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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SusieB29

  1. SusieB29

    Emergency Room Visit

    I agree! Lol my husband says "where did all the cups come from"
  2. SusieB29

    So Pissed!

    I have keystone and it was 10 months from first apt to surgery. Hang in there and you meds to know what your insurance wants from you. Your surgens office should have a specialist...make him or her your best friend
  3. SusieB29

    Plateued :(

  4. SusieB29

    Starbucks On Week 2 Post Op

    Good reminder.
  5. SusieB29

    Starbucks On Week 2 Post Op

    Thanks for that. I needed an idea. Skinny French vinilla .....sounds good. My coffee ay home, has not tastes right since surgery. It's depressing, as I am a coffee whore! Lol
  6. SusieB29

    After Surgery

    I tried cheese slice today, this was a transition food for me a week ago. My lunch slice was ok but dinner was a no go, right back up. I can say this much. I've lost interest in eating. Going back to Fluid and waiting a week to try food again. I believe I need to eat small, 2T meals seem to be my solid food limit. I chew, its not my problem. I can feel it block me up as just my syliva sends me running to vomit. Funny, I had this for years and my revision was supposed to stop it. Ah feeling sorry for my self... I'll give it a week and try to revisit food. I'm going to listen to my body. I'm eating from my allowed foods. I'm chewing, I'm taking pea sized bites and I'm taking my time. I'm just not ready for solids. When I am, I'm going smaller and more frequent. I am finding this harder then I want to admit. Sorry I'm posting so much, I'm a little lost right now.
  7. SusieB29

    Still Cant Eat

    Good wishes your way! I hope it gets better soon.
  8. SusieB29

    Still Cant Eat

    Tank, call your Dr first off. Second same was happening to me but only after I had tries chicken and failed horribly; 4 days nothing stayed down. I managed a few yogurts partially but would still her sick. Having had the issues in the past I know I irritated my pouch. I have been using my carafate and today cheese worked. That's as solid as I'm going for now. I know when my pouch gets irritated I have ro give it time to be less angry. If you won't call the Dr. Please yet going back on liquids for a bit and protein shakes watered down at the least
  9. SusieB29

    Yogurt Question

    Humm, I'm on a 15gm rule. It's working well for me. A few protien bars, yogurts are slightly higher 22gm and I divide thoes into two snacks or share with a family member, dogs eat yogurt who knew? I've been on liquids for 4 days because solids are not working right now. All because of chicken.... I never herd of the 5 gm rule.
  10. SusieB29

    After Surgery

    I hear a lot of members talk about eating 6 times a day... I get conflicting information on that. My surgen said 3 meals no Snacks. But my nutritionist from his office said 6 small meals. Protien first 60 gm which I've never been able to do in the last 3 weeks. For days I can't keep any solids down. It's been four days and I get sick if I eat more then one bite of anything semi solid. So I have 3 yogurts a day that's all that I can handle and I'm not even at 300 calories a day. So tiered, last night I had a spoof of natural Peanut Butter for some kind of energy, I promptly got sick. I feel like if I did way 6 small things is be better off but who do I listen to? Confusing.
  11. Humm, its deffinatly the big boy. Qvc: I got a small blender for food processing, the tall blender, 4 and 2 blades as well as whips and other do dads .... It's really a life saver for pureed food and the treat. Tonight we did berries and it was ehh...so so. Need the banana.
  12. I have my meal plans and I'm following them, but no where does it say our limits? What have you been told? I use nome to track my calories and I stay between 3-400 calories. I'm definatly not eating all I'm allowed so I got to thinking about the calorie limits. I'm also mad because I only lost 4 lbs this week and was at approximatly 1850 calories for the week total. My husbad told me I'm eating too much! I am supper angry about his criticism with nothing to base it on except I was able to eat more tomatoe then he felt was acceptable for dinner today .....Ahh ppl always have an oppinion of a fat chick eating. He is so on my shit list right now.
  13. SusieB29

    I Am Loving Salads

    Auto correct is terrible. Hope u got the idea. Ugh
  14. SusieB29

    I Am Loving Salads

    I too love salad. I have not tried lettuce yet, I'm afraid. I have Jax tomatoes and acocatoes as my salad so far. Soft and easy to digest. It will be two weeks before I'm ready to try leafy greens. I also had fresh corn! I was so excited. I had my coliflour mash and pureed a bit of fresh corn into it! Omg it was Awsome. I puree my meats still and I do this into my coliflour. I am working toward solids so baby steps. Right now is rather have veggies but I have to eat my 60 gm of protien. It's hard to do.
  15. SusieB29

