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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by speedydvr

  1. speedydvr


    How long before I should start swimming...my doctor released me for "light" excerise on day one but didn't say whether or not swimming was allowed... And by swimming I really mean more like senior water aerobics and floating... Lol
  2. speedydvr


    That's what I figured too and my doctor called me back to confirm that as long as they aren't open im fine to do so... Doggie paddle, not Michael Phelps it... Lol
  3. Less than 10 days post op (7-30-12) and I'm down to 293.5 from 326!!!!!! Sorry just really excited... You may return to you're normally scheduled activities now )
  4. speedydvr

    Starbucks On Week 2 Post Op

    I'm not really counting calories as at the moment I'm not getting anywhere near my limit but I am watching for things like sugar and such. I ended up getting a skinny frapp with sugar free French vanilla... Hit the spot perfectly!
  5. speedydvr

    Jenelizzas Crab Cakes

    Did you have these during the puree foods portion or did you just happen to puree them?.... if they get broiled how are they still pureed and not solid?... They look delis and after all this Soup and liquids, I'm dying for something I might actually have to chew for a bit
  6. speedydvr

    Iphone App

    Does anyone have any suggestions for an app that lets me track my hydration, protien intake?...
  7. speedydvr

    Iphone App

    On the app or the website?... I looked at the app but couldn't see where to put in I have an egg sized stomach... Lol
  8. speedydvr

    Iphone App

    I've looked at those but the seem to be focused more on someone who hasn't had the RNY... I mean really if I try to put in my actual info the program freaks out and basically calls the ER for me saying I'm malnourished and losing way too quickly
  9. As anyone every thought following surgery that maybe the provider they selected to do the surgery wasn't the best one to fit their needs? That's where I am right now. I live in New Bern, NC and my provider is in Cary, NC about 150 miles away based on my insurance carrier recommendations. Well, I had my initial meeting with my Dr, but I had done all my pre op local and only saw him once more before surgery. Now I'm 5 days post op and having problems and the office staff has the gall to tell me that I shouldn't have traveled and should have made arrangements to stay in the area for the first 4 weeks!..... WTF!!!!! While my Dr was personable, his staff sucks so I am seriously considering dropping him and being picked up with the practice that is closer to home since the staff there on the few times I've been to seem to be 100% better. So my question is two fold, has anyone changed Dr.s after surgery and should I wait until my first follow up which will most likely be 5 minutes of seeing the doctor and 6 hours of driving? the local practice here already has me in the system and would only be a matter of having my records faxed over.
  10. Well after numerous calls and dealing with whom I thought was my doctors nurse turns out all I needed was a simple anti spasmodic ( hyobiscane) but the problem revealed a greater problem I got a very bad taste in my mouth. Seems that you can go and get a six week education as a medical assistant and pass yourself off to the patients as thier nurse. Well when the patient himself is in emergency medicine for almost 20 years and is an instructor at the undergraduate level, the warm fuzzies are gone. My decision has been made. My doctor was great but at most 45 minutes total contact with him means his staff is what needs to be stellar. Generally what happens at the 2week f/u appt if there are no sutures to remove?
  11. speedydvr

    Post Surgery Diets

    Myself have a week of clear, a week of full liquids, a week of puréed, a week of soft, then add in a few new items over week 6&7, but what I'm noticing is that there really isn't a set structure. Some Dr.s say do this and some say do that....in fact in my practice alone two different surgeons have very different policies... So what's the deal?
  12. So I was drinking my last few ounces of protein water last night and started to feel this odd twisting choking pain in my new pouch. I've tried taking gas ex strips, walking around nothing seems to help. Anyone with any ideas or suggestions?
  13. speedydvr

    Twisting Pain

    Protein waters are 20oz bottles of flavored drinks that are completely clear, minus coloring that contain 40grams of protein. I got the iso-pure brand and to me they taste like a smartee or a melted jolly rancher. Overall not bad, I added the whole bottle to my 48oz naglene bottle and mixed it with some water, figure two of these a day and I should have met my hydration requirement and protein intake... It's the constant every 15 minute countdown app going off that is driving me insane now...lol
  14. speedydvr

    Day 3 Of The New Me

    I figured the anesthesia has all but left my system at this point. I was on a Diludid PCA pump the day of surgery which became my best friend, however I pretty much only used it for the first day. That being said, I received IV tylenol during my stay and the most that I'm using now at home is children's tylenol drops for discomfort. I can't seem to shake the exhausted feeling and constant dragging I feel, walking helps some but I get so tired all I want to do is sleep, figured this is due to the near zero caloric intake. But what is slightly worrisome is this feeling of being febrile. I know I'm not, at least thats what the thermometer tells me but I have all the physical sensations of having a fever. I've got the the hydration aspect down and figured if I drink the protein waters at the same time that should kill 2 birds with one stone right?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
