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Everything posted by SusieB29

  1. I couldn't eat at all first month and only lost 18 lbs. Got endoscope and can eat ...was losing 4 per week. Now my Graves disease kicked in so bad they uped my thyroid med. It made me gain weight pre op and they told me it was my over eating.....ok (I was logging food I knew it wasn't. I gained 20 lbs in 2 weeks) now back on same dose and its not even a full week and I'm up 4 lbs. I'm gaining a lb q day. I'm so lost.
  2. Well I upped my Water. I stopped my meds for 2 days and I'm down 6.5.....(in total that's .2 down from my gain of two weekish) . I feel better emotionaly seeing "progress". I am going to push forward to move my ass and try to pick my spirits up. I'm so glad to have a place to talk about the struggles. Now I just wanna break 320. Small goal, but I thinly small is best. Thank each of you for support.
  3. 100% honest; I am eating Carbs. Right or wrong I vomit so much toast became my go too for something. ( yesterday I vomited 4xs today already once just trying tunna with mayo to make it wet...1T and with in five min it hurts and there I go. I know...tuna for breakfast yuck but I didn't want to cook) ill wait till dinner to try again. If I vomit, ill wait n eat toast this is my average day. I will try to put protein on the toast if it feels ok. Can't say I need a new dilation as I'm gaining weight! Good lord that would be worse . No, I'm not drinking enough. I'll check that one...that's easy task to handle. Depressed and happy if I get dressed so no I am being lazy, laundry is a major hooraa right now. I have a hyper thyroid. No, I did not make a mistake its hyper. My meds are to make it NOT hyper.....side effect weight gain. Now I think its likley water....so ill tackle that first. Tomorrow is my weigh in (my own ...Thursday is my day) we will see how it goes. I lost my job after the op and complications. Sooo its just been a stressful month. Trying to pick a focus. Trying to get well quick. Fund for letting me vent
  4. I bought a Ninja from QVC just to puree my foods. Two days ago I tried the banana ice cream! YES! Freeze some cut up banana ( half is enough!) Drop it in with a four blade and a splash of milk ( 2 T ) pulse then run it a bit. It is absolutely the texture of soft serve. It was a devine treat. - I had to share with my son and husband, a whole banana; it was way too much for me to eat. Now to be a good RNY revision girl, ill try my chocolate protien shake instead of the milk, should give me my Protein, a new flavor and yet, the creamy treat! I suppose yogurt would do the trick also. It is worth the Ninja to have the ability to have " banana cream"
  5. SusieB29

    When Can We Drink?

    I can't keep food down 2 endoscopes later and I just lost my job. I want a glass of wine bad. I'm at 5 weeks. Anyone?
  6. SusieB29

    Sex After Surgery

    Depo shot put 50 lbs on me years ago. Sr told me its called the blow up shot. Never ever recomend it! Just use condoms.
  7. SusieB29

    Sex After Surgery

    Best information ever! Lmao I'm running to tell my husband!
  8. SusieB29

    Pennsylvania Anyone?

    Ladies, I need some advice. My husband has a union job and his medical leaves are not paid. Although I like Dr Gange at west Penn. We are looking for a surgen who does not require 6 visits to him on top of the monthly pcp follow ups. He simply can not take the time from work. Anyone have a surgen who required far fewer visits?
  9. SusieB29

    3 Week Stall Any Advice

    For me, I can go days without wanting to eat at all. I drink however. I do calorie count a preop habit I can't break. BUT I can see through it that when I eat I lose. To be blunt when I eat I also "poo" Lmao its true. My weight loss clearly picks up when that happens. Soooo, my personal gage is calories and frequency in the bathroom. It's a signal to me that .not eating enough again. I am at 5 lbs a week. I walk, take the stairs at work and drink water all day. But if I don't get over 500 cals my metabolism full stops for up to 5 days. hope it sheds some light.
  10. SusieB29

    So Pissed!

    Best advice.....call you surgans office and talk to the nurse who handles the claims / approvals with insurance. That person should.break down each "hoop" for you. ( ex. I could gain and still be approved by my insurance. However my girlfriend going at the same time as me with Different insurance had a strict no gain rule. If she gained no surgery. She did, and was postponed, put on liquid for one month th get it off n get approved ) call and know your insurance co rules. Your surgens insurance person should be able to break it down for you. Oh I lost time because my insurance had a strict 30 day weigh in w a Dr. I was late once (ok) second time I was late by 5 days I had to schedual an additional weigh in or risk being postponed. My GF.....could just report hers every few months. Different insurance.
  11. I had a stricture. I was in a lot of pain after with spasms and vomiting for hours (7 total). I just got corrected information from my friend who took me. I was almost closed 100%. They opened me 5 cm ( we have the 5 right but maybe its mm?) They told her I meds to go in every week for up to 4 times they estimate. It was horrible for me. I'm going ro ask for some kind of after care the next time. Please if you can expand on the stoma closing I would appreciate it. I'm scared now. I was already scared but now I'm just shocked. My friend said she wanted to give me a few says to get better before she gave me all the info because I had such a bad reaction to the stretching. It was exactly 1 month out and I'm a revision. This is all unpaid, now adding to the stress. Physically I'm set back a good week. Emotions are raw. I don't want to face this 4 more times. My friend said they maxed out going 5 cm and could do no more. They need me at ten and o was near zero. I was told it will regress and they will keep fighting it untill it is open. Any info? I'm scared.
  12. SusieB29

    I Need Some Info Please.

    I know over dialation is a huge concern. 10 is the goal, I just spoke with my nurse I have to go every week. Your story is helping me make sense of it. I hope this will be resolved by next month. My nurse is going to help facilitate pain management. I was nearly closed and im told that's why I have pain, reminiscent of my first week post op. I'm in envy of my friend who is bright and bushy tailed going out all the time, all I can muster is work. I'm sooo tiered I hate it. I look forward to a resolution.
  13. SusieB29

    I Need Some Info Please.

    I'm on egg nogg now. Raw eggs for protein my mom is making them for me.
  14. SusieB29

    I Need Some Info Please.

    I'm finding threads hard to follow. I saw tank he seems to have done well. Mine is not going well. I don't understand it all and I'm hoping for more information so I can rationalize this. My husband is angry. He can not understand how this is happening. And I can't quite explain it.
  15. SusieB29

    La Fittness Anyone?

    Pittsburgh-ers ....I'm looking for work out buddies. I want to join monroeville la fittness ....any one joining or interested in a support?
  16. SusieB29

    La Fittness Anyone?

    Why is it stressful?
  17. SusieB29

    Intense Results

    Fantastic! I know the feeling of will it happen. I'm still feeling it. My husband is spooked by my weight loss. It makes him wonder if its too fast. I don't get coments from anyone but him so I feel like its not working. I know my day will come..

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