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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Wishes4444

  1. I was banded 11/07 I lost 191 lbs. I gained back 50 which today I am going to try yet again to get rid of. I had a slight slip twice, that went back on its own. In sept they suggested maybe I get a new band since my was old. Well in my head I thought that would mean I would start losing again...nope just meant dr bills, oh and something I NEVER had before...pain in my left shoulder if I eat or drink too much or too fast. And it hurts like HELL! Anyway here I am back in the 2's that I was sure I would never see again. But today is a new day and I will try yet again to get this weight off.

  2. Banded in 2007 and then again in 2015. Still can't lose any weight! Today I am going to try again! The 50 lbs I put back on has brought me so down I can't begin to tell you. I don't want to do anything, just like I used to be. When I was losing I was happy and had a great outlook. I can only hope I can get back on track

  3. Ok my band went back!! I can't tell you have relieved I am! I guess it was a warning/wake up call! They gave me only 1/2cc and I have to wait 4 weeks for next fill. They said I have to take it slowly with the fills. All I know is I'm back on the road! Now to see how long it takes to lose what I gained over the last 6 weeks.

  4. I read about all these slips' date=' and it makes me uneasy. I knew from the start that it's an inherent possibility with the band. But I really do hope that the plication dramatically minimizes that possibility. I was told that they rarely see slips with the added plication. I can't really respond as to whether or not a sleeve revision is a good way to go for you. It's such a personal thing. For me, the thought of having 3/4 of a vital organ removed, freaks me out. We don't know what life has in store for us. Maybe at some point in the future, having only part of a stomach may be an issue? Once it's gone, we can't get it back. That is my fear with the sleeve, and with issues surrounding the RNY.[/quote']

    I agree I won't have the sleeve done. My band was my savior. I went from 358 lbs to 170. BUT then I started making bad choices and over eating to the point of discomfort and here I am now with this slip. Today I have a 230 appt for my second endoscopy to see if it went back. If not I will have to have surgery to have a new band put in place, and yes that is what u will do. If my Buns won't pay I will take a loan. All I know is that for me personally I need a band. I am a foodaholic. I said I would never gain it back and here it comes... :(

  5. Unfortunately, we're never really cured of our eating obsession. Sucks, actually. My question is..... What is it that you've eaten in the last 6 weeks, that you couldn't allow yourself with a filled band?

    Bagels, full bowls of Pasta, whole sandwiches, big bites, large portions. I have just been OUT OF CONTROL! I am so embarrassed by the way I have been eating the last 6 weeks. I eat all day long, not because I'm hungry because I can...

  6. Had an infill 6 weeks ago due to a band slip. I go tomorrow to see if it moved back. I pray it did because I have been out of control! I don't know what's the matter with me! All I keep saying is wow I haven't been able to eat that in 6 years... Yeah so now I'm up 20 lbs in 6 weeks! I am beyond discussed with myself! I can only hope tomorrow shows it went back and they can start filling me again... ????

  7. So' date=' I am in the process of doing the 5 day pouch test. The food devil is telling me to "eat" but my stomach is telling me that im full. Now I have not given in to the cravings, but its driving me crazy. My question is, how does everyone deal with their head hunger? Any advice on this?[/quote']

    I want to try the five day pouch test can you tell me what to do thanks!

  8. yes' date=' call your dr office and tell them and let them advise you.they are the only ones who need to know.

    ..i am sorry you are unhappy with them, but your health is worth more than that.

    please call them (or find a new lap band doctor)...all the best honey.[/quote']

    Thanks! I did, going on the 17th of this month. Something isn't right.

    I did try to find a new dr, but no one wants to take me as a new patient because I'm already banded :(

  9. When you said "over ate" I pictured a sixteen century king's feast... That doesn't sound like much food. Please call them. If you don't mind' date=' why are you so unhappy with them?[/quote']

    Lol no that's what I had. Something is up, I made an appointment for the 17th of sept for my endoscopy.

