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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. Well gang I an VERY happy to report that today makes three weeks following the recommended high Protein diet plan. Stepped on the scale this morning and I am down 23 pounds. Its total willpower and mind over matter.

    Success IS within my reach!!!!!


  2. Ok guys...I'm attending all the classes and support meetings. I am SUPER motivated to get down to a healthy weight.

    Are any of you out there in my same weight class?

    I am wondering what kind of long term weight loss I can and should expect...within reason!!!

    I don't think I will ever get below 200.


  3. My life has been a palette of obesity and unhealthy eating habits. I graduated high school in 1992 at about 265#. I sustained a severe debilitating ankle injury in 2010...and since have piled on another whopping 90#. My ankle surgeon demanded I have the surgery before he can repair my ankle...for the 3rd time.

    I started my journey the end of last month. I met with the team and began to read myself into a motivational frenzy!!!

    I am PROUD to say that following their eating plans I am down 15# without exercise.

    It has taken the strongest of willpower to avoid my normal junk foods and pizza...which is my ultimate weakness. I've chosen to eat healthier and start this journey with a most positive outlook. For I know my fate and future lies within my hands and this surgery is merely a tool to jumpstart my lifelong commitment to health, happiness and longevity.

    I wish everyone the best of luck. I'm here anytime to chat, offer support and field questions.

    And I am a NURSE...so if the RNY was not safe I would not have it done on myself.

    Much Love,


  4. Ladies and Gentleman....Greetings and Salutations to one and all!!!

    At my 1st appt. with the Nurse Practitioner they gave me a handbook outlining my 3 month education track before my surgery. Immediately I brought it home and began to read. After changing my eating habits I managed to drop 14 pounds in the last 2 weeks.

    What I've NOT done was start on the Vitamin supplements. Calcium and Vitamin D....can I safely start those before my procedure or should I wait until my next appt. and ask them?????


  5. Ok all you successful post-op hotties and studs....I have a question.

    Due to my pre-surgery weight and size I am VERY concerned about keeping myself from being a sagging mess. I've already invented in a 10# kettle bell and am seriously considering a device called the Tower 200.

    Will weight training help with the skin and sag issues post surgery????

    Any and all help is welcomed.


  6. Oh wow....I bet.

    Yesterday I had my initial physical and measurements taken by the weight management nurse practitioner. Oddly enough she and I went to nursing school together. What a relief to know someone as you embark upon such a life changing journey.

    Also last evening I attended my first support group...loved it!!!!!

    Started on my own last week and dropped 5 pounds already. I'm excited to meet the new me under all this weight.


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
