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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wishes4444

  1. Wishes4444

    Slow Losers Unite!

    Thanks Deb! and good luck to you!
  2. Wishes4444

    Slow Losers Unite!

    ddm, I also take tums and alternate with Viactive which is a candy kind of like a tootise roll. When I run out of one I switch to the other. Also my Dr recommended Flinstones chewable vitamins if you can't take the reg ones. Good Luck!!
  3. Wishes4444


    Hi jenny, Good luck on your journey! I can tell you it's one of the best things I ever did for myself! Please let us know how you are doing? Is there a BMI you have to get down to before your Dr with do the band? My Dr would not touch me until I got under a 60 BMI. Best wishes
  4. Wishes4444

    Slow Losers Unite!

    Aween, What are you eating? Please give me a run down of a reg day for you. Also what do you eat that "plops" through? and what do you eat that gets stuck? Also do you exercise?
  5. Wishes4444

    Slow Losers Unite!

    Hi Doddie and MZREEDA, Thanks sorry I didn't write back sooner I didn't get an e-mail that anyone had posted?? Anyway Doddie Once I get to 179 I will keep going if possible. It is just so very hard to me to believe I can even ever weigh 179. I have been very heavy all my life. The last time I can remember being under 200 pounds I was 189 and it was in high school. I am 46 and can't even imagine being under 200 so 179 still doesn't seem like it can happen. You are doing amazing! 5x to 22 is wonderful! And you are so close to the 200 mark WTG keep up the great work!. Mz how are you feeling? How are you adjusting to your new life? Have you had a fill yet? I didn't get mine until 6 weeks after my surgery. Yesterday I had my 3rd fill. They didn't want to give me one but I knew I was ready for it by what I have been able to eat. They only fill 1/4 cc at a time. Hope you are feeling well. Let me know how you are doing?
  6. Wishes4444


    Telecia, you have lost 102 lbs without a band! WTG!! I lost 100 lbs many yrs ago by eating 500 or less calories a day. Yeah not to good for me but it worked at the time...then it came back lol. WTG keep up the great work! When are you getting banded?
  7. Wishes4444


    Hi Jennifer, Froggie, Jon and Monica! Wow this is great, so glad to meet you all. I got worried that this thread was going to die too. Glad to see you all on here. Jennifer, I am 5'2" and my BMI was 65 at 358 lbs. My Dr would not operate on me until I got my BMI under 60. So for 3 months I went on a liquid protien diet. The first month I did 3 shakes a day. The next two months I did 2-3 shakes a day and 2-3 pieces of fruit a day. I lost 43 lbs in that time. Right after the surgery I was losing a pound a day for the first two weeks, then it stopped lol. Now I average a pound a week. I am going for my 3rd fill next Wed. I have not lost anything is 3 weeks. Once I get my fill I will lose if it works like my other two fills. I lose 5 pounds in the week after the fill. I am a slow loser, like I said an average of 1 pound a week, but as long as its going I am happy. Exercise...I hate it but I try and go swimming 2-3 times a week. I can't bike or tread mill as I have bad knees. I can't eat much for the first 8 weeks after my fill. Right now I am able to eat pretty much anything but very small amounts or I will get sick. I hope that answers your questions if not just ask! Congrats on your weight loss and on your band! I miss some things but I do LOVE my band! It keeps me from sitting down and eating a whole bag of potato chips and such. Good Luck to you! PLEASE keep in touch and let me know how your are doing! Jon HOLY COW!! 170 pounds in 9 months amazing! And look at all the things you are doing, that is just wonderful! I know I could be losing faster if I would eat better and of course exercise more WTG your amazing!How is your wife doing? Keep in touch. Froggie, 3 months to go! I know it seems like forever, but it will come. My ins didn't make me wait the 6 months so I was able to have the surgery in 3 months from my first visit once I lost the weight. What kind of diet do they have you on? Good luck keep in touch and keep up the good work! Monica, hi good luck on your journey! It will be great to have someone going through it with you right in your own home! I wish you well on your goal! I will be happy to get under 200 lbs :confused_smile: When is your surgery? Good Luck! and please keep in touch!
  8. Wishes4444

    Slow Losers Unite!

