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Everything posted by jessouder

  1. jessouder

    Post op pics

    I eat most things, no red meat yet, no carbonated beverages. I eat a lot of chicken. I just don't eat a lot. I can only take a few bites then I am stuffed. I try to do protein shakes but I can barely drink 1/4 of them so it feels like a waste.
  2. jessouder

    Post op pics

    Thank you. I struggle getting enough protein so I kinda expected it but my hair is already thin and fine so. I really have to try harder. I do take biotin though.
  3. jessouder

    Post op pics

    Still have a long way to go, but making progress. Now I need to stop losing my hair. At least if I go bald I will be skinny and bald lol.
  4. We have the same exact date. I am also down 43 pounds since surgery. My weight loss has been a little different I have had several stalls. My starting weight was 238 I am 5'7. Current weight is 195. I would love to see more days of losing but I can't complain 43 pounds in 9 weeks is good for me. Unfortunately I still have at least another 50 to lose. Also I always stall right before and during my period, maybe you are at that time in your cycle?
  5. jessouder

    Cigna, anyone?

    I have Cigna. It took about a week to get approved however I had doctors notes from the past year showing I had tried to lose weight and I had to get a psych eval as well. My first appointment with surgeon was 10/18/12 & surgery was 11/27/12. 6 weeks. Helps to have awesome staff at your surgeons office!
  6. Anybody get lightheaded? This just started a week ago. Usually happens once a day at least. Thought it was no big deal at first but now that it keeps happening I am curious as to why.
  7. I try to eat every 2-4 hours but I dont eat much. Dont want to be stuffed. I still come up short most days. I an going to try going back on liquid/protein shakes see if that helps.
  8. Thanks everybody. Looks like I am not the only one not losing what was expected. Everybody says they see a difference and I do too just not enough of one. I definitely wanted to be under 200 by now and am stuck between 205&207. It goes up and down between those weights. My calories are generally right around 400-600. I have no clue what my metabolism is I will have to ask my surgeon. I run a busy salon and even if I don't workout I burn 2500 calories in 6 hours at work. Per my polar. But I do workout. I play raquetball and burn 700-900 calories in 45 minutes. Plus other stuff at the gym. Maybe I will try going back to liquid diet too. Can't hurt I guess.
  9. Also I generally workout however. I am really sick this week and can barely breathe when I am doing nothing let alone working out. I will be back to the gym as soon as I am able though.
  10. Just curious what other people are losing. Tuesday will be 8 weeks and I am only down 33 pounds. I feel like that number should be higher. Plus I am frustrated because I go back to the dr on wednesday and since it is afternoon and I will have clothes on it will probably read a higher number. Which is totally discouraging to me even though I know in my head why. I really thought at 2 months out I would be down at least 40lbs. I definitely stall way more often then I lose! Getting irritated like I will be the one person this surgery doesn't work on. Nothing has made me dump. I dont eat red meat. I don't drink anything carbonated. Ugh. Anybody a few months ahead of me that started around 240 have a similar experience?
  11. jessouder

    My Fitness Pal

    Some people have an open diary. Some don't. I am with you I also like seeing what others are eating.
  12. jessouder

    My Fitness Pal

  13. jessouder

    3 weeks since surgery - food amounts...

    Everybody is different. The consistency of the food makes a difference too. I can't really eat that much in one sitting but I am usually hungry again in 2 hours and you are suppose to eat between 2-4 hours anyways so 1 ounce of chicken is pretty close to what I eat now in 1 sitting which is about 20-30 minutes for me but a few hours later I have another ounce. If you aren't getting what you need supplement with shakes. This is just my opinion if you really don't think you are getting enough maybe ask your doctor? I was told 2 oz (1/4cup) at first then 4oz (1/2 cup) per sitting. Hope this helps.
  14. jessouder

    5weeks out and discouraged.

    Kris I had surgery same day as you. I was 238 and only down to 211. I hope and think that is pretty normal.
  15. jessouder

    I need some help...

    Heather, Are you using my fitness pal? It is a great way to measure and see exactly what you take in and put out. I am close to 6 weeks out and only down 27 pounds. Everybody's body and how much weight they have to lose is different. I posted a chart on the other forum that I found that really helped me put it into persepective a week ago I was just like you. Super depressed thought I was the 1 person this surgery didn't work on. I still have those moments but I didn't lose anything from day 14 until 3 days ago. Everytime I lost a pound it would just come back the next day. My initial weight loss was 20 punds in 13 days so I think part of my problem was comparing that to the major slow down of weight loss. I have really been trying to hit the gym hard (which I hate everything about the gym). Our surgery dates are close and our weight is close too. That is the other thing, the less weight you have to lose with this surgery the slower it is going to come off. I have to remind myself of this stuff everyday and so do my friends and family. It is hard to go through something so dramatic and think it was for nothing but after reading so many other stories that have the same situations I am starting to realize everybody's wls journey is different. Hope that helps? Jessica
  16. jessouder

    The Scale!

    I completely understand. I weigh daily, probably at least 3 times per day but usually more. My doctor did tell me he does not want me to weigh myself except at his office but that is not going to happen. I am definitely a slave to the scale right now I am almost 6 weeks out.
  17. I know we aren't suppose to be having lettuce but I have been doing the baby spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers and a dressing called Litehouse Red wine and olive oil. I am eating mostly chicken just cooked different ways. Are you cleared for regular foods yet?
  18. Time After Surgery / Average Weight Loss (% of Excess Weight) 1 month / 20% 3 months / 38% 6 months /57% 9 months / 66% 12 months / 73% 15 months / 73% 18 months /73% 24 months / 76% 3 years / 71 % 5 years / 66%
  19. I found a chart I am going to try to post when I get home but month 1 was 20% of what pounds you are to lose to be at your goal.. 35% at the end month 3.. It continues on.. I will post when I find plus I know my wording is off.
  20. I had my surgery 11/27...What are your questions about?
  21. jessouder

    Gym time...

    I was allowed and encouraged to walk immediately. I was told no abdominal specific exercise ie. crunches/planks etc. until six months. I am 5 weeks out tomorrow I have been doing arms legs and a lot of cardio. Crossfit routines too but just carefully since I am technically not cleared. Right now I am cleared for treadmill which I do at the highest incline, elliptical and the stair stepper.
  22. jessouder

    My Fitness Pal

    It is a little like facebook. You can see how many calories your friends burned working out and how much weight they have lost. You can send messages and post comments.

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