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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by MyTimeToLose

  1. I am going to answer my own question.....I found a medical study that was done and they drank 5oz of wine and on average it took 108 minutes for the alcohol to leave the blood stream, but it also said it really matters if you are drinking on an empty stomach and within the 1st year after surgery which both can mean it will take even longer to leave your blood stream. The 108 minute average was based on both male and female who were over a year postop. It can also greatly affect your blood sugars if you are not used to it or drink a lot.

    After reading the article I have decided that since I do not have a ride, I am not going to risk it and I will just order something without alcohol and enjoy the conversation instead :)

  2. Does anyone know how long the effects of alcohol stay in your blood stream after gastric bypass? I can't remember and I am going out for an after work drink next week with some co-workers and wondering how long I should wait to drive. I know that normally it is a drink an hour, but not sure if that is the same after surgery. I am 8.5 months out and will probably drink a glass of wine which I have tried and can tolerate fine.

  3. My doctor told me 6 months. I had my first drink at 7 months, a beer, and it was ok, the carbonation of it made me feel a little bloated, but I could drink it, just took a while.

    Now at 8.5 months out I drink the occasional glass of wine and I am fine, I do feel drunk very fast, usually 1/2 a glass and it hits me, lasts a little bit and goes away....Be very careful since even though it wears off and you feel fine, your blood still has alcohol in it and you can easily get a DWI when you feel fine. I went to a party about 5 weeks ago celebrating a friends engagment and I drank, probably the most I have since surgery and I did fine, but planned a ride home. I had about 4 drinks the whole night. Just remember people get addicted very easy after surgery, so don't make it a habit! I would go off what your doctor tells you and follow that advice. I hope you are doing well!

  4. That is tough since you never know how long you have with them. I don't want to say deal with it, since that can personally make you unhappy. Any chance you can sit down and talk with them and straighten things out? I am sure they are used to you being overweight and by the sounds of it, you didn't stand up in the past, so they are relating the current issues with your new weight. It is tough since I don't like to hear families split apart, but I have had issues with my siblings in the past too. I would try to sit down and talk to them if possible.

  5. I have gotten a lot of comments too and it sucks. I ignore them, but if it really bothers you I would just tell her, lets stop talking about me, I am happy. How about you? How are you feeling? OK, maybe not, but honestly I would just say, I am healthy and I don't need to be reminded all the time by you. My doctor said I am at a very healthy weight.

  6. I am a daily weigher, lol. So I was 237 yesterday thinking how nice it will be to be in my 220's soon. Well I woke up this morning and weighed myself as usual and it said 231! Is this for real? I decided to walk around, come back and weigh again, lol. Just to make sure. How is that possible, 6 pounds in a day. Must have been Water or something, lol. So excited! Now only 2 pounds and I will be in the 220's! I can't believe it is coming off so fast and I am not excerising that much yet.

  7. Those are the usually dumping symptoms I get. Are you not tolerating something? Maybe dairy or too much sugar? Or do you get those feelings after every meal. I don't get those symptoms for eating too much, I get more of a chest pain when I eat to much and feel like vommiting. The symptoms above I get more because of the food I had eaten. I would try to pin point what it is that is giving you those symptoms? Usually for me it is sugar, but I also get sick on milk (but not cheese), and some Protein Shakes, on tuna and really bad on Peanut Butter.< /p>

  8. So I drank my first caffeinated coffee today (small, non fat, no whip Mocha) and well, after only drinking about 6-7 ounces, it acted like an enema! Sorry TMI. Anyone else experience this? I didn’t get any of the dumping syndrome feelings from it ( no aches, cramps, headache, sick all over, hot feelings), just had to go, one time and I am fine. Strange! I am definitely awake though, lol, so the caffeine really worked! I also found that it makes you not hungry since I forgot to eat lunch today after I drank it. Whoops. Not a good thing when I barely make 700 calories a day when I eat all my meals. So now I am down on Protein for the day, so I have to get a shake in too, yuck, lol. Not sure it was worth it, but I am happy I am awake. Just a warning for those who try it once they bring back a “normal” food diet….don’t plan to do it out in public in case you have to run, lol.

    On a good note, my weight stall is no longer and I am almost in the 230’s, only 1 more pound! So 29 pounds in 6 weeks (269 day of surgery) I am soooo excited. I saw some people I haven’t seen in over 3 months and they didn’t even recognize me! It was such a great feeling. One even said….wow you look sexy (in jeans and a tighter t-shirt). I haven’t thought of myself that way in a long time!

  9. I am 6 weeks out and lost 30 pounds from my surgery date (was 269 day of surgery), so I average 5 pounds a week, Well technically I lost a bunch the first 2 weeks and then about 2-3 pounds since then. I lost my weight everywhere from my fingers to my butt to my boobs, lol. Is it an A line dress? If so I would do 1 size down from your current bust at ordering and then have them take it in. You usually don't drop over 2 sizes your first month, but depends on where your weight is lost. In the past, where do you lose it the most? Then go from there. It is easy to take in, but hard to let out a dress. So in 1 size, means you could lose 3 sizes the first month and the dress would look good still. That is what I would do.