    Thank you all. I do feel great. I have a long way to go but now when I go out people don't stare at me. I am just another heavy person. If I could just find a way to "enjoy" exercising it would be great. Thanks again!
  9. Wishes4444

    Slow Losers Unite!

    I finally hit 100 pounds lost! It took me a month to lose the last 2 pounds but I finally did!. Now onto my next goal. Keep up the good work everyone!
  10. Wishes4444


    Hi everyone! I tried to start an over 60 BMI group and it didn't work. Glad to see this one did! I must be much shorter then you guys my BMI was 65 at 358. My Dr wouldn't touch me until I got under 60. It has been an interesting journey so far. Good days and Bad days, but yes I am glad I have my band! I am 7 months in and have hit my 100 pound loss mark finally! Now onto my next goal! Good Luck to you all!! You can do it, we all can do it!! Best Wishes
  11. Wishes4444

    AT LAST!! I no longer have 100lb to lose!

    Hi everyone! Well I finally hit 100 pounds lost! Yahoooo! It took me a month to lose that last 2 pounds to get over the 100 mark! Now onto my next goal!. It's not easy but we can do this! Good Luck all!
  12. Wishes4444

    Fill doctors in DFW

    I am due for a Dr visit June 25th but I think I am going to cancel it for another month. My last fill was March 12th and I had a hard time eating for months. Also my ins changed and my surgeon doesn't take my new ins. So he charges 375.00 for the office visit and 250 for the fill! I am not going to pay 375.00 just to get weighed! I have tried switching doctors but no one wants to take on someone else's patient! UUUGGGGG
  13. Wishes4444

    Slow Losers Unite!

    Hi Pellman, Are you banded? I don't drink while eating because it can make you throw up. It really is not hard, I used to drink a LOT with my meals but you get used to it. I still graze once in a while BUT I try to choose some thing good to graze on. Nuts, yogurt a protien shake. The good thing is even if I chose something bad like potato chips or popcorn I cqan only eat a very same amount! The other day I sat down with a bag of cheese popcorn...I know BAD choice! Anyway I ate not even a hand full and I was done! I laughed and said I LOVE MY BAND! In the old days I would have eaten 1/2 a bag! The band still lets me get hungry BUT I get full VERY fast! Yes you still need will power BUT the band is a wonderful helping tool! Giid Luck!
  14. Wishes4444

    Slow Losers Unite!

    Candy, Sorry to hear that. I know how you fel though. I get excited because I see a few pounds gone and then before you know it they seem to come back. in the last 3 weeks I have lost 1 pound. Good Luck
  15. Hi, I am looking for people who have a BMI of 60 or above now or people who started their band journey at a BMI of 60 or above. There are many nice threads on here, but so many people have started with MUCH lower BMI's and I want to chat with people like me who started this with VERY high BMI's. For me I don't understand going through this whole processes to lose 30-40 pounds. For me this is a huge change and I needed to lose A LOT more then that! Hope I can find some of the people out there in the same boat as me! Thanks!
  16. Wishes4444

    BMI 60 and above now OR when you started!

    Hi Gillian, I totally understand! I wake up thinking about food and what I am going to eat! The good thing is in the morning I am not able to really eat much. Nothing seems to go down well in the morning. My last fill was March 12th and it was WAY too much but I refused to go back and get any out. My Dr charges me 290.00 per fill and my ins does not cover it. I was also told if you need an unfill they take it all out and make you wait 2 weeks before they put anything back. As long as I have been able to eat a little bit and drink I left it alone. As for the head hunger I just try to have a bite of something I am craving that usually does the trick. This is going to be a long journey but in the end I am sure it will be worth it. Good luck and thanks for the chat!
  17. Wishes4444

    Doctors on Long Island

    elisa, You are going ahead with it. Good for you! I am down 94 pounds so far! Yes there are things I miss, but it is worth it! Good Luck!
  18. Wishes4444

    Slow Losers Unite!

    Yes you will! We all will! It is just going to take some time! I guess I am the "tall" one at 5'2" :crying: and the much rounder one lol:) Good Luck!
  19. Wishes4444

    Slow Losers Unite!

