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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Beka

  1. Beka

    Lifestyle Change or Not?

    Sorry I am one of the ice cream with Protein shake people - on advisement from DR! His reasoning - the initial stage (first 4-6 weeks) is for healing not for focusing on losing weight and to heal your body needs fuel from food, not to be trying to burn itself out. I was told to get 600 - 1000 calories per day and right now I find that hard a) not able to get alot in me and not hugely hungry so easiest way to add calories and fuel beef up liquid and mash with 'extras'. Of course afterwards all 'extras' in food should be gone and once body healed and first fill takes place focus on weight loss and lifestyle will also come in. So please don't give us 'extras' people a hard time and assume we are not into this 100% (I am also $15000 self pay) we might just have different instructions to follow.
  2. Beka

    Where does the food stick at??

    My dr said to think of having the band as being like having a funnel shape at the top of your stomach and when food gets stuck it gets stuck going down into the thin tube of the funnel - where the band is, and there are some foods like rice and bread that apparently don't go down the thin tube well regardless of how well its chewed. Still on liquids so haven't experienced 'stick' yet and so not looking forward to it.
  3. Beka

    12 Year Old Gets Lapband

    Oh to be the perfect parent and person that I could pass harsh judgement on what a mother does or doesn't do to her daughter. In the end I doubt any of us know enough about their lives to pass condemnation (sp?) and I only hope nobody would harshly judge me and my parenting based on seeing a snippet of my life on TV (which I am sure hasn't been edited for shock value - yeah right!). And if there is any chance that the young girl shown in this clip is reading this website (usually rather supportive from what I have seen) I wish her and her family all the luck with the highs and lows she will face on her journey - the same one many of us are on
  4. I am one week post surgery and today I weighed myself and I was shocked to see that I had already dropped 5.2kgs (11.4lbs?). :whoo:Is this too fast? I am scared that if I get excited about losing so much I am setting myself up for serious disappointment when it piles back on again. Is it normal too lose this much in the initial phase (still on liquids) and does it stay off or does everything come back once I move onto solids. I know that it proberly will never fall off like this again and I am okay with that, what I am not okay with is it all coming back again. Bex
  5. Beka

    12 Year Old Gets Lapband

    Yes obesity is obesity and cancer is cancer and I don't intend to put them in the same category but it is a researched fact that people who are obese are more likely to DEVELOP cancer. And I was an obese teen and no it wasn't my parents fault - I stole food, I snuck everything that I ate and they in turn tried everything they could to help put me on track but because I was not with them 24/7 it is easy to sneak the food in. So I would never blame my parents for my obesity they did everything they could except lock me up.
  6. Okay started freaking out now reading this. I was told this week I should still be on liquid but I have added in a couple of scrambled (and very runny) eggs and some mashed potato with gravy and of course the dreaded chips binge (man I HAVE been bad!!) Does this mean I have probably sone serious damage to my band or does it take a bit more like downing a roast to cause a slip?
  7. I love this forum so much... I am 11 days out and just couldn't take another liquid drink or sweet drop so I chowed through half a bag of chips then completely freaked out but knew I would find support and advice on this forum and here it is. I am so scared that I have done irreversable damage and $15,000 has gone down the toliet on another failed diet!!!! Glad to see that slip ups are normal and I will get through this. But so agree with the sweetness overload, not much of a sweet freak and dying for something savoury with a crunch! Bandster Hell is .... well.... hell!!
  8. Beka

    How Bout New Zealand

    Well here I am one week down and feeling....well not sure really. Am only on liquids and dont seem to be able to take in a lot so I am a bit worried that I am not giving my body enough to heal. Also right now would give anything for something to chew - I miss the chewing sensation. I haven't felt hungry at all yet if anything I have to remind myself to try and drink my Protein otherwise I reckon I could get through the day pretty much on nothing. My surgeon said he put 5ml in my band when he did the surgery so maybe thats why I haven't felt the hunger yet. Big bonus of course has been the weight loss so far - loving that!!! Anyway how are all the other Kiwi banders going? Bex
  9. Beka

    Silly Question??!!

    I HAVE THE SAME QUESTION!! I thought it was just werid and something I was imagining but I get a slimy phlemy feeling and keep swallowing then it goes away. At moment I am still only on liquids - thicker liquids so could it be the pouch being a bit full?
  10. I know how you are all feeling I am one week post op and just starting to feel 'normal' - I couldn't get that much liquid down either at first and even now I get uncomfortable if I drink but the amount that I can now take is a little bit more. Walking and moving around seemed to really help although I still think its important to relax - remeber your body is healing.
  11. Beka

    Losing weight too quickly??