    I am unhappy with them for a few reasons. They make you wait 2-3 hours and you never see the dr, just the pa. I feel like they don't even know me, like cattle/a number. I tried to switch drs but no one wants to take me as a new patient because I'm already banded. Also my dr doesn't take my ins ( my job changed ins comp) so now I have to use the new dr that does. Also have to self pay 500.00 for the endoscopy because the annestisist doesn't take ANY ins! Ill just be happy to know what's going on :(

  10. I was banded 11/07 went from 358 to 168...back up to 194.

    Now having issues, gurgling stomach, vomit during sleeping once in a while

    If I have over eaten. Somedays can't eat much others can eat a lot. Last night was bad

    I over ate at dinner and stomach gurgled all night and still this morning.

    Still feel full, yet I know there is nothing left in there. Trying some coffee for something warm

    And just making more noise and burping. Don't want to call my dr office because

    I am VERY unhappy with them. Any ideas or suggestions? Anyone else have gurgling after all these

    Years? FYI dinner was a hot dog(no bun) and about 4 TB rice a roni.


  11. How much time is needed for brachioplasty recovery? Is two weeks enough? I'm considering doing it this summer while I have 2-2.5weeks free. I just won't to know if that is enough. With my TT, I went back after about 2.5 weeks to a desk job. Please be totally honest.

    I had VERY large arms so there was a lot of tissue removed. I had drains in for 12 days. Could not lift anything for 8 weeks I guess it all depends on how big your arms are.

    Good luck!

  12. Every now and then I get an extreme pain from the roof of my mouth when I start a meal. It feels like its being pulled out or blistering up from time to time. It doesn't always happen. Sometimes it feels like it triggers with sweet items, not sure though. It goes away and doesn't return for that meal. Happens once or so a week. Maybe more. This started when I got the band.

    Anyone else getting this?

    OMG I get that too and thought I was crazy! Only with the first food I eat in the morning, I can drin coffee and not get it but if I take a bite of something first thing in the morning 9 out of 10 times I will get that too! Wow I am not crazy lol

  13. OK Im warning you these pix are kinda yucky but here is POSTOP DAY 1:



    Your arms look great!! I had mine done Oct 2009 My arms were MUCH MUCH bigger then yours. I am happy I had it done and would do it again but i had a few problems I had a bad numbness for almost a year and still dont have normal feelings by the incision areas. I also had drains in for 13 days. There was so much tissue that I had to have the drains. My cost also was 10,000 which killed me but my bat wings were so bad. The problem is now I dont have any money left to do the body lift and thigh lift I need so bad. But those I can hide lol I did post pictures on here somewhere of my arms. Best of luck keep posting picts!

  14. It's been awhile since I've been on here. There have been several gaps of time when I have "slacked" off in my motivation. TBH, what I struggled with was not being able to get ENOUGH calories with how active I wanted to be. I had finally made the decision to have my band unfilled and that was to occur this past Thursday. But strangely enough, even though it had been since summer of 2009 since I had been adjusted, I started having issues the week right before my appointment. It was a gradual build-up over three days to the point where I was struggling to get down fluids. I had to make an emergency appointment to get the band unfilled. This didn't upset me - it's what I was planning, anyway! smile.png The nurse practitioner couldn't believe that it had been 2-1/2 years since my last adjustment and I had zero issues since then.

    I joined a weight loss challenge with my employer at the beginning of the year that lasts 12 weeks. I stalled in my weight loss right before the issues that led to my emergency unfill. After the unfill, I had a major WOOSH and lost everything plus a couple more pounds. So, since the last week of December, I have lost 8 pounds. I HAVE to get about 1800 calories everyday, or I can't lose weight. VLCD (very low calorie diets) don't work with me for the level of fitness I am working on. I used to be running a lot and weight training. I couldn't get past a certain point in my weight loss because my body kept kicking into the starvation response. Considering that it's easier for me to get calories now, I'm eating healthier, and it's working like a charm, I'd say my theory was right. smile.png But we'll see.

