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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by juditha

  1. juditha

    Anyone Not Dump?

    Im 3 months tomorrow... And have been able to eat anything without any problems - but ive not tried anything sugary. The only thing that has made my stomach go a bit funny was a small slice of watermelon ( i couldnt resist it with feta cheese)....
  2. juditha

    Water - Favorite Cup

    I use a app called " water your body" --( i think) but i still forget to drink! . I use a regular bottle of water ( 750 ml) from any brand and keep refilling it . I still wish i could drink more. At least its not summer ...
  3. juditha

    Band To Rny

    Im two and a half months post revision and im very happy. I had the horrible lap band over 7 years - and it did nothing but make me sick, depressed and unhappy. Now i actually get to feel what full is and not that horrible chocking - something stuck on my throat- feeling. I never felt full before and was always hungry before the revision. Now i do feel hungry but im so easily satisfied that its great. The weight loss is good- 50 pounds so far- including a 3 week stall. I just wish i had done it earlier Good luck to you on your new journey! !
  4. juditha


    Im 11 or so weeks out and just out of a 3 week stall- where i tired hard to stay positive. I just kept thinking that my body was probably in shock with small potions/healthy food/ exercise that it suddenly had to deal with. I put the scale a way for a week and was happy to see a 5 lb lost after that! Sometimes its hard to understand why my weight is not dropping off.. But slowly slowly it will . And will do so for u too! !!!
  5. Firstly i hope you are feeling better. It must have been a very hard week for you. About the feelings you are having ... Maybe you should think about what would happen to your health if you hadn't done the operation? What would you say to yourself in another 5 years ? Im sure that you didn't do this operation just to look good. You did it for a better healthier better life., and i hope that the healthy part starts asap! !!
  6. juditha

    September Members

    I had something similar happen and i knew that I would gain so didnt worry too much about it. I can gain over 2 lbs easy from morning to night ! Ive recently hid my scales from myself because i have become a slave to it. I hope you feel better soon!
  7. juditha

    No More Gallbladder!

    I had an ultra sound pre - op and the nurse who did it pressed really hard on my gall bladder to get a good image ( which happen to show lots of stones) i think by pressing so hard she dislodged one as i had in the next 10 days 3 attacks . Luckily i mentioned it to my surgeon on the day of surgery. So he removed at the same time as doing my lap band to gastric bypass! Buy 2 get 1 free operation! Lol
  8. juditha

    Short Fuse

    Good point. Nothing calmed me down like a tub ( a large tub) of ben and jerry's!!!
  9. juditha

    Short Fuse

    Me too! But i also find myself arguing back when i would just normally sulk or cry or turn away. That has shocked my husband abit.
  10. juditha

    At Hospital

    Hope to hear that u are feeling healthier soon.
  11. juditha

    Unusual Discomfort

    Could it be a gall stone attack? When i had them it felt like a belt of pain radiating from the right-side. At the worst the pain came like contractions. This luckliy happened to me pre-op so the surgeon removed it while doing my op! I would recommend that you Call your doctor whatever.... Feel good
  12. juditha

    Shortness Of Breath?

    Hope things are ok - it was very good that u called!!
  13. juditha

    Bad Breath

    My son likes to tell me to clean my teeth more because they smell! What a charmer. Since the op in sept i find my self cleaning my teeth 3 to 5 times a day just because i feel like i have bad breath .
  14. juditha

    Need To Step It Up!

    Im lucky that they have just open a group for " the large girls" of the village where i live at the small studio here. The girls meet 2 times a week and do something different each lesson. All the lessons are especially for us- nothing too stressful. Always fun and a good laugh - and we are all beginners which make everyone feel comfortable. Yesterday we had a "drums alive" lesson which is drumming on large balls and stepping around it. I think i brunt more calories from laughing.!!
  15. juditha


    at two weeks out (im now 6) my pee turn to very very red which was a bit scarey, i think it scared the nurse more than me as she made me pee a few times to check. i call my surgeon to see if this was normal, and he said that due to the amount of gall stones i had (he removed my gall bladder in my revision from lapband to rny) that it was likely one or so stones escape and making the bleeding. he told me it was normal.. and told me to take antibiotics (which was the size of a horse pill - had to break them into 8 pieces and take them...distgusting!!!) and it cleared up after a few days. i still get sometimes a small amount of blood in my urine but without any pain or discomfort. im not sure it this is still classed as normal ... hmmm maybe i should check it out anyway. maybe you can find some sugar free cranberry juice to drink to help... feel good
  16. juditha

