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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wishes4444

  1. Wishes4444

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    WTG! Doesn't it feel great each step you take DOWN! Congrats and keep up the good work!
  2. Wishes4444

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    Hey purple! Good luck, how exciting! You will love your band! Do you have a hating pad? I used mine, but I really didn't have a lot of gas pain. I think because I got up every hour and walked for 15 mins even when I didn't want to. Please keep in touch and if you have any questions feel free to ask!! Best wishes!
  3. Wishes4444


    Oh Froggi!! What wonderful news! I am so happy for you, I know it has been a long wait, but you are at the finish line to start your new life! I am so happy for you, please let me know when you get your date!!
  4. Wishes4444


    Ara when you eat when are feeling hungry do you fell full fast? I was hungry too but it didnt take much to make the feeling go away. Also drink when you fell hubgry it does help a lot. What are you eating? I know I was eating tuna salad and egg salad. riccota cheese since I dont like cottage cheese very much mixed with a little tomato sauce. Maybe you are not getting enough protien in. Are you having any protien shakes? They will help you feel full. Glad you are doing well! Hi Reba, Welcome to this thread! I have a 10cc band and I have about 2 1/4 cc's in it. I love when I first get a fill I cant eat anything! I know its not supposed to be like that, but thats when I get to lose more then 1 pound a week lol. Right now if I cut it up tiny and eat slow I can eat pretty much anything a a good amount of it. I am trying to hold out for a fill until Jan so it can go towards my deductable for next yr since my Dr doesnt take my ins so he is out of network and I have to pay 325 for the fill. I really would like a fill before the holidays so I can't eat too much bad stuff. Anyway nice to meet you and good luck to you.
  5. Wishes4444


    Hey Ara, I was wondering how you were doing!? The breathing thing was for one week, for me that is. Sounds like you are doing very well, I'm glad to hear it. Bev is right the heating pad did work and I found walking for 15 mins every hour also helped alot. Keep up the good work! Ann
  6. Wishes4444

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    Hey Phyl and Daq! I too was sad this thread got so quiet! Congrats Daq on starting your new banded life. I love mine! Sure some days are a litte rough, BUT I would do it again and again in a heart beat!! WTG Phyl on your weight loss! I would love to be a snow bird! I live on Long Island NY. We have a house in PA as well that we go to on the weekends. Right now we are in GA visiting some family. We went to the fair and oh how everything smelled so good!! But you know what being able to WALK around the fair was even better! So I enjoyed the smells had a little ice cream and had a great time! For me the band was a perfect fit! I had lost over 100 pounds once and then gained back 130 then I lost 70 and gained back 108. I have dieted sooo many times as we all have. This was the right thing for me for sure. I wish you both loads of luck and hope you will keep in touch!
  7. Wishes4444


    Ara, Did you buy the light Fruit drinks? I know my nutritonist said to watch out for the sugar in the fruit juices. You wll get in your protien if you get some high Protein Drinks to mix with your milk.The company unjury has sample sizes which I loved. I bought one of each flavor they sold to try them all out. You will do fine. Do you have a heating pad, they do come in handy. Also apple sauce(low sugar). The sugar free popsicles are great and they count as part of the liquid you need to get in. You will do great! One step at a time! I wil be thinking of you tomorrow~!
  8. Wishes4444


    I have had 3. I know people who have had a lot of them. I guess everyone is different. My second fill was too much and I suffered for a long time. I should have gotten an unfill but my ins doesn't cover my fills and it costs 375.00 and if they had unfilled I would have needed a fill again in two weeks. So I delt with it. Anyway most Drs wait 6 weeks for the very first fill. Then it will depend on you. Good luck Friday!
  9. Wishes4444


    There are no dumb questions! If you bought the broth it is strained. I think they meant if you boiled chicken to make the broth to strain it. They just want to make sure you don't have anything in it. Lets see I had riccota cheese since I don't like cottage cheese very much. I had butternut squash Soup. I had protien shakes and the ones I liked best were the Van and CHoc by a company called unjury. I ordered them online. I really didn't feel like eating much so I did't have a hard time. My Dr went to mushies after only a week so I was able to have egg salad and tuna salad. Also I took and still take Flinstones chewable Vitamins, and tums for Calcium. Good Luck Friday! If you have any questions PLEASE feel free to ask! My e-mail address is wishes4444@aol.com. Best wishes!
  10. Wishes4444


