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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Redoableme

  1. Yay for you!!! That's awesome! Well, for starters, you have to figure out from your docs what "protein adequate" means to them, with reference for you. My docs are happy with my 60-70g of protein/day. And that's not "that much!"
    Next, completely get rid of all high glycemic crap. No matter HOW good it tastes or how much your body is tellin' you you need it. Cuz it is a lieing liar that lies!
    Next go back to WLS basics. No drinking before meals, or 30mins-1hr post meals. Eat Protein first...and SLOWLY. Eat veggies second. And that's it. Cut out the fruit except every few days you could have 1oz of blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, or strawberries with some protein and fat (like walnuts or almonds and a string cheese).
    Eat only 3 meals per day.
    Eat as low fat as possible: use extra virgin olive oil spray, molly mcbutter, lean lean Proteins, Real Egg Whites or eggbeaters, 2% cheese, low fat cottage cheese and low fat greek yogurts--but READ to make sure not high carb or high sugar. Here I get 2% Daisy Cottage Cheese and get HEB plain 0Fat Greek Yogurt that only has like 4g of carbs per serving. Think a serving is 1cup for each? Keep your calories around 700-800. I used lots of hot sauce bottles with stuff!
    My meals were like:
    B: 2-3 egg whites scrambled with 1 1/2 oz baby greens + mushrooms + 1 slice Hillshire Farms Ham or Turkey (3 slices = 50 cals), hot sauce
    L: 3oz lean protein, 1/2-1 cup of cooked veggies, or 2cups of mixed salad, plus 1oz avocado, Walden Farm dressing
    D: same as lunch
    S: 6 almonds or 1 serving sugar free jello
    The first 3-4 days are relatively painful. Drink lots of water! After that, you will lose your appetite and start feeling fuller--especially if you take small bites and eat dense protein first. This may all be different for you cuz of quantities. I am non-WLS and this is pretty much how I did it for the cancer treatment and any time I'm on steroids. IF I want to eat between meals, then I will ONLY eat a hardboiled egg with Walden Farms zero cal Chipotle mayo. If that doesn't sound good, then I won't eat between meals.
    I am eating this way right now, and am now eating 1000cals a day pre-surg. I eat a LOT more veggies than are listed above, but I'm not on steroids (although I just recently had a shot to the hip of cortisone--I didn't have any weight gain or terrible hunger from that shot). But otherwise, I pretty much stick to this. I also eat a little more avocado now too (for added fat cals).

    Thanks for the diet suggestion! I used to eat 2 eggs every morning but since transplant they don't agree with me and my new meds. It seems everything reacts differently with my body now, so I'm trying things as if they're brand new now. Fresh veggies are hit and miss, but I'm good when they're cooked. Right now my Breakfast is just a 1/2 cup of bran Cereal with almond milk. lunch is something like a bean and cheese burrito or grilled cheese on oat wheat bread, and dinner is usually a few oz of protein and 1/2 cup of veggies. Snacks are things like yogurt, low carb chips and salsa, unsalted sunflower seeds, pistachios, and tons of Water. I'm still trying new things so that will change I'm sure.

    Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. I'm so happy to read you're on the road to complete, recovery. You look great, let that be said! I wish I could lend more than just encouragement, but when it comes to what you've gone through, I wouldn't know what to suggest. Motivation, I simply never forget the journey traveled. When I'm tempted, I remember where I once was and where I refuse to be again. I didn't have a food addiction, actually, in my moments of stress, I don't eat at all. You're doing such a wonderful job, as your Dr. said, with everything you've gone through it will take time for the WL to catch up. Don't worry, things will be just fine.

    Thank you for your motivation! Unfortunately I don't look like that anymore, but I plan to, hopefully in the near future!

    Good luck with your surgery!

    Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Congrats on finding a kidney and on getting the WLS and losing so much!!! I can't speak to you re: WLS diets since I'm still pre-op. But dayum, I'm a pro at how NOT to gain while taking steroids.
    During cancer treatment, I had to have steroid infusions every 2 weeks prior to chemo. I have also had prednisone for a blood disease on and off from age 6mos to 11 years and then on and off for asthma after that. So I definitely know what it feels like to have steroid hunger. It's like, "Hello hungry hungry hippo! Not pleased to meetcha...again...!" During cancer treatment, I actually lost about 60lbs while most people gain 20-30lbs. I was able to control my appetite. I still got the moon face and unrecognizable features, but didn't balloon up and didn't have intractable hunger. So it can be done!
    I know that people with kidney disease are often on specific diets? Are you on any special diets for the CKD? Do you have to avoid certain foods (i.e. purines, etc)?

    Thanks for the encouragement! It sounds like you've been through a lot, too! I hope you're doing well!

    Thankfully I don't have a specific diet to follow at this point, just a heart healthy one. So how did you beat the prednisone battle??

    Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Hello friends!

    My story is a little long, so thanks for taking the time to read it!