    Sounding good. So does this mean I get to keep the weight loss and it won't pile back on?!?!? I am okay about slowing down only expected to lose at most 1kg (2lbs) a week anyway but was more worried about the weight coming back when I started to eat solids but by the sounds of it maybe I can celebrate that 5 kilos is gone for good!!!!!
  12. Beka

    12 Year Old Gets Lapband

    In NZ I know that the stats say that obesity related deaths (including cancer caused by obesity) are the number one killer and kill more people per day than any other, maybe its just NZ but would have thought this was true for the whole western world. Now I think yes this mother is a complete dill but if my daughter reached 12 years old and was 200lbs plus (which would class her as morbidlly obese not chubby!!) would I consider lap band if I knew that it was save her from endless yoyo diets (serious potential for heart problems), eating disorders, type 2 diabetes, self hate, bullying, tears and unhappiness - damn straight!!!! I would stand by her and support her 100% including helping her make choices and changes necessary to live with a band. Will this mother do that? Who knows - all I know as a parent of two that I will do anything to ensure my children are happy, safe and healthy, and isn't that all most parents want for their children.
  13. I am two days post op (Aug 9) and I knew I was going to be a bit uncomfortable but didn't realise how little I would be able to eat (drink! Liquid only at mo) without feeling uncomfortable. After two or three teaspoons I seem to get this tight uncomfortable feeling in my chest. Is this normal? I'm worried that I am not giving my body enough to heal itself.:help:
  14. After a binge eating session which broke yet another diet I was reading a magazine and saw an article about a woman who had had it done and that was it - I knew I couldn't live the way I was living anymore and here I am nearly six weeks later and five days post op. I know this is the best decision I ever made.
  15. It is so good to hear so many similar stories and know that what I was feeling was normal. I am now five days out and feeling so much better - I can still only take little amounts but what stops me form taking more is feeling full and satisfied. LOL whole reason for the band I guess. I have noticed though wanting to sleep so much more although today I feel a lot more awake - I guess in the end even though it might not seem like a huge surgery your body still needs to recover and the best recovery is done while sleeping - Thanks goodness for taking a week off work.
  16. Hi, I am new here and was given my date on Monday - only have to wait two weeks so my surgery date is 9 August!! Is it possible to feel sooo excited and sooo scared at the same time!!! I start my pre op diet tomorrow - YUMMY NOT!!! - but tomorrow is the start of a whole new phase in my life and I can't wait.:whoo: x Bex
  17. Beka

    How Bout New Zealand

    Wow Brenna that's a long way to travel for your fills, have you thought about transferring to someone closer - good to see things are moving again for you. I have one week to ago until my surgery and how much have I lost since I last saw the Doc. Zero zilch nada!!!! I just find it so hard to stick too and have found myself binging at night and now I am so scared they won't let me go through with the surgery. I was told to lose about 4 kilos. Has anyone else completely bombed on the pre op diet!?! I am completely freaking out, I don't want my surgery to be postponed or cancelled because I am too useless to stick to a simple and relatively short diet but I feel that is what I am facing. :help: Bex
  18. Hello everyone!! I have been a lurker here for a couple of weeks but as of Monday I now have a surgery date and everything is all set to go so I thought I would introduce myself. I am 29 and am I a kiwi chick! I had my first pre op consult on Monday thinking they would just go through the procedure and give me a surgery date about 12 weeks or so in the future but no - my surgery is scheduled for two weeks away - 9 August!!! I am so scared and excited all at the same time, it just seems to be happening so fast. Tomorrow I start my two week pre op diet - just got to keep telling myself only two weeks, had my last supper tonight and all ready for tomorrow. Anyway enough rambling, I have been so motivated (and sometimes a bit freaked) by other stories I have read here and can't wait to become one of the banded ones!!! :whoo: x Bex
  19. Beka

    How Bout New Zealand

    Yeah ha!!! Pre op appointment on Monday was great - thought I would come away with a 12 week wait date but no - TWO WEEKS!!! I get my band 9 August!! I am so excited and sooooo scared at the same time. Tomorrow I start my two week pre op diet - BLAH!!!! But I now feel like there is light at the end of my tunnel. ARRRGGGHH :whoo: Count down has begun!!!
  20. Beka

    How Bout New Zealand

    Thanks Merelou - it would be good to be in contact with others in Auckland. I am going through David Schroeder though in Hamilton, although I am sure he will know someone I can contact. Wow Louise you lucky thing!! You have done well so far and no doubt it'll get even better! Speedy recovery to ya! Bex )
  21. Beka

    How Bout New Zealand

    Yay found some kiwis!! I am in Auckland and have an appointment to visit the surgeon next Mon (23/7),so no surgery date yet but I am getting so excited and nervous!!! Don't know how I am going to get through the waiting period. Has anyone been to David Schroder (sp?) in Hamilton? Its great to see that no one regrets their decision to be banded, for me I am scared this is just going to be another 'diet' in a very long list. I know its going to take some work but I am hoping it will be a bit of a helping hand. Can't wait to hear more about what Kiwi gals and guys are up to. xx Bex :whoo:

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