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Everything posted by MillyBell

  1. MillyBell

    Butt kick please

    I can't tell you how many boxes of chocolate bars have been going around my office the last few months from at least four different co-workers' kids. Finally, at the end of a super tough day, I bought one (See's). I broke off the first piece and shared the others with three co-workers. I sat and enjoyed the heck out of that piece of chocolate and felt no shame and moved on. Allowing myself to have a moment like that probably prevented me from eating two whole bars later. We're all learning as we go. No one who's been through this ever said it was easy especially with the added stress you've been under. You're what - 80 pounds down? Girl, please! You'll be alright. And Congratulations on the house! Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  2. MillyBell

    Butt kick please

    I'm with Pam. We're still living in the real world. You had 8 Cookies. A bit much? Okay. It was impulsive and probably coming from old habits and deprivation. If you've been sticking to your plan, exercising, losing, etc it's okay to allow yourself a sensible treat every now and then. Don't deprive yourself completely and set yourself up for things like this later. If you think about it, one cookie would have probably been enough if you took the time to eat it slowly, taste it, and really enjoy it. Don't beat yourself up and try not to feel guilty. Really. It's done. Just keep it pushing. On to the next... Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  3. MillyBell

    is it different for lesbians?

    Couldn't have said it better, Worm. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  4. MillyBell

    Blunt... I STINK!

    It seems to be pretty common. I've read a few comments about this. The things they don't tell you...Thank God for this forum. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  5. MillyBell

    Blunt... I STINK!

    Funny, I was actually going to post something similar. I'm also 8 weeks out. This morning at the gym, I was getting ready to shower and I said to myself, "PHEW! Who's eating Doritos?!" It was me! Granted, I was at the gym but even still I've noticed that I've had this BO that I didn't have before and I've never smelled that bad after a workout. I blame it on all the Protein and hormones being released as we burn fat. I just keep showering morning and evening and now use CLINICAL strength deodorant at night and my regular d.o. in the morning. Crazy! Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  6. No problem. Best of luck to you!! Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  7. I have the same insurance, Choice II Open Access. From my first consult to surgery it took about two months. Had some scheduling hiccups so it could have potentially been sooner. It took 10 days to get the approval at the end of it all but only because the caseworker went on vacation. Overall, I was pretty impressed with the process. The doctors and insurance coordinators know how to get you approved so that helps. No PCP. In fact, I didn't even bother to get my dr involved. The surgery center handled everything. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  8. I agree. It's more like, "Hmm. I think I should eat something. When was the last time I ate?" Anything else, especially of I'm bored, I know it's just head hunger and let it pass. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  9. MillyBell

    1.5 months post op

    I'm also about a month and a half out. Surgery sate was 11/29. I sometimes feel like I can eat more than I should. Then too it all depends on what I'm eating. If it's heavier, like meat, I can't eat as much as I can with Soup or fish. Then again it also depends on the day. I noticed that on days when I think I've eaten too much I'm usually a pound down the next day. Sometimes you just need the calories. As long as it's healthy...Btw, just had a follow up today. Dr and Nut say I'm doing great so I must be doing something right even when I think I'm overeating. Just eat slowly and pay attention to your pouch. It won't send you a "full" signal right away so stop eating when you're satisfied instead of full. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  10. MillyBell

    Improvement in Facial Hair After Surgery?

    You know what? Come to think of it, I have! The last few years before surgery my once barely noticeable whiskers were coming in a little strong. But since (surgery date was 11/29) I haven't had to deal with them as much (read: daily). The hair just hasn't been growing in as much or as fast. Cool! Thanks for helping me notice that! Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  11. MillyBell

    Coffee Drinkers

    I don't really do coffee anymore but the two times so far that I needed the taste or the warmth I had decaf and used soy creamer. The one from Trader Joe's is not bad. I saw that Silk brand has a few flavors out for creamers now too. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  12. MillyBell

    watching people eat

    No judgment here. In my case, I didn't eat out much before WLS. My negative feelings about increased now that I see how bad it really is. I really wish she would do better. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  13. MillyBell

    watching people eat

    Are we in church because I feel like jumping up and saying, "Amen!" I am grossed out by some of the things people eat. My BFF eats out for every meal and she's ALWAYS hungry. It bothered me before because its such a waste of money but now all I think about is how unhealthy it is. I wish she would eat before we hang out but of course not. We end up stopping and some fast food joint and I'm like "ick. No, thank you!" Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  14. MillyBell

    Pain rushed into hospital...