    Hi Ara, Good luck Friday! You can do this! I am suprised your surgeon didn't have you diet at all. My Dr made me diet until my BMI was under 60 which took me 3 months on a liquid diet. I am 11 months into my band journey and I LOVE it! I would do it again in a heart beat! It has it's ups and downs, but I was ready. My arthritis was so bad I couldn't even walk around in stores to shop any more. I am down over 100 pounds and feel wonderful! My knees are still bad BUT they are 100% better then they were. I can walk around and I can go shopping and feel like a normal person. I went from a size 32 to an 18/20 when I went shpping yesterday!! Good luck to you on your journey and PLEASE let me know how you are doing!!!!!
  11. Wishes4444


    Hi Mindwing, Good for you, anything moving is a big step! I go to a pool and speed walk back and forth for at least an hour. I try and get there 2 times a week. I go early in the morning when it's not crowded and get my walking and some swimming done. I was doing great about going until summer came then I said "oh I'll just go in my own pool and exercise" it didn't happen. So now that my pool is closed again I am making an effort to get there at least two times a week again. I am sure that will help my scale start moving again. You keep up the great work! Keep in touch!
  12. Wishes4444


    Oh trust me when you go to real food you will know you have restriction. I made the mistake of taking a bite of an egg roll thinking I could eat it. Not a good idea! I learned real fast lol. My Dr gave me my first fill at 6 weeks post op. I need one now, I am supposed to go next Wed but I am going to GA Oct 4th and sometimes after a fill I can't eat and I don't want to be getting sick when I am visiting my husbands family. I can just imagine them thinking I'm now bulimic with a band lol. I do have issues sometimes after a fill for a few days, so I really have to think it through. I so want my fill as I have not lost any weight since the first week of Aug. Anyway you keep up the great work and PLEASE let me know how you're doing!
  13. Wishes4444


    HEY congrats on your surgery! I was wondering if you were able to have it on the 29th! WTG on your weight loss! 41 ponds thats fantastic! It took me a while before I could eat meat, the first few times I tired pork it didn't work. Everything just takes time. Some days are better then others. Mornings I always seema bit tight. Even now when I need a fill the mornings are tight. So glad you are doing well, keep in touch!
  14. Wishes4444


    Hi Mindwing, Welcome! I can tell you, you will be very happy with your band! It's not an instant fix, I have been losing about a pound a week. The best part is it stops me from eating more then I should. When I feel hungry and think I am going to eat like I used to after the first 2-3 bites I'm full. For me it was just what I needed. I do need to work on my exercise though. That is one area where I know I am lacking very bad! I have bad knees so really the only exercise that works is wlaking in a pool. I was going 2 times a week but then summer came and I got out of the habit. I am trying to get back into it. I wish you all the luck! Please let me know how you're doing!
  15. Wishes4444

    Went in for BAND 6*9 Liver issues NO BAND

    pnuts mom, Hi, I was reading your posts and wondering how you are doing? I hope you move forward and do get the band BUT I think you need to find a new DR. My Dr would not touch me until I got my BMI under 60 I had to lose over 40 pounds before they would even give me a surgery date. The reason was because he didn't want to get in there and not be able to band me. Didn't your doctor make you go through all kinds of other tests with other specialists Like Cardo, Pulminary, Nutritionist, Phycologist, hemotoligist... I was on protien shakes for 3 full months before my surgery to get my BMI done and my liver size down. Please elt me know ho your doing. The band is a wonderful tool! I love mine...most days lol Good luck!
  16. Wishes4444

    Not a Success Story

    Hi Kat WTG! I too am VERY happy! I LOVE my band!! I was banded 10 months ago and have lost 80 pounds. I had lost 40 before the surgery as well. I still have a long way to go but I feel great. It is a "tool" and I do someone who had it done 6 weeks before me and they have not lost a pound, but she drinks while she eats. She has cokes all the time ahe eats and throws up, and has streched out her pouch. I feel very sorry for all of the people who it has not worked for, because for me it has been a wonderful thing. I am not just a reg fat person that no one stares at any more. My knees are better and I know I will get under the 200 mark. I started at 358, I am 5'2". I now weigh 238:thumbup: Good luck to all! Ann
  17. Wishes4444


