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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by pianogal7733

  1. Thank you guys!! I stopped and got some Premier Protein tonight!! I'm going back to the basics and taking control again!! And I'll check out the Protein water!! I've come too far to go back! I'm thankful for the support I've found here. When I feel like no one understands or I'm alone, I'm not!! There are people who are just like me that need help too! I wish you all the very best!!!

  2. Hi everyone!! I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations for ready to drink pre made Protein Shakes. I have tubs of Protein, but there's times I need to grab something quick or I'll hit a drive thru and make a bad choice. I'm 4 years out and 40lbs up in weight. I've got to go back to the basics and make better decisions!! I didn't have this surgery to become a failure and go back! So it's time to nip this in the bud, get serious, and take back my health!! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you all for your time!!! :)

  3. Hello. I was wondering if any of your doctors ever told you to stop your Multivitamin, B12, or Calcium? I saw a new internal medicine doctor today and he was first off arrogant and rude. He was going over my list of medicines and surgeries and saw my highest weight and proceeded to say, "How in the hell does someone get to 283 pounds? I mean I like cake and eat a piece every once in a while but I'm still a healthy weight." I was floored!! My weight was not from eating cake jackass!! It was from an insulin deficiency and other health issues now resolved by gastric bypass. Ugh!! As he looks at my meds, he continues to say "Well hell, if I were on these medicines I'd feel awful too." He starts marking meds off the list to stop. Then he comes to my Vitamins and says "Stop the multivitamin. It's not doing you any good. Stop the b12 it's not helping either. And for calcium it's not hurting so you can keep that one." I said my surgeon said these would be a part of my daily regimen the rest of my life. And I do not plan to stop them!!!! I was wondering if anyone had been told you can stop them because from what I learned beforehand and after surgery the vitamins are important. Thanks for any input. Needless to say, I won't be seeing that jerk ever again!!! ????

  4. Has anyone had trouble with gluten? I feel like a big ball of crap!!! I'm 3 years post op and these issues are troubling me. My weight has went up 15lbs in no time, Constipation is a daily feat, hip and joint pain are awful, and I cannot stay awake for very long during the day, I forget stuff....like things I have known for years....easily! My tummy bloats up and I look pregnant and I just feel bad. I've had tests ran and am getting ready for more, but until that point I was told to stay away from lactose which I already know causes problems and to stay away from gluten. I can do that, however it's a struggle. There's so many things with the dreaded G word! I've basically stopped eating out cause I don't know what they put in our foods really and I'm researching and doing my best to experiment. I guess I was wondering if anyone here has has a problem with wheat or gluten and if so do you have any pointers and is there a particular Protein brand that you use for shakes. I've put a call into my nutritionist, but she is out for a week. I know they will help me when they're back....they're wonderful about steering me in the right direction. I just need help before that. I feel overwhelmed as I'm typing this and just feel bad overall. Thank you to whoever reads this and I appreciate your time. :'( I just want to feel better again!

  5. Hello everyone! I'm 2 years post op and I was wondering if any bypass veterans out there developed an intolerance to dairy this far out after surgery. I've never had a problem before, but now it seems like anytime I eat dairy, especially milk or heavy milk based foods, that I have terrible gas and my tummy rumbles like crazy. Sorry for the info!! I'm blushing as I share this, but I need advice. I bought fat free Lactaid and it was too sweet! Yuck!! I've noticed some weight gain too and Constipation issues. Today I got some light unsweetened soy milk and it was pretty good. I'm going to try it in a shake tomorrow. If it is lactose intolerance, I'll be bummed. Yogurt, string cheese, and skim milk are some of my faves. However the gas part is embarrassing and uncomfortable at times. Thanks in advance for any input!!! :)

