday and felt great all day and Saturday. I had milk on Sunday and was back on the pot all day. I decided to not have dairy since Monday again to try it and I have been regular since no dairy. I figured it out and I feel great now and not worried to go anywhere for fear of not being in the immediate proximity to a bathroom! I have missed five family vacations since surgery because of my fear of not knowing what the bathroom situation would be like...

  6. I'm 25. I started at 260 and three months later I'm at 222. I have always had tight skin. I am 5'8. I don't think I will end up with a lot of loose skin, but I am looking jiggley. I was not always overweight though. I gained 115 lbs in college. My friend went on her own diet last year and she started at 250. She got down to 175. She has been overweight all her life. She had a lot of loose skin. She is 5'4 and is 24 years old. I think it's all about the elasticity of your skin. She broke the diet and is now the same weight as me.

  7. I never feel hungry either. At least I don't think I do?? Sometimes have weird sensation that could be hunger. I am not used to all the changes yet. I do however get the full feeling. I always have a burp that starts to rumble up my chest and that is my sign to stop eating. I have heard some people get a runny nose when they are full. Anyone??

    I have had the runny nose while eating a few times but not often. I do get a runny nose when I go #2 though. Every time too.. I have no idea how that works.

  8. So.. am I the only one in this April group who doesn't feel hungry or full still?

    I know everyone is different and takes awhile for nerves to come back but Im not hungry ever' date=' or EVER ever feel a slight fullness. I still measure and eat when Im suppose to since I dont have any feeling down there..

    Anybody with me? Kinda scares me. ;)[/quote']

    On getting hungry a lot but I don't ever feel full so I have to watch it.

  9. My parents hated my tattoos especially my mother ' date=' I have 4 but after my dad passed away and she remarried a guy that has more tattoos than me

    HW 363lbs SD 4/16/13 CW 309lbs[/quote']

    Wow. That is kind of where my husband is with his family. His step mom just got a tattoo so his dad has stopped complaining about his. He doesn't want his wife mad at him. My dad saw a small part of one of mine and did not talk to me for three months so I don't know what he would do if he saw all of them. I think I have 15. Like I said I want to get my whole arm done when I reach my goal weight. I think tattoos are beautiful. I was an art major though too. I also want to learn to tattoo. I think I might end up getting disowned. I just want to do what makes me happy though. ...

  10. Well..my deeply traditional southern lady mother had told me I was gonna look like white trash :) yay me!! I do keep most covered up except what u can see in a tank top. She doesn't even know how many I have and my dad neither. I'd thought about getting a huge piece of my stomach :) it's FL and if I ever get to where I could wear a bikini I have lots of scars from previous surgeries as well. I've always been the rebel/black sheep. I'm kinda use to it now. Funny how she always runs to me for help and advice tho!!

    Yeah. I have been kind of the star of my family as well as the black sheep. My family is the southern meat and potatoes type. Hunti g and fishing. I used to hunt, but then was a vegetarian for four years. I couldn't keep my Protein up and had to begin eating meat again. I am the only person in my family to ever graduate college. Now with the tattoos I'm definitely the odd one out as no one in my family even has one tattoo. I'm the ONLY one.

  11. My mom hated mine at first and was really mad. A year later I asked her what shed like for her birthday' date=' she said "money cuz she was saving for a tattoo!" Very ironic I know. She got a cool vine with my dads initials in a heart.[/quote']

    That's nice she came around but I'm 100% positive my mom will never get a tattoo.

  12. I told her if my body is a temple my tattoos are the stained glass windows. She did not like that. She said I was scarring my body. I called her on that though because she has hee ears pierced and she had a breast reduction. You can't pick and choose what scars are ok and what's not. She didn't like that either. Most of mine are on my right leg because I'm doing a leg sleeve. She will not allow me to come to her house if my tattoos are visible. Once I'm at goal weight I want to get my left arm done. They can't expect me to wear a jacket in Texas. My husband doesn't want me to so it because he thinks my parents will disown me, but I think that is their loss. My husband has a lot more tattoos than me ans they don't care to see his because he is a boy. My dad doesn't even know how many I have because my mom will not let me show him. Same with grandparents etc. My mom hates my tattoos.

  13. I know and the support means alot to me. This is a medical professional as well who worked with me and should know the over all benefits. I just think its time to move on in that relationship cause I don't know if I can stay with someone who obviously thinks I'm "cheating". I do have to honestly say that's really about the only negative feedback I've had. My mom had my crying the day is surgery about how I was ruining my temple etc but honestly if that's the case..cheating or ruining my temple or whatever..I prob should have done it sooner! I do at least get up and move more now and feel so much better!

    Its funny your mom said you're ruining your temple. My mom gave me that speech about my tattoos, but did not seem to think wls was ruining my temple...

  14. Sorry that happened to you. I have had a few people congratulate me for being pregnant by several Wal-Mart employees on different occasions. I'm not pregnant nor have I ever been pregnant. The first time I was asking for help to check a registry to buy a gift. The second time I was buying scent free lotion and body wash because I have eczema. Both times were in front of my husband who is a twig. I was so embarrassed.

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