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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wishes4444

  1. Yes it is very expensive here too! 8000-10000 as well. My arms were 9500 which I thought was ridiculous! But I went to 3 PS and they were all the same price. The breast would have been 8700 if I did them with my arms, or 9500 on their own. The full body lift is 20-25,000. My ins covers NONE of it and it makes me sick! I pay 130.00 a week for myh heath ins! At least it could cover the body lift. I want to have it done very bad but don't think I will ever find that kind of money. The 9500 for my arms was hard enough! I so wish I could though. My thighs are AWFUL! I will never be able to wear a bathing suit without capris. Can't even wear shorts. I know its not a big deal but it makes me sad that I can't just be like everyone else after all this. At least I can wear tank tops now and not feel self conscience and not have it be the first thing I see about me in a photo! My PS office manager put me on the schedule for Jan 31st for the body lift to hold the spot lol. Unless hes going to cut his price by 3/4 lol I wont be using it. I also have to get back down to 169 before I would do it. Best Wishes,
  2. Thank you all very much. Anyone have their thighs done?
  3. Here are the pictures I took tonight 4 weeks post op. I am happy they do look better but I sure hope they tighten up a bit. Still very swollen.
  4. Thanks, I am happy. Can't wait to see what final out come will be. Just hoping the tighness and numbness in the left arm goes away. Still very swollen!
  5. Here are my pics from before and one day post op. Will take new ones tomorrow night it will be 4 weeks post op. Update... ok took the new ones from tonight here they are. I am happy but hoping they may tighen up a bit still. They are both still very swollen.
  6. Well thats good to hear! I can only hope my arms look as good as yours when all is said and done. I will post pics tonight when I get home from my camera. I am going to work at stretching the left arm a bit to see if that helps. I just hope this numbness goes away! Thanks again!
  7. Thanks! Your arms look fantastic! I think my new arms are going to be only slightly better then your old arms...maybe. They are no where near as tight as yours. Mine did start out a LOT bigger though so I guess that has something to do with it... did you have any numbness in either of your arms and any tightness? My left arm is giving me some problems but its only been 4 weeks so I am hoping they will al work themselves out.
  8. Sue do you have any before pictures, and can you tell me how you attached these to this post? Thanks!
  9. Hi when I get home tonight I will take some new pics and see if I can post them. It hurt lol still does and it will be 4 weeks this thrusday. I still can't lift anything and have a lot of swelling still. My scars are long but the dr told me he would go as far as he had to not to leave a bump or bubble of tissue. Which was fine with me. My left scar goes futher then my right. They start under my arm and go past my elbow. But I had VERY large "bat wings" yours may not be as bad. The placement of my scar is AMAZING! I have seen many pictures but have never seen anyones placed like mine. When I hold my arms up like a goal post you can not see them. The are on the back of the insdie of my arm. I have to lift my arms up straight to be able to see them. I am very happy with the placment! As for the look of them I don't know yet, they said it will tkae 3-6 months before I will see the final look. They look 100% better but still a little fuller then I would have liked, but again I have to wait at least 2 more months. He also used inside stitches and glue so I don't have a "train track" scar. I will do my best to post some pics for you. Oh as for pain I did stay home for a full week because of the drains I had. percocet did the trick. Just a lot of burning and discomfort. My left arm still has a lot of numbness which I am a little worried about. But the Dr said it's normal...we shall see in time. Good Luck!
  10. Gee I never got any of these replys, wonder why?? Wellhad my arms done will be 3 weeks post op tomorrow. Going to the Dr this afternoon to see how things are looking. Mine were stichted and glued shut. They look good but stiff swollen I think. Theybsaid I wont see true results for 6 months. Some days my right looks better then today my left looks much better then my right. I had drains in until last monday. A lot of Fluid coming out, he may have to asperate sp? them today we shall see I hope not! Will post pics if I can figure out how.
  11. I can't wait! I wish I could do my breasts at the same time. That is what the Dr. wanted to do. Ins does not cover any of it so I rather save for the body lift next rather then my breasts. They want 10,000 for my arms, 20,000 for the body lift and 10,000 for my breasts and 10,000 for my thighs(which are awful!) so my breasts will be last IF I can find the money:frown: Thanks for sharing the pictures!!
  12. Wishes4444

    Afraid of cosmetic surgery!

