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Everything posted by mommytonya

  1. mommytonya

    BAD day

    This is new to me. The anerexia. It just replaced the overeating...which im sure stemmed from childhood abuse :/ from the day I went to my pcm to tell her I was interested in the surgery to the day I had the surgery was about two months. I was not educated enough and certainly not prepared mentally for this. I had 6month old twins and a two year old...after a very hard pregnancy and months of my girls on oxygen and than moved 5weeks after my surgery to another state...than 3 weeks later hubby left for korea than in and out of the hospital for 6 months. It was just way to much way to fast! My famiky and friends have been amazing but they saw me dying... literally so it was tramatic for all of them so now I just dont think they know what to say or do and thats ok.. I mean if I were them I wouldnt have a clue how to help me. Its just soooo overwhelming. I tried to go to an overeaters anonymous meeting and had a panic attack because all I saw was overweight people ..me 8 months ago and freaked out. So its a lonely and hard road right now with my rock (my husband) gone for another year still. Ill make it through it....I have to for my babies! But some days it seems impossible. Blah ..I feel like I have word vomit right now but it feels good to get it out.
  2. mommytonya

    BAD day

    Oh and thank you deaddedmama for the concern
  3. mommytonya

    BAD day

    I go to counseling and take valium to try to relaxe me enough to eat but honestly nothing is really working. It got so bad at about 4 months out that I was near death...was taken by ambulance because my heart was stopping. It got a little better after two weeks in the hospital ad its been just recently that its getting bad again. I fear everyday things will get bad again. I did this surgury as a tool to "save" my life I never thought in a million years I would go the otherway I have a 3yr old and 16month old twins and a husband in korea for 16months I get up everyday with a smile on my face and try and give my best to them. some days are better than others but the last few have just been shitty. noone in my family understand. I hey try to and they are amazing people and I wish they could know what im feeling but they just dont and cant. I know ill get through this but you know those days that you just dont want to feel anything?! Blah!!! And now I just feel like a drama queen...things coukd be worse right?!?!
  4. mommytonya


    I would be also. Well hopefully they do a test and dont do the surgwry. For her well being
  5. mommytonya


    I would tell her she is risking even getting the surgery and if she cant quit smoking than maybe she should wait until she can to get it? Other than that its hwr life and there isnt much you can do but tell her how you feel. Beyond that its on her
  6. I did the same thing!!! My hair was past my but and I cut it like yours but about two inches shorter. Thank god because I shed like crazy I hate it. I feel like im going bald! It does look way better short though.
  7. mommytonya


    I started smoking again im almost 7 months post op and about two weeks after I started i got an ulcer :/ its very bad and most surgoens if they find out you are still smoking they will not do thw surgeryy. Mine did a test the day of to tell if I had been smoking so they can find out
  8. Im trying to find the website s9meone on here recommended on here. It had some really cute ones....anyone know?
  9. Yeah I saw that one but thats not thw one I was thinking of but it might be the one I use thanks!!
  10. Its hard to say... moat days I wouldnt do it again but on my good days I would. Im aure once I gwt through all of this anerexia stuff I will be very glad I did it. As sick as I am in the head right now I do love a lot of things....being able to play with my kids without losing my breath and having to stop being the biggest! Those things arw great but the constant thought of getting fat agaim and not eating and all that it just wasnt worth it. So it really is hard to say at this point. .....and thanks tinymami
  11. Laticiahuggins...yeah im sure you will be! I suppose it depends on the brand you buy as well. So basically to make w long story short...I was getting very very sick after I had the surgery. I was in the er or admitted to the hospital countlesa times. I had my gallbladder removed and numerous endoscopys, cat scans and xrays and they just could not figure out what was wrong with me. I would go weeks without eating and barley drinking. I was extremely dehydrated all the time. I couldnt take care of my kids it got so bad. Thank god I moved back with my parents when my husband went to korea. Anyway I had to call the abulance one night..mi thought I was having a heartattack it was really bad. They came and I was like dying ... literally. ..I was skiping like 6 heart beats and than I would have one. My pulse was almost not even there. I was admitted to the hospital and thats when they finally diagnosed me with anerexia. I guess I just didnt want to face that I was this whole time until someone said something finally. It was awful to hear it. Part of me being so incredibly sick was that I was just one of the unlucky few that get really sick after this surgery but most of it was that I am affraid every bite I take is going to make me fat again. So I have to take valium before I eat anything and im in counceling. Im still struggling with it but it gets a little better everyday.
  12. Thanks everyone. Ive had a very hard road. I have been in and out of the hospital since surgery. Was diagnosed with anerexia. So I lost so fast because of that and would recommend seeking counseling as soon as possible after this surgery even if you dont think anything like that could happen to you. I am feeling much better everyday. Its a struggle but im making it through!
  13. mommytonya


    Thanks babygirl127
  14. So I was diagnosed with anorexia. This was sooo hard to hear even though I kind of knew in the back of my head. I never thought I would ever have this...having been overweight most of my life. Its going to be a long road to recover from this. Just want to let people know...please please seak counceling after this surgery! Whether you feel off or not. And follow what the doc and nut says to a T. This last 6 months since surgery has been hell for me! In and out of the hoapital...at one point almost died from not eating. Its no joke and it can happen to anyone.
  15. mommytonya


    Yeah I had my surgery dec 3rd and its been an issue since. But im sure with time and counceling it will get better
  16. Started at 279 now 165. 15 more pounds until goal. Been almoat 6months since my surgery [ATTACH]3972[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]3973[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]3974[/ATTACH]
  17. mommytonya

    114 gone!

    Great job! Forsure worth it and thank you
  18. mommytonya


    Thanks everyone.

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