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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by cathyh

  1. All great advise, thank you all.
  2. Today was my 3rd Month of my 6 Month Diet and Exercise Requirement. I was down 3 pounds, not much but better then gaining. I can't wait until I'm done and can finally have the Surgery. I hope your all doing well. My Thoughts and Prayers Continue for you all.
  3. cathyh

    New here!

    I have UHC and have a 6 month diet and exercise program to complete. I was all set for Surgery Nov 30th when UHC came back denying surgery because I didn't have this requirement met. Speaking with them in Aug they said it wasn't required, frustrated but moved on. I just finished month 3 of 6 month program.all my other requirements are met. Good Luck.
  4. Thanks, I know it will and ill be all the stronger for it.
  5. cathyh

    Pre-Op supervised Diet?

    I have United Health care Ca and my requirement was a 6 month Dr. Supervised Diet and exercise program
  6. cathyh

    Pre-Op supervised Diet?

    I have to do the same for my insurance, no way to dispute it, it's their mandatory requirement for coverage.
  7. My elevated WBC levels are due to my Lupus, it can be caused by a number if things, mine is from the Lupus and Inflammation.
  8. cathyh

    Newbie :)

    Congrats to you and Welcome aboard. I also am new and everyone on this site is great. Any question or concerns you have there is always someone ready to jump to your aid. I have a little over 3 months left of my diet and exercise program and then my surgery will be scheduled, I can't wait for that day.
  9. cathyh


    Thank you, I was all scheduled for Surgery Nov 30th when UHC contacted my Surgeon and denied Surgery Approval because of this requirement, when we called UHC in Aug they said it wasn't required, so I just wanted to make sure that they weren't trying to scam me just to get more money. I will be out of pocket now because I now have to meet my deductible again, such is life. Good Luck and Best Wishes to you.
  10. cathyh


    lovealways did you have to do 6 Month Dr. Supervised Diet and Exercise Program with UHC? Congrats on your upcoming date.
  11. cathyh

    surgery date!

    Keep in mind what your final goal is, that should keep it all in perspective. Best of luck to you. I can't wait for my date in April or May.
  12. cathyh

    Today is my big day !

    Good Luck to you
  13. cathyh


    Welcome, you are soon going to be a new Woman.
  14. cathyh


    Good luck Debra
  15. cathyh

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Best of Luck to you.
  16. Thank you all, had my Gallbladder out in 1983 and started having issues with IBS about 10 years later. I hope my issues get better as well as all of yours too.
  17. Does anybody who had IBS with constipation prior to Surgery still experience symptoms since having the procedure? Just curious. My Gastro Doctor says perhaps my severe bouts will get better after surgery. I hope and pray they will. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  18. cathyh

    Dumping Foods

    My Surgeon say 7 grams of sugar and lower is good.
  19. cathyh

    50Lbs Gone Forever!

    You look marvelous, keep up the great work.
  20. Good luck, prayers on the way.
  21. cathyh

    I'm New and Approved!

    Congrats to you. I can't wait to hear those magical words myself, Four more months for me, and I'll be like a giddy little school girl. Best of luck to you.

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