    CONGRATUATIONS!! You look amazing! How much did you lose?
  13. Wishes4444

    Afraid of cosmetic surgery!

    WOW those prices are GREAT! I am paying 10,000 for my arms and they want 20,000 for the body lift and 10,000 for my breasts and 10,000 for my thighs:frown:
  14. Wishes4444

    Afraid of cosmetic surgery!

    SUE, HOLY COW!! You look fantastic! I want to have the body lift done but now that I but some weight back on I don't know if I should do it. WTG! Ann
  15. Sorry I missed this message! The medication I take is Diclofenec, thats the generic brand for Voltarin. It's an anti inflamitory and if you take it everyday it DOES help!

  16. Gee Momster I am so sorry to hear that it's not working for you. Something is wrong, how many fills have you had? maybe you should see a new Bariatric Dr. and have an endoscopy or an upper GI to seehow the band looks and how big the pouch is? Do drink carbonated beverages? Do not just give in to the Dr saying thats how it works becuase thats NOT true. IF your band was working you would not able to eat all you want of what ever you want. Please go see a different dr! It does work when it's right, please let me know how you make out! Best wishes!
  17. Wishes4444

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    Hi Ericka, My BMI was over 65 and my Dr wouldn't touch me unless I was under 60. I went on Protien shakes 3 times a day and lost 41 pounds in 3 months so I could have the surgery. I can't tell how happy I am now!! The band is one of the best things that ever happened to me! I got the shakes from a Nutritionist, but you can buy them online too. They are called VHP shakes (Very High Protien) They have 35gm or protien so you don't feel hungry. You can do it!! I never thought I would be under 300 pounds and never in my dreams under 200 pounds! I wore a size 32 to my sons wedding 3 yrs ago 3 weeks ago I wore a 14 to my daughters and I looked BEAUTIFUL! I felt like a princess that day. It is worth every thing in the world to me!! Good Luck!
  18. Wishes4444

    Not a Success Story

    First it is wonderful that you lost 100 pounds! Think how you felt at 329! I sure remember and it was not fun! You have to remember the band is only a tool YOU have to control your intake of sweets. Have sugar free candies and ice cream, or diet juice or soda. There are things out there that are sweet and not near as fattening. You can do it and the first 100 you lost is proof, it's a tool and YOU have to use it right! Good Luck!
  19. Wishes4444

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    Yes it slows down BUT it does keep going down! I only lose about 2-3 pounds a month but thats ok as long as I am loosing! Good Luck!
  20. Hi, I have my band but not happy with my Dr. My friend is looking to get a band but needs to find a Dr here in NY on Long Island. Anyone on LI that is happy with their Dr? Thanks,
  21. Wishes4444

    Need Dr on Long Island

    Thank you all very much she is going to see Dr. Geiss June 9th. I wish I could switch my Dr. But Dr. Geiss will not take people who are already banded.
  22. Wishes4444

    Need Dr on Long Island

    Hi Kiki, 11 pounds the first week is VERy good. Don't worry it does slow down. I have had MANY slow times. Some months I have lost nothing, on average I lose about 2-4 pounds a month. It is slow but as long as it's down I am happy. I know why it is slow I don't exercise and many days I don't make the right food choices, but I love my band and feel great! Keep in touch and let me know how your doing! Welcome to the Band world!
  23. WTG! CONGRATS to you! Yes it is a wonderful feeling! I just wish I had you exercise spirit! I hate it and never do it. I would be losing a lot faster if I did, and be in better shape as well. The sitting on charis thing was a BIG one for me! How nice to not worry if it would break!
  24. Wishes4444

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    Hi Ky, My goodness I will say they sure didn't protect you! Holy Cow 45 mins! That is just awful! You WILL hit the sweet spot, just give it time. When can they give you a fill? you are down 95 pounds already! Thats a HUGE step!!!! I sure hope your wrist and everything else feel better real soon!!!!!!!!!! Best Wishes!!xoxo
  25. Wishes4444

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    Hi Ky, Glad to hear from you. I was wondering how you were doing. Sorry to hear you are going through all this. Did they catch the person that did this to you? I KNOW you will do well and I and hoping you will be feeling much better VERY soon! Keep in touch and let me know how you are doing! Best Wishes,

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