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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by kisersassy

  1. I am going tomorrow to surgeon. The past 2 days was really bad with my stomach. Yesterday I could not eat anything solid. I was able to eat some yogurt, and had a piece of cheese with 3 saltines without being in so much pain. The pain isnt as bad this morning so I ate 1 ounce pieve of cheese and 4 saltines but am starting to feel twinges of going to be another one of those days. Tomorrow cannot get here fast enough

  2. Thank you for your response. I told the obgyn that I could not take NSAIDS and he shrugged them off and more or less it was my choice to take them or not but refused to give me other pain medication while in hospital with the hysterectomy. Unfortunately I live in a state that the pain killer addiction rate is so sky high that the ones that really need them are treated like the addicts as well. So I had to take what was given or go in pain as Tylenol was not touching it. And since he thought it was ok when I ran out of the pain meds he gave me I finished the bottle of Advil PM I had at home. I have also been taking Benedryl nightly as he told me to take this as well as oppose to hormones to treat hotflashed and insomnia. I do have to say it helps a lot in that so I would hate giving those up. I took some Mirolax to see if it helps me with the Constipation issue and plan to call them in the morning, but it is getting harder and harder to drink without feeling so bluh and bloated like I am going to explode

  3. I know I havent been posting that much lately but I have been feeling some kind of something for a few weeks now but it seems in the past week since I have been dealing with a Sinus infection and ear infection It is worst. I have taken NSAIDS as my gyobyn said it was ok, and today I got a shot of steriods with a prescription of Prednisone to start in the morning. I have taken Advil this past year, and just this week been taking a nasal decongestant and Mucinex for cold and flu. Ok so now to what I have been feeling. I get a pain in my pouch at least once a week, I mean bad pain that I usually go all day with. Eating and drinking does not make it better, but then I go to bed wake up and its gone. Now the past week, and definately today, I am getting a burning pain every time I eat or drink, and when I drink, It feels like my pouch is filling up like a balloon and is going to pop. I have been getting a tiny bit nauseous starting today when eating or drinking, and real burpy and my stomach acid in my stomach is like non stop almost. I have also noticed a change in my bowel movements. Sorry TMI!! but i was going regular regular sometimes 2-3 times a day, but the past week or so I have noticed not so much and each time they are getting harder and darker and darker. In which I had noticed I have been having trouble losing weight since June. I havent lost one single pound i have actually gained. I weighed 180 June 1st and today I weigh 185-187. I am one year post op gastric bypass 10.29.12 and had gallbladder removal 12.29.12, and a complete hysterectomy 05.02.13. Any ideas would be nice.


  4. Sorry it takes me so long to answer, I do not have this app on my phone anymore so only see it once in awhile on the computer. I am getting about 1000-1200 calories some days less. I havent been exercising as I am so busy with school, all I can do is study. Also with surgeries almost back to back with 6-8 weeks healing in between its been rough. Tomorrow makes a year since I had my gastric bypass. then had 6 weeks to heal then December 29th had gallbladder surgery that was another 6-8 weeks to heal, then May 2nd had a complete hysterectomy which was 8 weeks to heal. So 6 months of my 1 year has been healing from surgeries. I have noticed lately that I get terrible pains in my pouch and I am having lots and lots of acid as my stomach growls constantly. I am wondering if I am or if I have an ulcer. I looked over my papers from my last visit with my surgeon August 8th and I weighed 181. Today I weigh 187. So I have gained weight. Thinking maybe I have a fistula, I go back to surgeon November 12th so will ask then about everything.

  5. Hey October buddies!! This is our Surgaverisary month!! I am down about 100 pounds since surgery. Started out at 285-287 and now flucuate between 185-187. I have not lost any weight, not even an ounce since I was 7 months post op which was disappointing as I thought we would lose at least till we were 12 months to 18 months post op. I am not sure if it has anything to do with my hysterectomy I had in May or not. So its been 4 months without losing not even an ounce. I have about 30-40 more to lose to reach goal so hopefully it will pick up again soon.

  6. It has been awhile since I have been on and posted anything, just thought I would give an update. I guess I am not going to lose anymore.. I will be 11 months post op on the 29th of this month. Surgery was 10/29/2012. Weight at surgery was 276 Highest weight 287. Today I weigh 183-185 got down to 180 but keep gaining back. I have not lost any weight since beginning of May so I guess I am done losing. I thought for sure I would continue to lose until at least 18 months or so post op. This is really scary as I still have about 30-40 pounds to lose. I will be having skin removal surgery in May or June (as long as my husband is still working so we have the insurance). I am really hoping I am just in a plateu or a long stall and the weight loss picks back up.

  7. What the symptoms. I believe I am exhibiting some. Pain like dull achy pain right side of abdomen near the bottom.

    I just felt pain (which wasn't too bad) nausea. And gassy burpy to much. But I also had a second stricture at the same time. They fixed stricture on a Wednesday still felt pain and so.did ultrasound on that Thursday and that Friday took it out went home Saturday which I shouldn't have. Was worst pain ever. Over and beyond my RNY!

  8. Thank you!!!! I just wish I could exercise. I know I would look better and feel better!! I still have 2-4 weeks to recover from this hysterectomy. But my swimming pool is ready and waiting! I lived in it last summer. Its hard to believe last summer I was doing the 6 month supervised diet thingy. It does go by fast!!

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