  6. Thank you all for responding. Your kind words, encouragement, and advice are very much appreciated. I have an upcoming appt with my dr to discuss sleep and depression. I'm very optimistic and my husband and children have been wonderful at supporting me. I'm proud to say that I've upped my Protein and do what activity I can in regards to my disability and I've upped my Water and using a food journal and so far I'm down 2.8lbs!! It's a start and I'm ecstatic over it!!! My son is overweight and we've been doing this together. He's a precious boy and is excited to be doing this as a team with mom!! I feel better today than when I originally posted this thread. I've prayed, put my best foot forward, and I'm looking forward, not behind me. Thank you all for helping me. This site is a blessing! It makes a world of difference to know I'm not alone in a crowded room, I have others that understand the ups and downs, defeats and best of all victories in this journey. I thank The Lord that He lead me here and for all of you that have taken time out to listen and offer me help. :) I will keep you all posted!! God bless!! ;)

  7. Wow!!! Thank you all so much!!! I have smiled as I finished reading these. It's nice to not feel alone. I did a lot of thinking today and came to the realization that tomorrow is a new day. Not just a cliche but it's true! I can start over! Someone mentioned baby steps and I wrote those very words in my notebook at church today. Even a baby step is one step closer than I was. Thank you all for your understanding and kind words. I can do this....we can do this. Good luck to you all!! :)

  8. Hi everyone. Hope your holidays and New Year have been great. It's late here where I am and what am I doing? Thinking...thinking about how much I've slipped, how I honestly feel lost even after 2 years post op, how I let myself get back into old habits, how I have a horrible time sleeping and resting, how stress is an awful thing to endure, and how I'd like to kick my own butt if that were physically possible. :/ I'm up....up in weight. I feel it, I see it, my clothes don't lie, and my body just doesn't feel good. I've had some physical problems that have limited my exercise drastically, so what did I do? Stopped it all together!!! sleep...what is that word that I hear so many people talk about? My "sleep" is so far off I say what's the use. I'm up all night hurting due to a physical problem I have. I try and try different things to help me sleep, but to no avail. I usually wear myself down somewhere between 5-6 am. Then I have to sleep 3-4 hours or I cannot function then I'm just as tired as ever as though I didn't sleep a wink. My eating schedule is off. I eat whatever I can get my hands on cause I'm famished. I need help!! I lost 120 lbs and went from 273 down to 150. Now I'm back up to 168 and I know it may not sound like much to some people...it's a load to me...or that's how I feel. I'm discouraged, tired, I feel lost like I don't know what to do, and I feel frustrated at myself. I guess I'm just sharing this because I know there are others out there that understand how I feel and maybe can offer some insight. My family are all supportive and I'm grateful. But they all sleep well, feel good, have a schedule with school, work, ect. They eat what they want and never try and get me to eat anything that they do....that ones on me. I don't know, I'm just struggling. I need this weight gone, my Protein intake to increase, I want to sleep normal, I want to have the motivation to exercise or do what I can with my disability. I just want to feel healthy again. I'm sorry I overloaded those that may read this, but I know someone here will understand. Thanks for your time and I'm glad there's a place I can come to where I don't have to feel alone in this journey. I appreciate you all and your input ;)


  9. Congratulations!! And yes I know how you feel! I tried everything and bypass I believe helped save my life and my emotional state. I'm 2 years post op and down 120 lbs! I have a new lease on life! This summer was the first time I've worn a bathing suit...tankini top and skirt bottom :D...in years!!! It felt amazing! I have areas I'd like to improve where I have loose skin, but in all honesty, the loose skin is not that big of a deal. I feel pretty, I feel like I'm more neat and well kept even in pjs lol, and my husband makes me feel like I'm the most beautiful woman in the world. And he also did that at my highest weight. He's always made me feel like a princess and been my encouragement. But he also sees this new lease on life that I have, as well as my kids, and they support me and root me on! It's amazing! So I say to you congratulations and you are beautiful inside and out! And I'm so excited for you and your weight loss and your accomplishment!! Keep up the great work!!! Loved reading your thread!! Thanks for letting me stop by!!! Best of luck to you!!! ;)

