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Everything posted by ECUJenn

  1. ECUJenn

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    They gave me this breathing apparatus about midnight on my first night to help keep my lungs clear. I found that breathing into that helped me burp because I was forcing more oxygen in and out. I didn't actually pass gas until I was about to go home, I mostly burped. HW 344, DOS 320, Surgery Date 2/20/13, CW 308 Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  2. So, my mom wants to go to Panera for dinner. I figured it would be ok, since I am puréed food post op now and I would just have a little bit of the black bean Soup and bring the rest home. However, after checking out their menu, they don't have it in Fridays. And I'm not sure any of the others really scream Protein. Thoughts? HW 344, DOS 320, Surgery Date 2/20/13, CW 308 Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  3. ECUJenn

    Dinner tonight

    I had most of those pre surgery but felt like they might be too much for me tonight. Ended up with just a cup of soup and only eating a bit. But my mom recommends the Mediterranean salmon salad...lol HW 344, DOS 320, Surgery Date 2/20/13, CW 308 Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  4. I am now 1 week post op and had been recovering quite well I think. I spent Tuesday night helping out at a cold weather shelter where I really did absolutely nothing except sit in a chair most of the night. No one would let me lift anything etc because the knew I was only 5 days post op. well, yesterday I slept most all day and today and I still sore as nobodies business. If I had it to do all over again I would, because homelessness is a cause I feel very passionately about and whatever pain I am feeling is nothing compared to the pain and suffering of living on the streets, especially when it is cold outside, but whew....taking way longer to recover than I thought it would. I can't really say anything to my family and friends about how sore I am because not one of them wanted me to go to the shelter The good news is I am 35 pounds down from my HW. 10 pounds from DOS and that included the 8 pounds I put on in Fluid at the hospital!
  5. I have friends that have had both procedures done and successfully gained the weight back. What helped me make my decision is one of my friends that had then sleeve about 4 years ago Came to visit me at Thanksgiving this past year. She was successfully drinking 2 L of Dr Pepper every single day. Ice cream, chips Cookies any Snacks that we had in our house she was successfully able to eat as much as she wanted to. All she had to do was eat it a little bit at a time and she could eat it all day. It was almost disgusting because I came home from work over the long weekend with some donuts and she ate two of them immediately after I walked through the door and 20 minutes later when I had made a dinner of sautéed veggies and couscous she was too full to eat. I don't assume that all sleeve patients behave this way, we all know that no matter which procedure we go with we have to make the right decisions for it to work long term, but watching what she was able to 'get away with' made my decision for me.
  6. ECUJenn

    Interesting Article

    Wow...I hadn't thought about this, I might ask my dr. About this at my post op appointment, thanks for linking to this!
  7. ECUJenn

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    I have been mixing the powders into other stuff, like strawberry powder into strawberry yogurt. Have you tried the Unjury chicken broth?
  8. ECUJenn

    Fabulous February!

    Good luck to everyone this week! Blessings and safe thoughts!
  9. My understand is that you begin to absorb the nutrients you take in via food, but you aren't eating enough to get want yo need so you need to take supplements.
  10. ECUJenn

    March Surgery Dates

    Do you mean before or after surgery? Caffeine is a stimulant which is why they don't want it in your bloodstream before surgery. It can slow down healing.
  11. ECUJenn

    Fabulous February!

    I took my IPad but mostly used it to play Pandora to help me get good rest. Didn't watch a ton of tv or anything on it because I was kind of out of it, but would have gone crazy without it.
  12. ECUJenn


    My surgeon prescribes Colace twice daily post op. I had surgery this past Wednesday and began taking the Colace yesterday (Saturday) beginning to feel like I might need to have a bowel movement, but any sort of "pushing" has me a bit worried? Should I be? This would be my first BM since surgery.
  13. ECUJenn

    The day after!

    I didn't fart for the first time until right before I came home, mostly burping which my doc was happy with. The embarrassing thing was the fart was awful and right afterward my pharmacy tech came to consult on my post op meds. Icky! I felt bad, but he was totally cool about it. Still mostly just burping (4 days post op) unless I am lying down.
  14. ECUJenn

    5 days post rny

    I have been doing ok with liquids, but one thing that has helped me is crushed ice. My fridge makes it, but it helps like having the chips in the hospital did. If your fridge doesn't crush ice you can buy bags of it from Sonic ( the restaurant if there is one in your city) sometimes the water just sits there but letting the ice melt gets less at one time. I over did it on the protein shake today and drank too fast, but any liquids (approved ones for your doctor) will help keep you hydrated.
  15. ECUJenn

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Slept at home last night and it went pretty well. Took pain meds around 8pm, watched some TV in bed and went to sleep around 9pm. Up at midnight, but sipped on water for an hour before another does of pain meds and now up at 6am, time for another dose, but I just sipped a glass of water first. Don't feel horrible, but y legs muscles are tightening. I think it is because I don't have a convenient place to roll out of bed and walk. Going on a walk later though. Gained about 8 pounds in the hospital so I'm hoping to be on the losers bench soon For those having some issues, I am praying you feel better ASAP! I consider myself lucky so to the others that have been relatively complication free, lets be thankful! Congrats to everyone!
  16. ECUJenn

    March Surgery Dates

    I have liked them all. I am awaiting discharge so I don't have the brands with me at the moment, but there were coffees and hot chocolates, puddings, and fruit flavors. I got some of the Syntrax samples from the vitamin shoppe, but even more online. I don't know if you can buy Unjury in stores or not?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
