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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by zuzuspetals

  1. zuzuspetals

    acid reflux after gastric bypass?

    Alcohol and citrus are a bad combo for rny. I'm sure your NUT can clarify that for you.
  2. zuzuspetals

    If Not Food Then What?

    Co-morbidities*. Damn autocorrect!
  3. zuzuspetals

    If Not Food Then What?

    The thing is that we already HAVE an eating disorder. This is a very unpopular statement for those who adhere to the 'fat empowerment' philosophy, so forgive me if I offend. To become obese enough to develop co morbid irises, we are most definitely not eating for hunger and fuel, we are eating to feed (or stuff) some other need in us. Fat empowerment--in that anyone no matter what size should be treated fairly and lovingly--I'm all for. Being blind to the real reasons why we eat will only hurt us in the end.
  4. zuzuspetals

    What ya eating tonight?

    For me it's when I eat too much. So now when I think I can have one more bite...that's when I stop completely!
  5. I would INSIST on a sleep study. If in fact you do have apnea, it won't be 'cured' overnight by surgery. Plus do you realize what kind of damage you are doing to your brain by e lack of oxygen each night? Not to mention that during and after surgery, people with apnea have to have special care taken with their heart and breathing ... I had special monitors and my whole team took special care with regard to my anesthesia and pain meds and my breathing. Please, insist on it, and advocate for yourself. The CPAP is not an extra burden, it's a lifesaver!
  6. zuzuspetals

    June Post Ops!

    Today is the first day since surgery 4 weeks ago that I almost feel NORMAL! I woke early and ran out for coffee (decaf!), nothing on my tummy hurts, I ate a fairly normal breakfast, slowly without feeling stuck, did stuff around the house, read, sipped Sobe, ate a normal lunch, feeling fine! Going to the gym later. Woot woot! Keeping my fingers crossed!
  7. zuzuspetals

    If Not Food Then What?

    Please, please see a therapist who deals with addiction. Anyone who tips the scales enough to require rny has an addictive problem with food, period. I know that people don't like to hear that, hell, I didn't, but it's the truth. And if we are not willing to face the truth we cannot get better. I have tried and failed this weight/food battle for years and now I have irreversibly altered my body to fight this battle. Why wouldn't I (or anyone) do EVERYTHING possible to succeed, including admitting my weaknesses and working with a therapist? Do it for yourselves!
  8. zuzuspetals

    Sleep Apnea?

    Same here. I've lost 48 lbs, and my mask is starting to wake me up. Plus I had to adjust it tighter bc it was slipping off! I've napped without it and been told I snore a little bit but no lapses in breathing, no gasping, etc. I am waiting till I get closer to goal to schedule a sleep test.
  9. zuzuspetals

    What ya eating tonight?

    Dark chocolate has very little sugar, like 6 or 7 grams per serving. Also there's this chocolate called Unreal that has all natural ingredients and about half the sugar of regular chocolate like Hershey's.
  10. zuzuspetals

    June Post Ops!

    You look wonderful!
  11. zuzuspetals

    Broke up with a "friend" today

    I'm sorry this happened to you. I was one of those people who thought surgery was the easy way out. It was ignorance, pure and simple. Once I started researching it, and of course now that I'm in it I know how blasted hard this all is and how I am working twice as hard to get the weight off now than I was before the surgery. It's hard to lose people from your life but until she can support you, you are much better off.
  12. zuzuspetals

    What ya eating tonight?

    I'm 4 weeks out and I can eat about 2 ounces of food before I start feeling 'stuckish'. Where are the rest of y'all on your food?
  13. zuzuspetals

    June Post Ops!

    Question for the Junies: I do much better with food that is a little spicy-Mexican spicy- than with blander food, is that weird?
  14. zuzuspetals

    Any Long-Timers here

    Dawn, you are an inspiration! Thank you!
  15. zuzuspetals

    100 pounds gone

    Wow! You look wonderful and so happy!
  16. zuzuspetals

    What ya eating tonight?

    I had my weird version of bean dip...2 T fat free refried beans, 1 tsp salsa, 2 tsp red. fat garden vegetable cream cheese all mixed up, dipped saltines in it. Yum.
  17. zuzuspetals

    Working out after GBS

  18. zuzuspetals

    June Post Ops!

    Yes, I did. My doc changed them to tablet form and I split it into 4 pieces and swallow that. Is the name of yours something like ursidol? It comes in tablet form, as your doc!
  19. The RNY surgeons in my hospital are actively working with endocrinologists -they are just about integrated now. It's exciting to think that diabetes could be eliminated for good.

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