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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by MyTimeToLose

  1. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Can you add me? Surgery date was 12/10, Minnesota
  2. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Just had my first poached for dinner and it was awesome and I am usually not an egg person. Thanks for the great idea.
  3. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I feel better reading that some others have had this stall too, possible our bodies starving and holding on to everything. I did great earlier and was thinking it was the water intake, but the last 4 days I lost 1 pound, so that made me a little sad since I am barely eating....But the positive thing is that I am finally in the 250's!!!!! Happy to hear people are holding strong and doing well for the most part. I have had some issues with water the last couple days, I want to drink the whole bottle, but sipping is the most i can do still, so a little bummed I can drink any faster since I am so thirsty all the time!!!!!
  4. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    So I tried peanut butter for the first time and was seriously in pain and felt like I was going to vomit for 30 minutes. Horrible! Never again. I tried plain Greek Yogurt and wasnt a fan at first but put some sugar free strawberry jello in it and mixed and I love it and it has a lot of protein, so bonus there Back to work today and it went well. I hope everyone else is healing well and I wish all those going into surgery soon all the best and I hope for a fast, no complication surgery!
  5. Hi, I am just curious how many of you are over 5'9". I don't see many over this height. I am just under 5'11", female, so I am tall. Anyone else tall? What are your stats? I am just curious to find others with a similar height as me and how your journey is going?
  6. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    So I am excited today. I talked with the nurse on Monday after my fall accident (shower) and everything there is ok. We also talked about my weight loss and my water intake and she told me to really concentrate on the water intake more than anything this week. So I did. Had my protein in the AM and then set a timer to beep every 3 minutes and I would sip. Kind of annoying, but it worked. I got 70 ounces in Monday, 62 Tuesday and goal of 66 Wednesday-today. I was so proud. Then the best part..... I weighed at 1 week postop on Monday 265, today, only 3 days later I weigh 260!!!!!!!!!!! So the water is helping things move along like she said! So remember get your water in
  7. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I think it might be the milk you are drinking maybe? I can't drink milk very well without getting some diarrhea. Just a thought?
  8. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    So I tried some new foods today since I don't work tomorrow. Cottage cheese, lowfat, went well. Although I could only eat a little since it filled me up fast. I tried sugar free chocolate pudding, only a couple bites, never again, that was a horrible experience even though it tasted good I tried some clam chowder blended which I have always loved, but 2 tbls in I was sick, felt like I had to vomit but couldn't, so suffered for about 30 minutes. My supper I went easy on myself since I didnt want diarrhea again, so stuck to the protein shake with a little decaf coffee and ice, was good What foods have you tried that have not been good?
  9. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I can only eat a few ounces and I am satisified, I have went over once and felt extremely sick. I don't think the tootsie roll really did anything unless he didn't chew it well it could get stuck in there (but then he couldnt eat, he would vomit), other than that it would pass but usually chocolate would cause diarrhea not constipation I think? Is he eating small amounts each time or can he eat a lot at one sitting? He is still on liquids so that is also something to consider since liquids are going to run through your pouch pretty fast, so that might be why he is still hungry after. I am only 8 days, and do have a hard time still getting food in, but I also am on soft diet already, so I am actually eating somethings that will stay in my stomach longer than just liquids which I can do a lot more freq and easier. Is he still losing weight? I would think he is fine, call his dr for the constipation thing since that can get dangerous, mine told me to do a tiny bit of milk of Magensia and that did the trick for me, and I only took a tiny bit since you don't want diarrhea.
  10. WOW, you look so great! I am so excited for you and can't wait until I am that close You are beautiful!
  11. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Weigh in day for me Highest weight was 292 when I started this journey. 282 when I started my preop diet, 269 day of surgery then I went up 8 lbs due to fluids and I am now ....264!!! So excited. Down 5 lbs + the 8 water gain in 1 week. Can't wait to add some more walking/excerise in to see what happens!
  12. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    WOW, so exciting! Congrats!
  13. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Happy to report after my fall this morning I am feeling ok. I will call dr tomorrow, but I think I am fine. I was a little worried for a few hours, but didn't take anymore pain meds after the first dose and so far so good Now I just need to stop being accident prone!
  14. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I fell in the shower today, just slipped, but caught myself. My right side hurt so much, felt like I tore something inside the small incision site, not fun, so back on the pain meds right now, hopefully it heals and I have no pain tomorrow or I will have to call the doctor.
  15. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Isopure is my favorite and the best way for me to get my protein in right now! I like the red colored one, fruit punch I think it is called. I also like the blue one.
  16. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I agree with the above answers. I am 6 days post op and try to do 2 shakes a day if I can drink that much, sometimes takes me a while. My dr said I could do up to 3. That is low sugar, so no worries there and calories seem fine too since you are not taking in much else right now. Sorry to hear about your friend. Some people just don't understand, I have a few of those in my life too. She must have not been a true friend or maybe as she sees you happy she will come around again. Think about yourself right now and there are so many great people on this board with lots of advice and support, so ask anything you want. We all hope you have a great visit with your Dr on Monday.
  17. I felt this way yesterday, but I was only 5 days post op. Maybe you are filling up with plenty of liquid that you feel full. Try not drinking anything for 30 minutes to see if you get hungry then eat something little? I am not sure I really have much advice, but hope others who are further postop then me have some advice for you
  18. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Feel good now, more active, but I am still having a hard time getting all the water in. I saw my cousin who had the rny done 2 years ago and I watched his skinny butt (he would be happy I call him this, lol) drink water with so much ease. He couldn't remember exactly when it started getting easier to drink water, but thought around 4 months but said to not worry as long as you don't drink before, with or after your meals you will be good. I guess I have a long time before I can drink water faster Although he looks great, so I know it will be worth it. He is 5'10", around 39-40 yrs old, highest weight was 381, surgery at 364 and now weighs 184ish and looks good (no plastics, but has saggy skin, but easily hides it). He said he really had to work at his weight to get from 200 to 184, that took him over 6 months of working out. He was definitely my inspiration today to keep going strong! I can't wait to see him in a month and hopefully I look a little different!
  19. MyTimeToLose