    1 Mth In 50 Lbs Down

    Wow! Congratulations on the huge weight loss.!!! I hope that it can blurr the memory of the trips to the hospital. I also had the op ( revision) on the 5th sept!! And down 37 pounds ... And very happy Hope the next month is a lot easier for you!
  17. juditha

    Sick Of Protein Drinks!

    Im the same and the just the thought of them makes my stomach turn. My problem is that i can get a great variety of them either. Making them with water helps a bit but its just the yukky sweetness thats killing me.
  18. juditha

    Post Op Day 2

    Congratulations! Remember to take things slowly!
  19. juditha

    At The Er

    Hope that everything is ok .
  20. I went yesterday to the next village to buy some frozen yogurt - they have a great whipped kind- i got there dreaming of a sugar free one only to find they didnt server one and the i had to suffer watching all my family eat them. It was very hard! I was so sure it was going to be the hi light of my weekend.!! Lol
  21. juditha

    Friday Weigh-In!

    Ok its saturday here but i thought id still post Starting weight t 128 kg (282). ( two weeks before surgery) Day of surgery 124.8 (274.5) Today 114.5 (252) I didnt lose anything the 2 week so im very happy with my " reduction" so far
  22. im just over 3 weeks post op, and basically feeling ok. in the last few days i have been feeling pretty nauseous and finding it hard to eat much. Just the thought of smelling the Protein powder makes my stomach turn. Since I have been back, life has been going on as normal. I cook everyday for the hubby and kids and have learnt to eat before I start to cook to make it easier on myself. The big problem is that here in Israel we are going through a period of lots and lots of holidays – which fall just before or just after Friday nights when we also have a large sit down family meal which I work all day to cook. So it seems that my life is just turning around food.. What to cook, when to cook, for who to cook and im just sick of it. Today is yet again Friday which means a large meal (its tradition) and I just can be bothered. I feel like salmon but If I make salmon it means that I will have to make another meal for tomorrow for the kids/hubby. Then on Sunday evening its another holiday~! Another big meal and on Monday we are going to the in-laws for the day – where I have to take food with me too. Im just sick of it. I can not not cook but I just wish it wasn’t that way. I live in the middle of the desert where there are two horrible restruants near by which is not only very expensive but just not good food . Its just making me feel pretting down. I wonder if could serve Protein shakes for Friday day meal?? Lol Sorry to moan I just had to get it off my chest! Im sure someone understands my feelings!
  23. juditha

    Left Side & Back Pain

    im just over 3 weeks too and have in the last few days been having a similar pain. cant deciede if its actual pain, gas or just my stomach wanting more food! maybe its just our bodies getting used to all the changes. something that is screwing with my mind is that i have no idea where my stomach is (i know this sounds strange...) but if i the doctor had told me physical where my stomach is i could realt more to the pain. im sure that probably doesnt make sense to anyone but me! i have also suddenly began to feel nausous at the smell of food.. especial protien powder!! hope you feel well soon! good luck
  24. juditha

    To Tired

    Im 3 weeks post op tomorrow and im just exhausted all the time. I go for 40 minute slow walk in the morning and it kills me for the rest of the day. I go to lie down in the afternoon but that doesnt help much especially when all my kids jump on me. I am trying to get enough protein in but it hard and im drinking well. I think my body is just working will the small amount of food that its getting that it has no energy to spare!!! I hope some comes my way soon!!
  25. juditha

    Pre-Re-Op Appt

    My surgeon removed it due to the fact that i had a " gall stone attack" a week before the surgery and when he open me up he saw enough stones to " make up a rock garden״ ... If ihe didnt do now i would have been prone to infection and would have had to remove it anyway in a month or so I dont feel anything different apart from i defiantly not " holding" water like before the op! My feet look normal not all puffy .. Not sure if this is due to lack of gall bladder/ stones/ sludge ...

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