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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by renee

  1. Guys my surgery is coming up soon, December 16th. I really would like to know from the experts, What it feels like when you wake up from surgery?

    1 Will my mouth be dry?

    2 Will I be in pain?

    3.Will I be out of it?

    4 Will I hurt all over?

    5. For you more mature women, will I wake up to a Hot Flash? (My last surgery I did and it was bad.)

    6 Will I be cold?

    7 Will I have a headache?

    8 Will my blood Pressure be high?

    Please let me know I want to know what could happen or what to expect. Thanks you. Your help will be much appreciated.

    1. My mouth was crazy dry and they wouldn't give me anything for a few hours. Using Chapstick helped a lot and so did brushing my teeth after a couple hours.

    2. Initially in recovery I wasn't in any pain, but a few hours later I had some of the worst pain I've ever felt. Some Morphine diminished it and the nurse called the doc and got me an increased dose, and I was all good.

    3. I wasn't out of it at all. Once I woke up in recovery I was pretty much awake until the pain meds made me sleepy again.

    4. I didn't hurt all over, it was pretty localized to my abdomen.

    5. Can't answer this one.

    6. I wasn't hot or cold, I was comfortable.

    7. No headache here.

    8. My BP was low, but it always is.

    GOOD LUCK! You'll do great!

  2. I started this journey 6 months ago wearing a size 30 in jeans. I was in Old Navy and thought I would try on their largest size jeans they have in store, which happened to be a 20. I just wanted to see how long it would be before I could get into a pair of them. Not only did they fit, but I needed a size 18! I was jumping up and down in the changing room! Holy smokes! This is the first time I have shopped in the "normal" size stores since I was in my early 20's, and I'm now 38 years old! You couldn't wipe the smile off my face yesterday! Seriously, from a size 30 to a size 18 in 6 months. Unbelieveable :)

  3. This weekend was my daughters 5th birthday party. Many extended family and friends were there that haven't seen me since surgery on July 1st. All day people kept commenting how great I looked. It was amazing. I've lost 86 pounds so far. Then today I saw my father in law who has been out of the country for 6 months and he didn't recognize me from behind! I swear this has been the greatest weekend ever :)

  4. Where do you buy spaghetti squash? I've seen it all over Pinterest.

    I can't have quinoa yet. My doctors doesn't allow any grains' date=' breads, cereals, or anything until 6 months.[/quote']

    You can buy spaghetti squash in the produce section of any grocery store. They are yellow and oval shaped.

  5. My sense of smell has been heightened since surgery. A week ago I walked into my sisters house and knew she was making a Peanut Butter sandwich from 2 rooms away! Another time my husband was driving on the highway, I was in the passenger seat. I told him someone in the car about 100 feet in front of us was eating French fries. He caught up to the car and I was right. Thankfully the smells don't make me nauseous!

  6. I was in for 2 nights. All I brought was slippers, chapstick, pony tail holder, toothpaste/toothbrush, cell phone and charger, deodorant, CPAP machine, and I wore the same clothes home that I went to the hospital in. I wasn't in the mood at all to shower while there (in pain and exhausted), although I showered the millisecond I got home!! Good luck!

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