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Posts posted by brandottie01

  1. You may not be doing anything wrong. I was a slow looser too. I am at a year and a half and have lost 81 lbs. I just tend to stay the same for a while then drop 10 lbs. It is kinda weird. Try shaking it up some. Do some extra at the gym. It could also be time for a fill. Talk to your doctor. My doctor has been happy with my progress and said it is normal so just check with yours.

  2. I haven't been on in a while. According to my doc I'm doing really well. I'm not completely feeling this way. I just had my 7th fill for 0.5cc's for a total of 5cc's. They had me test drinking Water before I left the office and I seemed fine.

    The next morning through the rest of last week I've had a really hard time getting even liquids down. By Friday and Sat. I was getting sick after every meal and that was on soft foods or just liquids. I was even taking small bites. You would have thought that the stupid scale would have moved since I wasn't getting in as many calories as before this last fill, but noooo it stayed at 210 ALL WEEK! ARGHHH! I'm getting so frustrated! The scale finally moved to 209 this morning and tomorrow I have to drive an hour an twenty minutes to my doc's other office to get an un-fill since they won't be back at the office up by me for another couple of weeks. I can't wait that long. I feel like I'm doing everything right and the scale is moving at a snails pace. I so thought that I would've been at my goal by my 1yr bandiversary.

    I was in the same boat two weeks ago but after the slight unfill I dropped a few pounds and have been loosing much faster. Of course, now I am having my female time so I am going to hold water like crazy but after the slight un fill I really feel much better about the band. I am a slow looser too but my doctor is thrilled that it has been steady the past few visits. He says not everyone is the same. I also work 2 jobs and have grad school at night so I don't have much time to devote to the gym. That would probably help but I am happy now that I can finally see some difference in my clothes and keep reminding myself this is a lifetime change and that I will have the rest of my life to be thin so what's a few more months of slow loosing :drool:

  3. Here's an update on my numbers.

    Name: Frangipani

    Weight loss from day of surgery: 91 lbs

    Total weight loss: 97 lbs

    Name: Candle

    Weight loss from day of surgery: 102 lbs

    Total weight loss: 116 lbs

    Name: Salsa

    Weight loss from day of surgery: 100 lbs

    Total weight loss: 100 lbs

    Name: Pammycakes

    Weight loss from day of surgery: 94 lbs

    Total weight loss: 96 lbs

    Name: Ceradad

    Weight loss from day of surgery: 102

    Total weight loss: 122

    Name: KarenG.

    Weight loss from day of surgery: 85

    Total weight loss: 85

    Name: NanaRenan

    Weight loss from day of surgery: 52

    Total weight loss: 72

    Name: TexasBecky

    Weight loss from day of surgery: 98

    Total weight loss: 108

    Name: SPEBSQSAlady

    Weight loss from day of surgery: 57.8

    Total weight loss: 57.8

    Name: Brandottie01

    Weight loss from day of surgery: 32 lbs

    Total weight loss: 32 lbs

    Name: Bergdorfblonde

    Weight loss from day of surgery: 32 lbs

    Total weight loss: 32 lbs

    Name: Gometros

    Weight loss from day of surgery: 52.9 lbs

    Total weight loss: 74.9

    Name: Pizzicato66

    Weight loss from day of surgery: 71.5

    Total weight loss: 83.5

    Name: Valstar

    Weight loss from day of surgery: 52 lbs

    Total weight loss: 57 lbs


    weight loss from day of surgery: 50

    total weight loss: 84

    Name: purplegirl1818

    weightloss from day of surgery: 73.5lbs

    total weight loss: 90.5lbs

    Name: LessNLess

    weightloss from day of surgery: 56lbs

    total weight loss: 62lbs

    Name: JudiM

    weightloss from day of surgery: 62lbs

    total weight loss: ??

    Name: hf2havefun

    Weight loss from day of surgery: 35 lbs

    Total weight loss: 50 lbs

    Name: Nikki S

    Weight loss from day of surgery: 102

    Total weight loss: 102


  4. Red Beans and rice. We use one pack of pork sausage for about $2 1 bag red beans $1 and rice $2 and we eat that for about two nights. Of course I season with Toni's (a spice in Louisiana), chili powder, salt, garlic powder, pepper and onion powder. We also serve with cornbread sometimes. You put the beans to soak in Water overnight. Add sausage in the morning, and spices and turn on Low until soft. (usually I have it on from 7AM until 4PM). Cook the rice and serve the beans over rice.

  5. rumar I am the same way. I can eat something fine and then the next day i will PB. I even drank tea too fast once and it came back. My husband just keeps reminding me to chew better which I think is the main problem with me. I don't eat any more bread, Pasta or rice because those are asking for trouble. I think that I just stop being aware of my band and swallow a bite that is too big.... at least that seems to be the pattern.

  6. I go to school after work on MOn & Tues until 9 at night. The problem is that I need food that can go down easily while driving or that I can eat very quickly before class. Lunchboxes don't work with cold food because I don't have a fridge at work and I never remember to pack ice packs. I eat a Protein Bar for Breakfast so I was trying to avoid eating that again. I get my next fill on Mon and they fill really tight so the main problem will be for the next two weeks. Any suggestions?

  7. Mine flipped before the first fill too. Only it took me about six month to get off work so I could have the revision. I just had my revision and first fill so hopefully I will be able to get the weight off now. The revision was under full anesthesia and it was the surgeon's fault. He used a weaker form of stitching and they tore. I had to pay the hospital 800 dollars for the use of OR but my doctor gave me three more years of free fills to compensate for that. I figure I came out ahead that way.... Especially since I want to get pregnant as soon as the weight comes off.

  8. I have been without internet for a while but while I was out of town I walked about 2 miles to the lake by my grandmother's house the 3 days that I was there. Then while I was in TN I swam laps in the pool 2 mornings, walked the mall for an hour to exercise since there wasn't a workout room and hiked about 1 mi in Cade's Cove. Also I did Pilates class before leaving so I'm at 13 days. A little below target but next month is always there for improvement! And hopefully less travel.... It is incredably hard for me to find something to eat on the road with this fill.

  9. have you lost any inches? I have a lower BMI and my weight isn't coming off as quickly as I would like but the inches are falling. So I have to remind myself not to focus on the number. I have also been doing pilates which builds muscles and will increase your weight slightly. What exercise are you doing? I know I have a good fill since I can onlly manage about three chicken tenders and stay full.

  10. I finally got my first fill yesterday during my port revision surgery. He said he just put a little in but hopefully I will begin loosing again. I have gained some back and that is dissappointing after self-pay. They said my port flipped within the first day or two because there was alot of scartissue they had to deal with. Hopefully I am now really on my way!

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