    Starbucks On Week 2 Post Op

    I'm with you! Look on the site for them. It will let you see sugar counts and help you to order. I'll be honest I'm a coffee junkie and the no caffeine rule means nothing to me except to watch for dehydration....I'm drinking star bucks coffee as I type at home. As for frapps etc....that's a no to sugar but I know one can get skinny and sugar free just look it up or ask. My local store was happy to suggest sugar free items they offered. A sugar free skinny mocha coffee. I counted the milk in my calories for the day.
  16. SusieB29


    Every one is different. Many ppl have issue with chicken. Sugar is an item to be cautious of. Eat slow and Any new food after surgery take a small test bite,.chew it well and wait 5 min. You should know right then if its working or not. You'll feel the pressure. Waiting can help you avoid gettting sick and worse pain. I can't eat pork. It hurts like hell, even pureed it hurt. Now I had some tuna and I was surprised I was fine. The other thing to remember is having help with solids, we shouldn't drink n eat or we will slow our weight loss. But use something wetish / ketchup, avacoto, tomatoes, dressing with meat makes digestion easier. I'm just starting solids pureed and my family eats smashed coliflour instead of potatoes, I am able to puree some meat with that for a meal. Follow the rules, they are given for a reason and you'll be glad you did. Best of luck.
  17. I don't weigh in until tomorrow but I can say the replys helped! Let's say I could tell I was out of starvation mode via the ladies room. I was clearly not taking in enough calories and just sticking to three meals made a huge change. Thank you.
  18. SusieB29

    Pennsylvania Anyone?

    I had mine July 19th. I was a revision and was told he was the best at fixing my mess inside. I'm from churchhill/pennhills area. Nice to meet you.
  19. Carbs....I'm terrible at proof reading sorry.
  20. Thank you all! My head agrees that I'm likely not eating enough. Its 3:15 and I've yet to eat, I'm not hungry. So ill try eating 3 meals hungry or not. My tomatoe thing is because I do love them and yes its a virtually free meal. I am still struggling with food fear. The little skinny Bitch in my head tells me if I eat, ill never stop being fat (lol). I focus on protein, no carnal yet for me. I still can't hit my grams a day. If I drink the protein shake I'm fearful of the amount of calories like 200 almost. I'm trying to get it through real food. Work in progress.....
  21. SusieB29

    This It I Am Dumping!

    My old op VNG there was no dumping. Now I here I will have it and ppl say its painful. ~ any way, I've been dehydrated and was told two things today 1) increase fluid to 69-70 oz per day (hum, how? Idk) and 2) to drink regular gatoraid !? Nutritionist said I could drink a glass 8oz n hour and be ok......its what she said but there is no way I'm going over 15 gm sugar. But maybe it will help you all with a sweet tea cravings!
  22. SusieB29

    This It I Am Dumping!

    I had a VBG in 98 .....I'm 2 weeks out of my revision to RNY ....... Yeah, that is a combo of not chewing and the food choices. It is 100% too soon for solids like that. You r still swollen inside. I did that "foaming and / vomiting" for 10 years! It was so bad I would opt not to eat for a week at a time. So, let your tummy heal. Be mindful of bites and I believe always take a test bite and wait, see how you feel, you'll usually know. Once this happens, I recommend a soft or liquid diet for a day minimum so it heals and your pouch is not inflamed. My two cents.
  23. SusieB29

    Pennsylvania Anyone?

    Mine was west Penn. Dr Daniel Ganye.
  24. I'm looking for support and advice. I am a revision. 98 I had VBG at 550. I got to 293 and as of '11 was 350. I managed to stay at 300 for ...11 years. I was happy, untill I started to put it on rather fast. I had complications (band grown in, ulcers and a rip, not to mention vomiting for 11 years) I was told in 98 I would one day need a bypass but preferably, after children. So here I am I had my RNY on July 19 th. As a revision, I feel FABULOUS! like a thorn was removed, no more like a small log! I was so used to discomfort, I had no idea how miserably I felt every day. It's surgery...and its sore but I am drinking better, food (liquid food) feels better going down then two weeks ago. BUT that kind of scares me. Last time was horrific, this ease is disarming to me. I refused calories for days out of fear. I am motivated by the desire to keep my hair, so I drank my protein shake and I had a bit of hummas. I'm tracking calories and grams of protein...I only hit 36gm today. I hope to find some friends to share the journey. My husband is also starting the process, he hopes for January.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