    I received a GB in Dec 2012 because I had kidney disease and I needed a transplant. The Dr's told me they wouldn't do it unless I lost 100 lbs. I was at 317 lbs then. A year later I had lost about 140 lbs and I was listed on the waiting list. The goal was to get a transplant before I needed dialysis, but it didn't work out that way. I started dialysis at home at 187 lbs (but it added about 500 cals a day against my will) in 2015 and when I got the call that there was a kidney for me two years later, I had gained 50 lbs. The morning of the surgery I weighed 236. The next morning I gingerly got on the scale and weighed 258!!! Of course my first question was to ask how heavy was the kidney! Most of it was Fluid, of course, but they had pumped me full of steroids before, during, and after the surgery to avoid rejection and that contributed to the gain. That was 2 months ago. I'm now at 250, down just 8 lbs. Yes, I'm still on steroids but they are slowly lowering the dose as I progress. My new kidney is doing awesome and I'm feeling better every day!

    I've been given the green light to start walking and doing some light core strengthening exercises since my abdominal muscles are pretty much shot right now. I'm walking a collective mile every day, but I'm having trouble with my diet.

    My bypass still works well, I stop when I'm full, and my portions are still small. My issue is that the prednisone makes me want to eat more so I find myself grazing a lot. I try to opt for healthy foods, but it doesn't seem to be making much of a dent in my weight.

    I saw my wls surgeon this week and he's not worried at all. He said my weight will fluctuate the first year so not to worry. Easy for him to say, he can fit all of his clothes!

    My goal right now is to just get back to my pre-transplant weight so I don't freeze this winter. I can't wear sun dresses much longer!

    Thanks for reading my story! I'm hoping that reading your stories will motivate me to continue working on my goals!


  5. That's what I will do tomorrow is jump start again.

    This is for the the ones who was very unhealthy going into to this, with the sedentary life style that the only exercise you got was

    When you went grocery shopping. What exercise if any does it for you? Now not talking about you gym ppl. Cuz I am not able to go to the gym, not anytime soon. If you picked just one or 2 exercises which ones worked for you?

    I'm still pretty anemic (kidney disease does that) so every other week or so it seems I'm just devoid of energy. But on those days when I do have energy I go walking. The time and distance varies based on my energy level but I make sure I get it in there. If I'm not able to walk I fill two tall Water bottles up with water and lift them like dumb bells. If the weather isn't right for walking I youtube some walking videos and do them indoors. Leslie Sansone has some great ones! This is the one I started out doing. www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBgB_cqDiXs The first mile is at a slower pace and the second mile is faster. I started off just doing the first and moved on to the second mile as my energy bounded and the weight came off. Oh! I also try to do leg lifts while I'm laying down, watching tv, etc. Sometimes after walking I feel like a Barbie that's had her legs ripped off and stuck back on again so I make sure I stretch real good when I'm having down time.

    I hope this helps! We're all rooting for you!!

  6. Hey Everyone! It's been awhile since I've given you all an update but I thought I'd check in. I'm currently down 91lbs, with 50 to go til goal. I'm happy to say that my dr is weaning me off of my blood pressure meds finally, and the majority of the pills I take now are vitamins!!

    I'm still not counting calories or any food at all, just making sure I eat lots of Protein and hardly any carbs. With my body adjusting to the changes in my kidneys (they've gotten a little better!) I can drink more fluids now, so I'm focusing more on getting in as much Water as I can.

    The hardest thing for me is still not drinking with my meals. I usually take a sip or two after I eat to rinse my mouth out, but sometimes that leads to more. I gotta curb that!

    Exercise-wise, I still don't get in as much as I'd like, although my energy level is starting to come back now that I'm taking regular epogen shots for my anemia. I'm up to walking 2 miles at a time when I do now, and next week I'm going to start running... maybe lol I'm very concerned about my "top shelf" bouncing around and hurting, even though I've invested in really good sports bras.

    My husband is verrrrrryyy happy with the curves I have now and can't seem to keep his hands off of me lol He didn't really seem to care if I lost the weight or not in the beginning but he's obviously glad I did! lol

    I hope you all are doing wonderfully and are enjoying your new lives! Hi5's & Hugs all around!!

  7. This week I've been suffering from an abcess on my gums that seems to have spread to my jaw. I went 2 days of having nothing but life Water because that's the only thing I could tolerate warm, and then today I've had some applesauce. As a result I've lost 7lbs in 3 days. While I absolutely love the loss, something tells me that I should expect to see them back when this is all said and done. Your thoughts?

    I am on pain meds and antibiotics but for now no one will see me until all the swelling has gone down. :(

  8. I suppose you can say I've turned into a lurker since I read the posts daily but rarely chime in. Life keeps me busy these days! I'm very proud of all of us not just for working our tool, but for using this forum as a support tool as well. I feel like I know all of you personally! Lol! My progress is going great. I had to stop tracking daily because I was becoming obsessed. I realize it's best for me to just live consiously and listen to my body rather than worry about numbers. I haven't had a stall since either! I can tell the days I don't eat right because I only lose ounces. Otherwise I'm losing about 3-4 a week. No complaints here!