    Currently, I'm doing the Insanity workouts, eating up to 1800 calories a day (split into 6...3 meals, 3 snacks), drinking Shakeology as one of my Snacks, taking health supplements, and drinking lots of Water. I feel fantastic.

    I do feel that the Lapband was a necessary evil and given the choice to do it all over again - I would. Over the course of my journey, I have learned SO MUCH about fitness and nutrition that I never took the time to really delve into before the band. I knew I was eating unhealthy, but really didn't have a clue of the best way to approach nutrition. I'm positive that I can take off the rest of my weight and keep it off. The surgeon that did my unfill said if I'm able to stay at a stable weight for several months, then I should consider removal. The Lapband was a great tool...but I think at this point, I may have outgrown it. smile.png

    How is everybody else doing? I'd love to hear updates.

    Well not as good as you lol. I was banded 11/6/07 I was dwon as low as 165 but had issues in 6/10 and they took Fluid out and I gainded went up to 190 then back down to 170's but back up to 187 cant seem to get my act together. I know everything I am doing wrong but still do it. I dont exercise at all and I eat all the wrong things.Cant seem to get motivated

  15. I haven't been banded yet, still going through the insurance stuff, but when I talked to one of the surgeons he had said that they generally discourage lap-band for people with BMI over 50 (I was at 59) I know too that the band is the only surgery I am comfortable with. I agree with Cazzy, you might want to widen your search a little. I think it would be worth the extra drive to have a surgeon who isn't so strict. Whatever you decide, I wish you good luck.

    Stick with the Band! Good Luck!!

  16. Hi,

    I am new here. I am not banded yet but really want to be. I have seen the only two Dr's in the 25 mile radius that do the lap band with my insurance and neither of them will band me due to my BMI (52). I have to lose 20 pounds before I am eligible with one and the other just won't do it. My insurance doesn't cover the sleeve and I refuse to get the bypass (only cause I am terrified of it).. I don't know what else to do to try to lose weight. My meals consist of :

    Protein Shake for Breakfast

    Protein shake for lunch (some days I eat veggies with it)

    low carb/low sugar dinner (eat protein, first)

    This is my pre-op diet (which I thought would help but hasn't yet). I workout every day anywhere from 45 min- 90 min.

    Anyone have advice??

    My BMI was 68 I had to get below 60 for surgery. I drank 3 protien shakes a day for 3 months and lost enough to have the band. The first month I had NOTHING but the 3 shakes a day (the are called VHP shakes you can find them online) then the last two months i would allow myself a piece of fruit or two a day. It was very hard but worth it! good Luck!!! Stick with the Band!

  17. i'm new to this site, but i'm considering the gastric sleeve, i started this procedure in june, my bmi was 51, now it's 50, i'm 5'8 when i started going to the doctor i weighted 351 now

    i'm 337 lbs. i don't have a date scheduled for surgery yet, but it will be soon, i have 2 more doctor visits. my question is has anyone had the gastric sleeve, or know anyone who has?


    Sorry don't know anyone but can I ask why not get the lap band?

    Good Luck!

  18. No actually my goal is 145 which will be a normal BMI for me. This is a category defined by tons of research which predicts risks of health problems. So if we can put aside all our thoughts about how we look or even feel at a certain weight...it is a medical fact that a normal BMI is correlated with a normal level of risk for adverse health outcomes. And, therefore, anything higher than the normal range carries a higher risk. I have lost weight very slowly but steadily and expect to reach normal BMI fairly easily and probably will go below it. I cant make the decision based on how I look in the mirror or how I looked 20years ago...just on medical fact relating to my health.

    Part of why the doc doesn't want to do an elective procedure at your current weight is that your current weight raises the risk of complications...sure, you can find a doc that will do it but its a higher risk for you than if you waited and got some more weight off.