    Hi Monkey! Sorry you were not able to be banded yet, but WTG on sticking to the diet and getting ready for 8/29!! Sounds like you are ready! I LOVE my band, now I just wish I could love exercise lol. I know if I could get myself to do it I would lose more then this pound a week I am doing now. Last week I was bad and ate way too many carbs and bad stuff and the scale showed it to me! So I am back on track and maybe soon I will get into exercising! What kind of a diet are you on...liquids? Good Luck and I will keep my fingers crossed for you on the 29th! Please keep in touch, this thread has gotten way to quiet! Best Wishes
  18. Wishes4444


    Hey Rose Ann how are you doing? I am glad the meds worked for your knees like it did for mine. Keep in touch and let us know how your doing.
  19. Wishes4444


    Hi Berties, WTG on your weight loss and you gine inches!! As for the liquid diet you can do it on vacation, I know you can! Look how much it has done for you already! I know how you feel, Last summer I started my liquid diet on the 8th and went on vacation on the 11th. My husband and kids were very supportive, but my sister was trying to get me to wait and start the diet when we came back. I said NO it's time to start now and I did it. Yes it was hard but I kept looking at the big picture. I wanted the surgery and my Dr wouldn't touch me until I had a BMI under 60 so I knew I had to do it. I was on 3 shakes a day for the first 4 weeks then for the next 8 weeks I did 2-3 shakes a day and 1-2 pieces of fruit. My Dr had said I caould have the fruit from the first day but I wanted to try just the shakes for the first month. Yes it is hard but SOOOOO worth it! You can do it!!!!! I know you can!!! You are so close to your surgery date YAHOOOO!! Best Wishes!
  20. Wishes4444

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    Hey apple I was banded the day before you! Sorry to hear about all your troubles. My surgeon gave me too much of a fill in March but not nearly as bad as your was. I was gurguling all day long and vomiting in my sleep. It was very scary, I was away in PA and could not get to my DR he wanted me to come in for an unfill. I wound up sleeping sitting up for two weeks and it took me 7 weeks before I was able to eat some what normal again. I know I should have went for the unfill BUT my ins doesn't cover it and he charges 325.00, and my husband had just lost his job after 34 yrs. So I was worried about the money which I know is stupid. I just didn't want to pay another 325 to have it put back in 2 weeks later. Anyway I sufered through it, now I only go for fills every 3 months and they only give me 1/4 cc at a time. I am due to go this month for a weigh in but I am going to cancel. I can't see spending 75.00 just to get weighed. Glad to hear you are doing better and WTG on your 7 pound loss thats awsome!! Best Wishes
  21. Wishes4444


    Hey Rose Ann (pinkposey) I have bad knees too. I need them replaced as well. The worst part for me was the 10 days before surgery without my Voltairn(anit inflamatory pills) I thought I would die. The pain was so bad my Rumitologist gave me injections and that helped a bit, but without those pills I was a cripple. The good news is that with the weight loss my knees are better. I still need new knees but I can go shopping and I can walk around without feeling like my legs are going to kill me! In fact last week I went to see some falls in PA and I yes ME I climbed over 250 steps to the top! I felt like I had climbed MT Everest. I was so happy that I was able to walk all the way into the falls and then climb the stairs to the top! Anyway don't worry because the pain meds they give you after the surgery your knees will love! Mine did!! I had to get up every hour and walk for 15 mins and I thought no way will my knees stand for it, but on the drugs they give you my knees were fine! Keep in touch good luck!
  22. Wishes4444


    Hi Michele! You are right about the people who are starting much lower then us. I wish them luck too, but heck I would love to weight 220 lol! Don't worry though we will get there! You must be pretty tall my BMI was 65.5 I am 5'2". It's slow but sure, I have days where I get annoyed but I must say I LOVE my BAND!!!!
  23. Wishes4444

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    Hey Happy almost Birthday!! I am sure you will do great! How offen do you get weighed in? I had to wait 3 months for my surgery. Not because of my ins, but because my Dr wouldn't touch me until I was under 60 BMI. I will be thinking of you, let us know how you make out!
  24. Wishes4444

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    Hey Froggie your doing great! I don't know why my e-mail never tells me when someone posts on any of the lap band threads. I guess I should just keep checking in. Good Luck everyone!
  25. Wishes4444


    Thats GREAT Stacey! Welcome to the banded family. Let me know how you are doing!!

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