    Hw 317

    Sw 309

    Cw 252

    My hw was right before liquids so it all counts to me. 65 lbs gone forever!!! <3

  9. All of these UTI's have me very concerned. I even have a friend who hasn't had the surgery that is suffering from this, too. I'm thinking my saving grace right now is that I add sf cranberry juice to my tea in the morning and night every day. I'm praying for all of you to get some relief from this discomfort quickly!

    On another note, I got the all clear from my dr and nut to eat as I please (as long as my pouch is happy) and work out as I want! I'm about 9 weeks out and 50 lbs down. Just wanted to share a little good news :)

  10. I tried typing earlier and kept falling asleep. Imadr it thru, yippee. Pain, ugh, horrible. Can't seem to get a nurse for pain med. I push and push button and no reply. Thinking its a bum button cuz no reply whatsoever..

    Gen :-) 12/15/12

    So glad to hear you made it through!! Have you tried yelling at the top of your lungs (if you can) They'll rush right in then! Or you can always call from your phone. Hope you get some relief soon!

  11. Thank your everyone. I have a headache and was able to get all the mag citrate down' date=' grape flavor. I think I'm slightly dehydrated haven't been doing well w Water. But they will take care of that tomorrow ;-)

    Gen :-) 12/15/12[/quote']

    I've been praying for you since the day you told us about this. I will continue to pray that Gods will be done and you are comfortable and happy when it's all done. Try to relax, God's got this! Hugggss!!!

  12. Thanks for the encouragement. I just want so badly to be successful. Being 290 pounds for so long was miserable and I NEVER want to go back to that. I am on dialysis and I have to be 190 pounds to get a transplant. That's my goal because I gotto be here to raise my son. Failure is not an option for me.... you guys help me so much. More than my so called friends. These post keep me motivated... thank you all

    I'm in the same situation as you are Shaunda but I'm pre-dialysis. It's even harder when you have that extra pressure on you to lose quickly, but I try not to focus on it because it WILL stress you out and that's even worse! If you need someone to talk to feel free to message me.

  13. I have been sick a lot too. What are you going through now? I just want to see if its the same or about the same as me

    Southern had some major problems during her surgery so she's still dealing with complications from that.

    It's wonderful to hear that you're still pushing forward Southern! Don't give up, you're going to be even MORE beautiful when you're all healed! Count on it!! Always praying for your (and everyone elses!) successful journey!!

  14. So I hop out of the shower' date=' putting lotion on as usual and rub Vitamin e on incisions. I have this one that bugs me cuz there is still a scab. I'm not into pulling scabs off. Come to find out, it isn't a scab. I pulled and it is a suture line I pulled out just enough to see what it was. Eew!!! I guess I'll call the Dr to see what to do about it.

    Gen :-) 12/15/12[/quote']

    I had the EXACT same thing happen yesterday except the "scab" kept pulling on my clothes. When I realized it wasn't going anywhere I got my manicure scissors (brand new), alcoholed them up, then cut it back so it doesn't tug anymore. I hope that's enough til I hear from my surgeon. Good luck at your apt today Gen!

  15. My nut likes almond milk too. It's also good for my kidneys.

    My fitness pal is ReDoableMe

    I'm so very happy for this group! It's like we're finally getting it and growing up a little bit with our journeys! Thank you ALL for being here and being so supportive, even those who just lurk! I truly appreciate your "cheers" this morning for my loss!! Huggggssss!!!

  16. I think i lost my way on the every 2 week switch up. I think the 2 weeks after surgery was supposed to be full liquid only. Which i think was Water, shakes, cream Soup, popsicles, SF of course on all pudding and Jello. Then after you have your 2 week post op appt you go into soft and puree foods. This is where you blend up your fat free foods. Refried Beans, scrambled or poached eggs. oatmeal, cream of wheat. I think most doctors want you on this 2 to 4 weeks before introducing the solids. I could be wrong please correct me? I know i am on day 14 post op. i have already did refried beans, string cheese, i even had a small portion of a smart one entree. That had meat and veggies. Rest of the time its been jello pudding lots of water and those crappy shakes. I think i have ruined it for myself. Its those flipping food commercials on TV, lol dammit!!!

    Oh don't feel too bad. I did the same thing! My nut said that as long as my pouch was handling it well and I'm not getting sick from it, then it's ok. She said to just be sure to continue doing everything in moderation and get in my fluids and Protein. Eventually that's where you'll be headed anyway, so if you can handle it already, that's great! If you can, check in with your own nut to make sure that's ok.

  17. For Protein I first tried shrimp cocktail it was great easily digestible new flavor good protein and was able to get it down without any pain pressure about 6pieces to start.

    Oh good idea! That reminds me how much I enjoyed clam chowder before. Time to try it again! And for those struggling to find something different to eat, try The World According to Eggface. I always come away with some great food ideas from her!

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