    4 Weeks And Only 20 Pounds

    Sounds like you are doing well for 4 weeks, averaging 5 pounds a week. You are not as large as some others, so that may be why you are not losing as fast when comparing with them. I find myself comparing a lot too, but everyone is so different, different genes, metabolism, weight/height, excerise, so be happy you are losing. Cheer up! Put a smile on your thinner face and kiss those 20 pounds goodbye!
  20. MyTimeToLose

    Are you over 5'9"?

    You are doing really well with a big loss being only a few months out. Congrats!
  21. MyTimeToLose

    are those MY legs?

    How exciting! I can't wait to see a change in my legs
  22. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I am excited to report that today I am finally losing on the scale...So excited after a gain with the surgery/fluids. I also am not taking any pain meds and doing really well. Still sore and have some pains, but nothing like the first 4 days post op. I will report my weight loss on Monday and now that I see a loss I am not going to weigh in again until then. .
  23. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Maybe try a different kind of protein? Have you tried Muscle Milk light? It is 15g of protein and it is only 8oz. It doesn't have milk in it, not sure why they call it that, lol. It is sold all over...Target, Walmart, some grocery stores. It is kind of spendy, but Walmart has a 4 pk for $7 I think, so that isn't too bad. Individually it is around $3$4.Otherwise try to really dilute it so it goes through your pouch easier. I feel really full with thicker things, but if I get it thin like water thin, I can drink more when sipping it.
  24. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I am now 5 days postop, surgery 12/10 and still haven't passed a BM? Anyone else experience this? Gas, yes, plenty, but no BM. Sorry TMI wondering if this is normal?
  25. MyTimeToLose

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I had my surgery 12/10 and I am still in some pain. I am better during the day, but when I woke up this morning I need a little help getting up and need some pain meds right away. This morning I was very sore. I am happy my weight is finally back to were I started prior to surgery at 269, but my doctor told me they give a lot of fluids which will increase my weight some, but by the second week I will see a good loss, so I am holding him to that, lol. Now if I can stop getting on the scale daily. Anyone else with this problem? We should set a day to weigh in or something, lol.

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