  10. Remember that if you are a size 20 now, that usually means a 22 formal dress size. I have the same issue right now, but the wedding is in fall, so I will almost be a year out.

    Is it an A-line dress? If so, I would take your bust/chest measurement and go from that. My guess would be you would want to order around a 16, so size 14 regular clothing. But I would start by having them take your current measurements and then drop 2 sizes,. You can let out a dress only 1 size usually, but can take in 2-3 and it will usually look fine. So I would be safe and drop it 2 sizes from your current, measuring from your chest measurement. I am buying 2 dresses, but they are only $121 each, so I am buying one that is 1 size smaller 16 weeks prior to the wedding and 1 dress that is 4 sizes smaller. But if your dress is $200, I wouldnt want to order two,

  11. Today I struggle some since I felt hungry most of the day, which is not the norm, I usually have to remind myself to eat. I ate my 3 meals, but then for a snack I had 3 small pretzels and 1 hershey kiss which I craved, I know bad. My stomach tolerated them, but they are not "good" for me. The hershey kiss tasted different than I remember them tasting, not as good, so strange. I am sure if I had 2 or more I would have gotten sick though.

    But overall not a bad day, I actually was a lot more thirsty after the pretzels, so I drank 1 extra bottle of Water than I normally did and then a big BM, yes, sorry tmi, but the water must have did it.

    I also tried artifical crab meat today, I really liked it, Protein is good, I just wish their wasn't so much sodium in them.

    So excited to be on regular foods now, but I am finding myself still going back to previous favorites...greek yogurt, chili, refried Beans and cheese, and eggs.< /p>

  12. Does anyone have a sample menu they would be willing to share? An example of a typical day for you that includes 60 grams of Protein? I am really struggling with this right now and any help would be much appreciated. I am 5 weeks post op today.

    The only way I get mine in is if I do 2 Protein Shakes a day with 20g+ of protein each. I always have a greek yogurt which is another 12 to 16 depending on the brand and then my other 2 meals are usually refried Beans and salsa or canned chili with beans/turkey, sometimes beef. I also sometimes will have an egg with a sprinkle of cheese on it for a meal. I hope this helps some....but I have to still do the shakes to get it all in since my meals are so small.

  13. Has anyone had an issue with their Protein Shakes causing dumping syndrome? I could drink them fine before sx but after hasn't been so great?

    I had the same issue and found a different shake from GNC (their brand) and I was fine. I can't handle milk though, it makes me sick. But I am fine with cottage cheese, regular cheese, yogurts, so not sure what is with the milk? I hope it gets easier since you need the Protein and shakes are the best at this stage to make sure you get all the protein in.

  14. Oh good idea! That reminds me how much I enjoyed clam chowder before. Time to try it again! And for those struggling to find something different to eat, try The World According to Eggface. I always come away with some great food ideas from her!

    I loved clam chowder Soup too, but for some reason I just can't handle the smell of it anymore. Bummed about that, but I will find new favorites I guess.

  15. I just started the soft foods phase, and started yesterday by having some cottage cheese for lunch. Everything went well. For dinner, I had cod. That did NOT go quite as well. Despite my best efforts, it got stuck and I had terrible pain and hiccups. I tried orange roughy this evening and the same thing happened, but this time I actually threw up because the food was so stuck!I am a bit discouraged that I am having trouble with such soft food. Anyone else having these kinds of troubles?

    I had the same problem with fish, well all meats as well. My doctor said it is because of the texture and to start out with only 1 or 2 bites and that is it, then eat some veggies or something. So if you try it again, only do 1 or 2 bites starting out and see if that helps some.

  16. So, I sometimes I forget I had this surgery now, it is strange. Today, I got up around 5:45am (kids) and drank some Water, made my Protein Shake like usual and then went about my day leaving my greek yogurt on the table, forgetting about it since I wasn't hungry. Then at 12 I looked at the clock and started making lunch for my kids, then saw the yogurt. I am just no hungry anymore, so hard to remember to eat, it is so strange since food consumed my life before. I still get some cravings in the evenings which was my worst time prior with eating a lot. I feel like I can eat better now, but just not much of it. I still feel weak, not sure when I will feel better, but I get tired so easily which stinks. I do take B12 (under tongue). I did the shot, but my doctor likes the sublingual one since it gives you a better daily amount instead of tapering off towards the end of the month, but I feel tired still. My house is a mess and I have been home a lot the last few weeks and I just am so tired. I decided to skip my walk today and clean and had to take breaks all the time. Still not done and have been doing it since this morning, physicially and mentally exhausted.

    Has anyone noticed a certain food that gives them energy? I am not allowed caffiene :( Protein isn't doing it for me since my intake is around 55 and some days towards 70. Frustrated with weight too, I have been not losing much the last few weeks, only a pound here and there. :(

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