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Posts posted by ECUJenn

  1. I just took a 1/2 of a 10mg melatonin to see if I can sleep tonight. The loratab that I haven't had since Tuesday has kept me all wired up' date=' Benadryl did nothing for me last night. Praying I get some sleep tonight![/quote']

    Can you listen to music? I found this Pandora Relaxation Station when I was in the hospital and as cheesy as it sounds it has been so wonderful to help me fall asleep.

    HW 344, DOS 320, Surgery Date 2/20/13, CW 308 Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk

  2. I would kill for a scrambled egg. They told me I have to wait till soft food stage' date=' which is Monday! YAY! 7days post op and I made it through ten hours of school today, and back to work Monday. Overall, this was a much easier adventure then I thought it would be (so far). I have not weighed myself since finding out I gained a zillion pounds leaving the hospital, now I'm afraid. I will find out Monday at check up. Today I felt a lump either my right lymph node or gland is swollen and sore. Praying this is nothing.[/quote']

    I had a scrambled egg today for the first time and my only advice is to make sure you eat SLOW and small bites. I had to remind myself to do that because it was such a nice change from the liquids. Proud of you for going back to work. Not me yet!

    HW 344, DOS 320, Surgery Date 2/20/13, CW 308 Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk

  3. Well the gas is pretty bad and I've walked a lot tonight. I just cant get comfortable because of this gas

    They gave me this breathing apparatus about midnight on my first night to help keep my lungs clear. I found that breathing into that helped me burp because I was forcing more oxygen in and out. I didn't actually pass gas until I was about to go home, I mostly burped.

    HW 344, DOS 320, Surgery Date 2/20/13, CW 308 Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk

  4. THIS is how you eat at Panera - they have this on a menu behind the counter - you have to ask for it...but I had panera the other day and it’s so much yummier


    I had most of those pre surgery but felt like they might be too much for me tonight. Ended up with just a cup of Soup and only eating a bit. But my mom recommends the Mediterranean salmon salad...lol

    HW 344, DOS 320, Surgery Date 2/20/13, CW 308 Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk

  5. I looked at the menu. I would vote the chicken stew or the salmon salad. Or the clam chowder' date=' (higher calorie) or the thai chopped salad. But watch your calorie counts. I bet they are quite high.[/quote']

    I am only 9 days post op so still very restricted in what I can eat. Thanks for the suggestions. I was thinking about taking 1/2 a veggie burger with me and crumbling it in some of the Tomato basil Soup. I was just disappointed in no bean soup. Lol

    HW 344, DOS 320, Surgery Date 2/20/13, CW 308 Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk

  6. So, my mom wants to go to Panera for dinner. I figured it would be ok, since I am puréed food post op now and I would just have a little bit of the black bean Soup and bring the rest home. However, after checking out their menu, they don't have it in Fridays. And I'm not sure any of the others really scream Protein. Thoughts?

    HW 344, DOS 320, Surgery Date 2/20/13, CW 308 Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk

  7. I love this forum where else can you talk by your B.M. I have the same problem' date=' I am going to try the miralax too.[/quote']

    I agree! I am just 9 days post op, but after it took forever for me to have my first BM. I have been about every other day. I have been eating unsweetened apple sauce, taking Colace, and I had a cup of Smooth Move tea. All of those things seem to be helping. I think it just takes time for our bodies to adjust. The first one was horrible though, not going to lie!

    HW 344, DOS 320, Surgery Date 2/20/13, CW 308 Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk

  8. Hello everyone' date=' I had my surgery this past tuesday, all went well. I was discharged from the hospital yesterday . Today has not been bad pain wise, other than getting the hiccups. Any suggestions on how to alleviate them? They are super painful .[/quote']

    Let me know! Because I get them too...but they seem to go away quickly with just some breathing. But goodness, they hurt!

    HW 344, DOS 320, Surgery Date 2/20/13, CW 308 Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk

  9. I am now 1 week post op and had been recovering quite well I think. I spent Tuesday night helping out at a cold weather shelter where I really did absolutely nothing except sit in a chair most of the night. No one would let me lift anything etc because the knew I was only 5 days post op. well, yesterday I slept most all day and today and I still sore as nobodies business. If I had it to do all over again I would, because homelessness is a cause I feel very passionately about and whatever pain I am feeling is nothing compared to the pain and suffering of living on the streets, especially when it is cold outside, but whew....taking way longer to recover than I thought it would.

    I can't really say anything to my family and friends about how sore I am because not one of them wanted me to go to the shelter :)

    The good news is I am 35 pounds down from my HW. 10 pounds from DOS and that included the 8 pounds I put on in Fluid at the hospital!

  10. I have friends that have had both procedures done and successfully gained the weight back. What helped me make my decision is one of my friends that had then sleeve about 4 years ago Came to visit me at Thanksgiving this past year. She was successfully drinking 2 L of Dr Pepper every single day. Ice cream, chips Cookies any Snacks that we had in our house she was successfully able to eat as much as she wanted to. All she had to do was eat it a little bit at a time and she could eat it all day. It was almost disgusting because I came home from work over the long weekend with some donuts and she ate two of them immediately after I walked through the door and 20 minutes later when I had made a dinner of sautéed veggies and couscous she was too full to eat.

