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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ecbailey

  1. ecbailey

    Summerville, SC

    Kathy- the heartburn pain is real and I would get your Dr. to explain how long it should last. I talked to Dr. Ponce's office today and they said it should last a little longer and I need to take "sips" instead of gulps. I have been gulping this is ahard habit to break. Especially if you are hungry and thirsty. Take Care, Eliza
  2. ecbailey

    Relationships after Banding

    I think i willbe more apt to come on to my husband while I am doing dishes b/c I won't break the kitchen table!
  3. ecbailey

    Summerville, SC

    I am in Summerville SC; Columbia is about 1.5 hours away from Summerville. Is your daughter at USC? I am in graduate school there. I am getting my master's in Library Science. How are you doing with your band? Eating and the rest of it? I still have heartburn..gas;how about you? i have lost 6lbs though! Eliza
  4. ecbailey

    Summerville, SC

    Kathy, Sorry it has taken so long to post. I am doing well. I have been extremely moody...I think this is due to my hunger and inability to relax b/c both of my children have been sick with the throw-up bug and life has not been pleasant! Since you have small children, I would strongly reccommend that you have someone in place to help you. Even if your husband says he will..he will be tried after spending time with the children during your went to have surgery. If I could do it again, I would have stayed in Dalton longer. Once I got back, my husband was exhausted b/c Ralphie had been sick and continued to be sick for another 3 days! He expected me to help and I was in another world tring to adjust to the surgery and get accustom to the dietary restrictions. The last thing I had patience for was my family. I know that sounds mean but that is how I felt! We got in a huge arguement that I think could have been avoided if we had realistic expectations as to my mental as wellas physical frame of mind. We finally decided, even though I am home pretend that I am not! FYI: He feels that all of the preop counseling was about me....and not about what the family should expect. My husband is very supportive and a wonderful guy but even he has his limits. As for the food, being hungry is not fun, but I have not been able to eat anything but the broth, popscicles, etc..liquids. I did eat a mushed up hard boiled egg. Not a good idea. Today I ate some small curds cottage cheese...it seemed to help with the hunger. I am not supposed to eat this until next week, I thought I'd give it a try...it's ok, I did not eat much. The main thing is that you should eat liquids and let your body heal. I can understand how the band works as a "tool" now. It really limits what you can and cannot eat. You will feel pain and get sick if you eat too much, too fast or the wrong foods. I am not craving anything...really it just amazes me how much I was eating and how little I am eating now. This is a good feeling. I hope this helps. Good Luck and keep me posted. Eliza
  5. ecbailey

    Summerville, SC

    Panda, There is a Dr. Eric Bour in Greenville, SC. about 1.5 hours away from Columbia. Where do you live? Hey Kathy, I posted a longer reply under the support thread. Thanks for starting that for me. How are you feeling? Eliza
  6. ecbailey

    Eliza/ecbailey Welcome home!!

    Thank you everyone for the support. I have nothing but great things to say about Dr. Jaime Ponce and his staff. They have been professional and compassionate through this whole process. Their outpatient facility in Dalton, GA is truely state of the art- just like their brochure says. My mother went with me...she has been in medical management for over 25 years and was totally impressed by the staff and facility. I would go back there in a heart beat! So would she. As for my experience, it has been better than expected. Instead of going to the hotel after surg. I ended up spending the night...my cardiologist in SC wanted me to be monitored for 24c hours. (I have cardiomyopathy). The best news was that it did not cost extra to spend the night. If I had been at a "hospital" it probably would have been $2,000+ more! I was the only one there with two nurses. I had great room service. They kept me on pain meds for the first day then after that I choose not to take any more. The pain is not severe, I am really just sore. The hard part has been my lack of energy and being hungry. Dr. Ponce's dietary (very basic) guidelines are: 1st week clear liquids;2nd-3rd week thicker liquids Protein shakes,etc..4th week mushy foods. The Clear Liquids are not "cutting" it..I am still hungry. I am drinking fluids and eating popsicles. This helps. I know this is one the hardest times for bandsters and I am being strong. This will pass and on Wednesday I will have a Protein shake for breakfast! and in six weeks will get myfirst fill! As for weight loss..I have no idea and am not planning on getting on a scale for at least a week. I don't really see a point of weighing right now, especailly with the swelling. I can tell you that I "feel" thinner and healthier by being on the liquid diet. The slate is being washed clean so that I can start over ...eating well and healthy. Good luck to everyone else out there ands thanks again for the support. I will keep you posted.
  7. ecbailey

    Summerville, SC

    Kathy, Sorry to make you wait until Friday. Everything went great! Dr. Ponce's facility is awesome and the staff is very professional and nice. I am a little sore but I have not taken the pain meds during the day. I will take some tonight. It's amazing how smooth everything went and that it is all over and I am home. I will write more later. I need to visit with my family. Take Care, Eliza
  8. ecbailey

    Summerville, SC

    Kathy, No word from Hope huh? Maybe she'll join us later. I am nervous but trying not to make a big deal about it around my children. They are roughly the same age as yours. 2 boy and 7 girl. I wanted to spend some time with my daughter tonight but she fell asleep while I was putting my son to bed. :think (I am also a stay at home mom but I am in graduate school. I am getting my master's in Library Science.) I posted on the GA forum re: Dr. Ponce and have gotten good feedback; that helps my nerves. I'll post as soon as I can and let you know how things go. Our hotel has internet access and I am taking my laptop so who knows I might be able to give an update sooner than later. As for the WW group, I am doing that more for my husband..he wants me to learn to cook properly and portion size...I am all for that too. I will post about OA and see what happens. Have most people found it to be helpful? I am currently seeing a therapist and she has been helpful. But I would like to find someone that specializes in food addiction. MUSC (the medical university here) might have a program in place. When I get back I will check it out. This site has been a great help and I agree, it really is the best place to go online. Take Care, Eliza
  9. ecbailey

