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Posts posted by lolawaiting

  1. Pre op 276

    7.5 months post op hovering around 160

    OH! And in the last picture I'm at the county fair - the SAME county fair who kicked me off a ride for being too big. Needless to say this experience was WONDERFUL and zero pain was involved with me being pinched in seats. I could hoist myself up with such ease and I fit in everything. It was amazing.

    - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012

    Yeaaaaa!! I can't wait for that myself :)

  2. I am 7 weeks out. No complications and haven't dumped once, but I eat exactly right. I chew chew chew, focus on only Protein (and can now say I love it!), drink my Protein Shakes daily and get real close to hitting 800 calories a day. I wish I had done it years ago. The first 4 days were the hardest. About 2 weeks into it I was sad for about a day, and now- it's totally worth giving up those bad foods. I have so much energy and drive and honestly- I ate enough of those "bad" foods to last me another 30 years so I don't miss them or how bad they made me feel :)

  3. It's 100% a break up. And I cheated too. In ways that were better than what it how much I would have ate before the liquid diet, but cheated none the less. On Christmas I murdered my aunts dressing lol but the good news... I'm almost 2 months post op. Have lost 43 pounds and haven't done anything I regretted food wise. I feel I'm finally free from that horrible relationship I was in. In the lunch room I secretly spy on others and can't imagine how I use to be the one eating ritz by the handfuls or looking at the "healthy" eaters eating 3 wedges of laughing cow cheese. I never thought I would have to track my calories to make sure I got enough in lol such a great change!

  4. I had rocking bcbs too. I first saw the doc 10/30 and had surgery 12/29! I went with rny bc there are tons of converts from band, you lose faster w gastric, I like the malabsorption part and you have an 80% chance of having dumping syndrome (a good thing in my book to help curve cravings, but I've yet to have an episode- or cravings! ;) Plus there's 50 years of data on the success of rny versus sleeve. Actually those were my options. My doc (a leader and author in the field- Dr. Garth Davis- has a great book. Necessary read for anyone considering) won't even do band any more.

  5. Had such a good moment today! Since mid December I've lost 43.6 pounds (had surgery 12/29). I had put it off for as long as possible but everything is falling off me. Jeans, skirts, even my slips and garters are so baggy. Went to buy a pair of jeans today (my last pair from a plus sized store!) an I've gone from a snug 24 in December to a snug 16 in February!! They're a little snug, but much less than 22s that I use to wear were. What an amazing change! I'm already kicking myself for not doing this years ago. Glad you guys are moving in the right track and everyone seems to be making a move to well :)

  6. They probably are behind you... But it's Super Bowl. They didnt have this surgery. We did. Their lives haven't changed, ours have. Look at yourself in the mirror... All those foods in the fridge got you to where you are. You don't want those foods. Eat the good stuff- the Protein and leave the rest. Take 10$ and buy shredded deli meat and a pack of cheese. It'll feed you for days.

  7. For the first 10 days I did lots of strained cream Soups and Protein Shakes. That was about it. My doc said Greek plain yogurt, Jello, and pops but cold stuff hurt my pouch so I stayed away. After that I got to add in ff refried Beans w rf cheese and taco sauce, puréed chicken salad or chicken fajitas (but taco sauce for blending.) that stage was another week. Then soft foods for 2 weeks- shaved deli meat (love the chicken) and a slice of rf cheese (I have this 2-3 times a day), lots of Protein shakes (bought an ice cream maker to turn them into ice cream- I can handle cold now), imitation crab meat w a couple sprays of I can't believe it's not butter to pretend lol, eggs scrambled, etc. I didn't "cook" a lot of meals. I'm solo so it felt like a waste to break out a pan and dishes to eat a 4th of a cup. Deli meat saved me! Now I'm starting "normal" foods, but I'll stick to deli meat still lol

  8. A friend who's daughter had surgery- and went way below her goal weight- said she use to eat what every she wanted, chew chew chew, and spit it into a brown paper bag just so she could have the taste. Maybe try that? I'm only a month out, starting regular foods, but I don't miss "normal" foods yet. In fact someone posted a pic on fb of chicken and potatoes covered in gravy and an entire half plate of Mac and cheese and all I could think was "gross." In my old life id have eaten it all lol I had my first pizza yesterday- topping only and was totally satisfied- and full lol from 1 slice. When you want that taste, don't deprive- just chew and spit ;)

    Also, if you live in Texas, HEB has these crackers called pita poppers. So good! Super thin and good nut value too. Like 30 for 100 calories and a gram or two of sugar, plus a few grams of Protein. I had about 6 with hummus for my first "normal" food. Yummm!!

    I'm also going to whole foods in Houston today to look for dry roasted edamame and other good Snacks. Raquel- are you busy?? You should join me!!

  9. Lol my dreams started after surgery and they were terrible! Forcing a mcrib and fries down my mouth even though I kept telling myself, "you just had surgery!! You can't eat this!!" And they lasted for a good couple of weeks. It's not an issue anymore, thankfully. All truth told, I cheated a couple times on my liquid diet. Not with huge meals, but it was Christmas, so I had some stuffing and turkey once, was at a party and had a meatball and southwest egg roll... That kinda stuff.

  10. Be careful... 50 pounds in 2 months is hard to do after surgery, let alone before. If you don't get enough calories your body will go into starvation mode and you won't lose anything. Look into seesaw dieting or shredder program. It's about eating more calories one day and then a lot fewer the next so you won't hit starvation mode. Good luck!! Sure they'll let you go forward if you get close :)

  11. You ladies are brave!! I still haven't had anything crunchy like chips or crackers or any kind of starchy thing. I think they may be my triggers any way so don't miss them lol I did but some seaweed chips for next week and some edamame I'm going to roast- one more day on soft foods! But honestly, I don't think my eating will change much for the next few months. I mostly eat a shake for Breakfast, an ounce of shaved deli meat and slice of reduced fat cheese for lunch, same for snack... And well usually the same for dinner lol I don't see how I could get my 60g of Protein and 60 oz of Water in if I ate anything else lol Any advice?? I'm a month out tomorrow. I'd love to have one or two crackers or a whole wheat tortilla one day lol also how much fat/ day does your doc advise? I eat a lot of cheese lol even if it's reduce fat it's not fat free ;)

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