    I don't assume that all sleeve patients behave this way, we all know that no matter which procedure we go with we have to make the right decisions for it to work long term, but watching what she was able to 'get away with' made my decision for me.

  11. So I am 8 days post op and up until yesterday I was able to handle the Protein Shakes. Every time I take a drink there is this strange gurgling sound in my pouch that travels up my chest and I feel like its going to come back up on me. I can not take more than 3 drinks. Anyone know of any alternatives or ways to get my Protein in. I am supposed to get in 80 grams a day.

    I have been mixing the powders into other stuff, like strawberry powder into strawberry yogurt. Have you tried the Unjury chicken broth?

  12. Do ya'll think someone is trying to tell me not to have this surgery? Got up this morning and there is 2 inchs of snow' date=' weather advisory. I have congestion in my bronchial tubes, so doubled up on my Keflex. Does anyone know if this will hurt me? Schools are closed, county offices, airport closed. Having to drive to Dallas.

    Let me know your thoughts, we are leaving in 30 minutes with extra blankets and lots of prayers.[/quote']

    You have worked too hard to getup here...I think of this as just another challenge. Not the last one you will face but just another chapter in your story! Good luck!

  13. Are you letting gas out?

    Lots of Water that was hard for me too' date=' but then on discharge day they gave me a banana bag of Fluid took 5 hours that made me totally have a bowel movement almost didn't make out home!!!!!![/quote']

    Yes, having plenty of gas and actually getting all of my fluids in as well. I had lots of bowel issues up until young adult hood about 10 years ago so I think I am a bit overly sensitive. Going to try going on a longer but slower walk tomorrow and see if that can work some things free. :) I just really don't want to strain anything...lol

  14. 4 days postop and I went poo! I tried to do all day with no pain meds. Took them at 5 am and then just now at 6 took some. I feel so sore' date=' tired, and run down. I wish I could take a hot bath. Otherwise I'm doing really well.

    The gas in my tummy that's rolling around reminds me of being pregnant and the baby's arm or leg moving across my belly. Very strange feeling!

    Looking forward to Wednesday and going to stage 2 liquid foods just for a change. I have ZERO appetite and only drink the broth, diluted juice, and Jello because I'm suppose to. I like not being hungry and even smelling the wonderful cooking my husband has been doing for everyone else doesn't bother me.[/quote']

    I'm so jealous. I want to poo! I feel really heavy and bloated because I haven't gone. Taking Colace twice daily per surgeons instructions. Going to go on a walk in the a.m. Hopefully that will help. If not, going to place a call to the dr. To see what he recommends because I don't want to just keep waiting.

  15. Btb2013

    They don't set a scheduled time until the day before surgery' date=' its strange how they do it here, it was the same thing when I had my gallbladder removed, I had to wait until the day before to know the time. My hubby is staying home with the kids as much as I would love him to be waiting for me for when I get out. I live like 5 minutes from the hospital, its too bad you have to travel so many hours but i guess when your doing something so life changing who cares how far you have to go. We don't have a relatives nearby but we do have a few friends helping out in what they can. Which is great Cruz we'll need all the help we can with kids, especially. I have two boys a 5 year old and a 1 year old.[/quote']

    Don't worry too much. They didn't give me a time until the day before here either. He waits until he has all of his pre op appointments and then schedules accordingly.

  16. I didn't fart for the first time until right before I came home, mostly burping which my doc was happy with. The embarrassing thing was the fart was awful and right afterward my pharmacy tech came to consult on my post op meds. Icky! I felt bad, but he was totally cool about it. Still mostly just burping (4 days post op) unless I am lying down.

  17. I have been doing ok with liquids, but one thing that has helped me is crushed ice. My fridge makes it, but it helps like having the chips in the hospital did. If your fridge doesn't crush ice you can buy bags of it from Sonic ( the restaurant if there is one in your city) sometimes the Water just sits there but letting the ice melt gets less at one time. I over did it on the Protein Shake today and drank too fast, but any liquids (approved ones for your doctor) will help keep you hydrated.

  18. Slept at home last night and it went pretty well. Took pain meds around 8pm, watched some TV in bed and went to sleep around 9pm. Up at midnight, but sipped on Water for an hour before another does of pain meds and now up at 6am, time for another dose, but I just sipped a glass of water first. Don't feel horrible, but y legs muscles are tightening. I think it is because I don't have a convenient place to roll out of bed and walk. Going on a walk later though. Gained about 8 pounds in the hospital so I'm hoping to be on the losers bench soon ;)

    For those having some issues, I am praying you feel better ASAP! I consider myself lucky so to the others that have been relatively complication free, lets be thankful!

    Congrats to everyone!

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