    Feedback Dr. Ponce

    Thanks everyone for the feedback. I will be leaving in the morning and will post as soon as I can. Keep me in your thoughts! Eliza
  10. Hope, I am having surg. on 3/23/2005. I have been to several sites but have found this one to be the most helpful. Where do you live? I suggest going to the state forum and post there. Even if you are the first post...someone will reply and you can make a connection with someone in your area. Kathy, who responded to this thread, and I "met" in the SC forum; it's just the two of us and you are welcome to post there; we are both newbies...she is having her surg. 4/8/2005. Good Luck, Eliza
  11. ecbailey

    Summerville, SC

    Kathy, That sounds great! Let's post here and "be buddies". Your surg. date is pretty close to mine...4/8 right? That's my son's 2nd birthday...This way we can help each other out and share info. I have been to other sites, but this one seems to be the easiest for me to navigate and get answers. How about you, have you tried any other lapband support sites? I am so glad you posted here I was beginning to feel discouraged re: anyone else out there...Dr. Ponce said that a support group is VERY important to the success of the lapband. Locally we have a gastric bypass support group, but Dr. Ponce said that the procedures are so different and the gastric by pass patients have different issue. He suggested online sites. Again, I have found this one to be the most productive. I am also planning on going to weight watchers and OA. Do you have any support group plans? As for going to MX; It sounds like you are in good hands. I've seen Dr. Kuri's name a bunch on this site...plus you will get to have a mini-vacation . Take Care, Eliza P.S. How old are your children?
  12. ecbailey

    Summerville, SC

    I will post and thanks for the chat room info. I am self pay also and I am having my surg. at Hamilton AmbulatorySurg. Center. It is outpatient; However, I have to stay in Dalton for two days and on Friday after my check up...I can go home. My mother is going with me while my husband stays home with the children. The next week is Spring Break so he is taking that week off. The total cost is $13, 200.00. If you were to have the surg. and stay in the hospital I think it is somewhere around 18k -19K. I don't think I could have made going to Mx sound legit for my family...I know it is...but I did not want to fight that battle with then esp, since my husband was willing to pay the 13,200. I am not looking forward to having to travel to Dr. Ponce but I trust him and nothing is perfect! There is a Dr. in Greenville, SC, Dr. Bourne (I think) that does the lapband, but he was very expensive 25k! If everything goes well and after my first year I might consider switching to him (much closer 3.5 hours) If he would do the fills. Have you heard of him? Right now, I am just looking forward to physically being myself again! 145/175/200 pregnancy/250/200/275 pregnancy/230 and now 275! Ughhh. I am a little concerned that I will get frustrated but I am dedicated! How about you? Do you have a good support system. Do you know anyone who has been banded?
  13. I don't know if this is the right place to post these questions, but here goes... I am having surgery on March 23, 2005. What can I expect in regards to recovery? Also, how do you modify the weight ticker? Can it be modified or do you have to redo it each time? Thanks, ecbailey
  14. ecbailey

    Summerville, SC

    Yes, I will. Is Dr. Kuri the Dr. in Mexico? Are there a lot of bandsters in NC? Have you tried to chat yet? Do you known how it works?
  15. ecbailey

    What is recovery like?

    Thank you for the replies. Now, I have a good idea of what to expect. I am in graduate school, but have two children ages: 7 and 2. I am more concerned about my activity level with them. Thanks again, ecbailey
  16. ecbailey

    chat anyone?

    I'll be waiting
  17. ecbailey

    Come and Chat!

    How does the chat work? is there a certain time or do we just post and say we are waiting to talk...
  18. ecbailey

    List of Protein rich foods/values

    What would be considered "high" protein. I bookmarked the link but I was wondering is there a formula? X amount of calories divided by X amount of protein = certain number to be above to be considered a high protien food item.
  19. I am having surgery with Dr. Ponce in Dalton, GA. I live in SC and have posted to the SC forum...if there is anyone else out there in SC; it would be great to get that forum going. I reseached the LapBand and RNY. Initially, I was interested in the LB; Because I would have to travel out of state to get the best price and the Dr. I felt comfortable with...I started to second guess the LB and focused on the RNY. There is a wonderful local Doctor with vast experience and a great reputation. ( He was not negative about the LapBand, he said he has not been trained in the procedure and therefore he is not doing it but did not knock it) Cigna denied my surgery and I switched back to the LB. I decided the trip and my health was worth it.
  20. I am having Dr. Ponce do my lapband on March 23rd. Remind me, and I'll let you know how it goes. So far his staff has been awesome and I feel very comfortable with them. I am in Summerville, SC. roughly 7 hours away...so most of what I have done is over the phone and Internet. I did make the trip to visit him prior to surgery for the consultation. If you are in Brunswick, GA then you are about 7- 8 + hours away too. Dalton , Ga is 30 minutes outside of Chattanooga, TN and about 1 hour away from Atlanta depending on the traffic! Brunswick is about 1.5 or so hours away from Summerville. I have posted on the SC forum to see if there is anyone in SC (or close). I'll post my results there.
  21. I really enjoyed the ease of viewing the pictures. Thanks, ecb

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