    Hey there Kaohinani! Congrats on your weight lose so far! I know what you mean in the begining it was much faster then I went to a crawl and lost 4 pounds in 5 weeks. Since my last fill I can't eat much of anything and it has helped me to start to lose a tiny bit faster. One pound a week is what we are suppose to lose. I have bad knees so the only exercise I can do is swim and run in the pool, which I try to do 2-3 times a week. I also found that I need to change my food up once in a while. Lately I have been having a protien shake for Breakfast, and a little bit of low sodium Soup for lunch. dinner is always hard since I can't find much I can eat right now. I did find the best thing I did was start to write down everything I ate in a day, you would be suprised about the bites you take here and there. It really helped me see what I was eating that I didn't realize. Try writing down what you eat and see if that helps you! Good Luck!
  20. Wishes4444

    BMI 60 and above now OR when you started!

    Hi Suzanne, So glad you stoped in! First let me say WTG you look fantastic! I was looking for people like you. I said I didn't understand people doing this that need to lose 30-40 pounds. I just think this is a big deal and that 30 pounds is not worth going through this surgery. I am also 5'2" and my Dr would not touch me until I got my BMI down below 60. Then of course a lot of people said well now that you are losing why not just stay on this diet and not get the band...HELLO have you not seen me diet before. it comes back lol. I know everyone has their own struggles, I just wanted a few to chat with that started out over 300 so at least they understand the long road that we have ahead. I did see a few posts of people looking to gain weight so they could get the surgery, all I did was scratch my head and say are you kidding! Hope you stick around!! Good Luck!
  21. Wishes4444

    BMI 60 and above now OR when you started!

    Hi Sundevil! WTG, how are you feeling? I feel like my surgery was a life time ago, even though it was only a little over months. I guess because I started the liquid diet in Aug. it seems longer. I love my band, I just have some days when I wish I could be like everyone else. I am coming up to the 100 pound mark soon and I can't believe I have lost that much. Yes I feel better, but I don't see where the 100 pounds is missing from lol. When do you go back to your Dr for your first fill? Good luck and keep in touch!
  22. Wishes4444

    BMI 60 and above now OR when you started!

    Thanks shortgal. Hi Gillibean and RHarriet62, When were you guys banded? Since my last fill I can't eat much of anything, but I guess thats a good thing. I had only lost 18 pounds in 3 months. Now I lost 15 pounds in 5 weeks, so I guess this is the way it is supposed to be. There are just some days that I miss taking a big bite of something. I do not regret doing this I just have days where I miss eating. Right now I am feeling like I don't want to eat anything and nothing even looks good. I find eating more of a job now. I guess that too is a good thing. Anyway I am glad to meet you and see others who know what it's like to weigh over 300 pounds! Good Luck!
  23. Wishes4444

    Slow Losers Unite!

    Hi Luvinke, I would join, I understand what Doddie is saying and if you don't feel you will have any pressure from your co-workers then go for it. I told most everyone I was having the band, just this one "big mouth" I didn't tell and now I am wishing I had. Because we are having an engagement party for our daughter on June 7th and I know it's going to come up and then she will know. SO I am telling her I am having the band done next week while she is away so when it comes up in June she won't think anything of it. I think it's easier to just tell people and let them think what they want. Either way extra support can only help is how I feel! Good Luck to you!!
  24. Wishes4444

    Slow Losers Unite!

    Hey Sharon! Welcome! hey 28 pounds is great! Remember anything down is great! We are happy to have you and please stop in often! Best Wishes,
  25. Wishes4444

    Slow Losers Unite!

    NJ gal in VA, How wonderful! Thats so exciting, yes please send the pictures!! Please I would love to see them. If you can't post them on here PLEASE send them to my e-mail wishes4444@aol.com. My daughter is getting married July 2009 she was trying on dresses this past friday. She is on WW and is down 62 lbs. She went from a 26 to a tight 20 as well! You should be so proud that is a wonderful loss. See it's not just pounds but inches as well! Keep up the great work and send those pictures! Best Wishes!

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