    I had a goal of 179 which didn;t seem real when I was 358 lol. I was as low as 167 but that was when I was having issues with my band. I went on a cruise and went up to 193 I am now at 178. I know I can get lower and should get lower but to be honest if I stay in the low to mid 170's I am happy with that. I am a short person at 5 1 so I know most people would say thats still way to heavy but for me after 40 yrs of lugging around all that weight I am very happy here!

  19. I saw a cosmetic surgeon to get an evaluation on a number of things I need done. Most concerning to me is my stomach and the insides of my thighs (around my knees), where large fat pads have settled. The doctor was reluctant to do the lower lift (stomach and mons) because he said I was still too heavy. I weigh 220, down from 335, and am not interested in being much smaller. I wear a 16, am off all meds and feel great. I was surprised by his reluctance. I have had a knee replacement and there was no concern about that surgery at this weight. Has anyone else run into this?

    Also, has anyone had a thigh lift? What was it like? The area is so dense that he said I would need liposuction to create some excess skin and only then could he do the lift. I did not have these mis-shapen legs before I lost weight, but clearly, the fat is there to stay!

    I went to see 3 PS I went from 358 and at the time I saw the PS's I was 182. Two of them said I still had too much fat to do the body or thigh lift. All they would do was my arms. I chose the one Dr that said he would do all of it now, but have only had my arms done so far becuase that is what was really bothering me! Although I can not wear shorts or a bathing suit dure to my gross thighs! However they won;t do my thighs beofre the body and I just don;t have the money right now to do the body. Also the arm lift was not fun and ever 10 months later I have a lot of numbness still. Also my arms were huge and I am not thrilled with the final out come. Yes they look MUCH better but I get I was expecting more.

    If I can save the money and lose 20 more pounds I think I would try the body lift, then the thighs for sure!

    Good Luck!

  20. I was kind of hoping these prices would come down because of the economy and I had heard that a lot less people were getting PS or any elective procedures because of it...apparently not! I self payed for my band so I am dreading whether to fork over the cash for PS!

    I went to 3 different PS and they were all priced about the same. It's sickening, after all this we can't even afford to fix what needs to get fixed. I mean they look at you at least all mine did like when do you want to get started. UUMMMM when I hit LOTTO! I mean come on If I had my body arms breasts thighs done it would cost almost 60,000!! My God who has that to throw around I sure don't. I am having a hard enough time finding the $230. a WEEK I pay for health ins! I laughed when I saw one of my older posts and said I pay 130 a week I WISH!

    Good Luck to you with your PS. It was worth it for sure!

  21. Ann, I have had two plastic surgery appts to discuss this and it costs the moon...one quote was $7000 and the second one was $8500. Both PS stressed how much it was going to hurt and that I would be off work for 6 weeks and scars up my groin and down to the knees!!!! The 2nd PS was going to add in a Mons lift (which I need very much) for $1900 so that estimate was over $10,000. I hate my thighs badly enough to periodically consider having it done!!!

    Best wishes,


    Yes it is very expensive here too! 8000-10000 as well. My arms were 9500 which I thought was ridiculous! But I went to 3 PS and they were all the same price. The breast would have been 8700 if I did them with my arms, or 9500 on their own. The full body lift is 20-25,000. My ins covers NONE of it and it makes me sick! I pay 130.00 a week for myh heath ins! At least it could cover the body lift. I want to have it done very bad but don't think I will ever find that kind of money. The 9500 for my arms was hard enough! I so wish I could though. My thighs are AWFUL! I will never be able to wear a bathing suit without capris. Can't even wear shorts. I know its not a big deal but it makes me sad that I can't just be like everyone else after all this. At least I can wear tank tops now and not feel self conscience and not have it be the first thing I see about me in a photo! My PS office manager put me on the schedule for Jan 31st for the body lift to hold the spot lol. Unless hes going to cut his price by 3/4 lol I wont be using it. I also have to get back down to 169 before I would do it.

    Best Wishes,

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