  10. I had my surgery 2 years ago with dr. Wegner. He is wonderful! He took awesome care of me and still to this day if I have a question or unsure of something I can call and his staff are there to help. He's very intelligent and good at what he does. He's very careful and for me he explained everything and when I was out after surgery he talked everything over with my husband. I've had a good experience. As far as surgery, it was the easiest recovery time. The eating and head hunger is something you will have to face but they are there to help! Do everything they say! If I had it to do over again, I'd do it tomorrow with dr. Wegner as my only surgeon in a heartbeat!!! The diabetes, high cholesterol, reflux, migraines...ect are all gone now!!! It was the best decision I could've made for my health and dr. Wegner helped me decide what procedure was best for my body and conditions. Because of my experience and success, I have 2 friends that used him for gastric bypass also and they're doing great!! Best of luck to you and I hope this helped!!! :)

  11. I have no problem with mcdonalds if they get my sf nonfat vanilla latte right, but if not I'm the same way! Sick! Today I actually went to a real little coffee cafe and asked for a sugar free white chocolate mocha with nonfat milk. She made it just the way I asked because I watched her do it. And to my surprise....I got soooooooooo sleepy and my heart was racing and I felt dizzy!! Good thing my hubby was driving because I fell asleep...I'm talking knocked out deep sleep about 10 minutes from home and felt sooooo bad afterwards. So I dumped on my delicious coffee! :( it's something how certain places and certain sugar free things work and other times they do not! I won't get one of those again! So glad my husband was there or I could've passed out driving!!!!! ???? I'm 2 years out and there's things that may work more than once and I try it again and get sick and super sleepy. It's an ever learning process for sure! Good luck to you! ;)

  12. Thank you all for asking about me. :) I'm taking meds for ulcers and had an US done today and they are running a light down my throat the first part of next week to check for ulcers. The meds actually help some. They coat my stomach and I can tolerate a few more foods. It's been rough! About the only food I could tolerate was apples, now I can eat oatmeal and scrambled eggs. I sure hope it's gone soon! Thanks y'all for the replies and nice words!! Hope you all have a great day! ;)

  13. I went to the dr and have to have the light run down my throat one day this week. So far the doc says I have gastritis and its Soooooooooo painful....the gnawing sharp pain from my upper abdomen to my back, the acid in my chest and throat, the feeling of being bloated and feeling full before you can even take a bite, and if you do take a bite you're hurting so bad....yep that's been my last 2 weeks! Really 4 but the worst of it has been the past 2 weeks. And last night and today...oh my!!! i couldn't stand it anymore, so i headed to the doc! The dr thinks I have an ulcer too. So we'll see. He's already treating me with different medications that help with the gastritis and ulcers if there's one there. I hope none of you have this type pain or problem! I'm 2 years post op, 110 lbs down and have felt great! So I'm ready for this mess to go, get better, and never return!!!! I'm praying its healed and corrected soon!! Thanks for all your responses and input! :)

  14. Hi everyone. I was wondering if anyone has had H. Pylori or an ulcer and what your symptoms were. I've been to the dr but won't get tests til the first of next week. I know I'm ready for relief! Thanks in advance for the replies and input! Have a blessed rest of the weekend ;)

  15. Hi everyone. I was wondering if anyone has had H. Pylori or an ulcer and what your symptoms were. I've been to the dr but won't get tests til the first of next week. I know I'm ready for relief! Thanks in advance for the replies and input! Have a blessed rest of the weekend ;)

  16. Hi guys! For about a month maybe a week or so less, I've had what I thought might be reflux. It's the burning feeling of the acid, but I have a gnawing empty feeling in my belly at times and just feel blah. It's pretty close to the center of my belly above my belly button. I take Zantac twice a day and it takes the edge off but doesn't relieve it completely. I'm going to the dr this week but wondered if anyone else experienced anything like this too. Oh, I'm 2 years post op! Thanks all and good luck!! :)

  17. You will know if you cannot digest something because you will vomit and your belly will hurt and sometimes you may hurt across your chest! I personally cannot digest hamburger patties to this day and I'm 2 years post op. Also anything soft and doughy comes right back up. You will discover foods that work well and foods that you will need to stay away from. It's a process to find what works and what doesn't. Best of luck to you! ;)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