    Or heartburn Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  15. MillyBell

    Tampons In Surgery?

    Hi, all! So my surgery had been pushed back by a week twice. I finally go in tomorrow morning and of course my period started today. I just got off the phone with my nurse and when I asked her about it she said I could keep a tampon in "no problem". Since this is he powder room, ladies, did anyone else keep their tampons in during surgery? I've heard of people having to go without anything or use the spiderweb panty. I'm actually glad about it but I just thought it was interesting. Just goes to show how varying the doctors and the details can be. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  16. No, I had laparoscopic. I do 30-45 mins of light to moderate cardio (brisk walking/hills) per day. My Dr said to wait six weeks before anything more than that. I'm a stickler for rules so I'll wait but I'm ready to do some boxing and lifting. Next dr appt isn't until the 11th. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  17. MillyBell

    Iron Supplements

    I'm taking 325mg (post-op) but just once before bed. My Dr and Nut recommend it to all RNY patients still menstruating to avoid anemia. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  18. Hey, jessouder, we have the same stats pretty much. SD was 11/29. I've been stuck at 215 from 236 for about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks. I'm not too too worried about it. I know I need to add more calories by now. I just renewed my gym membership so I can workout a little more (lightly though because I'm not officially "cleared"). I think that and more cals will kick things back into gear. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  19. MillyBell

    What can we take for cramps?

    OMG, I'm not looking forward to my first post-op period. I know the surgery messes with the cycle. Already a few days late so any day now. I saved some Lortab (liquid Vicodin) from recovery just in case. Lol that was good stuff! Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  20. I've been reading a lot of posts about the complications, post-op pain, dumping and how horrible people have been feeling. I've been wanting to post about my positive experience but almost feel guilty doing so on this site. I'm not a complainer but honestly, I've had no complaints. Sorry this is long but here goes: I'm 34. I wasn't on any medication pre-op and other than being overweight and a strong family history of various illnesses, I was kind of in good health. My wellness team at the Khalili Center was amazing and supportive from the beginning. Fortunately, I only had to do 2 days Clear liquids pre-op. Skip to post-op. I was released the next day, had no complications and felt no pain. Hello? No pain. The med was good (Lortab) and I stayed on top of the timing. Only took that for the the first two days. Gas? Not painful, just uncomfortable and the walking and moving around helped. Now at 3.5 weeks post-op and 20 pounds down I feel amazing. There were days that I felt so tired but now have so much energy. Just yesterday I felt a little depressed but I think that had more to do with not wanting to be at work this time of year. I almost feel like I was trained to go through this like a heavyweight champ. I know what I might experience in the coming months emotionally, physically, what to watch for, etc. and I stick to my plan to a 'T'. I have nothing negative to say about my experience thus far. I'm shortening this quite a bit because I'm beginning to feel a little self-centered and that's not the point. I really just want to show that it's not all bad, or all about pain, or whatever else others' experiences have been. Especially to those that haven't gone in yet. People do experience legitimate complications and have legitimate post-op concerns but not everyone. Educate yourself. Talk to your doctors and NUTs. Know that you will feel tired or down one day. When it happens, don't panic. Let it happen, grab a tissue for your tears, understand why, and know that it will pass. Maybe you won't walk as much that day. Know that you might dump. Breathe, experience it, and take notes. That, too, shall pass. Know that you will stall occasionally. Move on. Take your supplements. Get your Protein in. Follow the diet and allow your organs to heal. Don't rush through the food stages and MOVE! The beginning is what sets the tone for the rest of this journey and the rest of our new healthy lives. Give yourself a fighting chance and do it right. I have so much more I could write but this is already, like, a lot. If you have questions or comments about my positive experience, please feel free to ask. I had to get this off my chest. Thanks for "listening". Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  21. ...and you might be the one to sue me... Wishing everyone an early Happy New Year, RNY Fam!
  22. See what I mean, folks. This is awesome! Lets keep it going. Khuff, all the best to you. Keep us posted. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk

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