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Everything posted by MommyHand

  1. MommyHand

    Saw The Dietician

    You don't have to live in a housing after. There are many options available and remember you can get temporary child support thst will eventually be permanent. Have you considered applying for disability for your children? Prior to the birth of my last child, I was the primary income earner. She was born premature and was sick. I was unable to return to work and 5yrs later still haven't. The only income I have is child support and disability for her. Its not much at all but I have a budget and stick to it. I don't live in Sec 8 housing. More than 1/2 my income pays rent & I had to cut out my nail salon trips and other little things. But peace of mind that you and your children are in a more healthy environment is totally worth it.
  2. Then I guess I need to do the obvious and stop now. I am beginning all of my preop testing and was told I could possibly have surgery by mid August. I am going to go ahead and start on the preop diet so that it isn't a delay.
  3. How soon prior to surgery (besides the obvious NOW) is recommended to stop? I cut soda completely out of my diet a few yrs ago & lost a good bit of weight. But when I began drinking it again it piled back on...no surprise.
  4. MommyHand

    New And Excited

    I'm a newbie too. Hoping my surgery date will be around the same as yours!
  5. MommyHand

    Low Support

    I am a single mom of 3 so its going to be a long road for me too. But I believe it is totally possible and if you believe in yourself you will be a success. Hang in there!
  6. MommyHand

    At The Hospital :(

    Feel better....drink drink drink
  7. MommyHand

    Saw The Dietician

    I'm not one to accuse someone unless I have concrete proof. But in my experience, most often the accuser is usually the one committing the crime. I grew up with an abusive father he was very violent and always accused my mom of cheating when she wasn't. This lead me to work at the Victim Witness Services Dept at the State Attorneys Office. You don't deserve the physical or verbal abuse. Don't allow it to continue, things could escalate quickly.
  8. MommyHand

    Severe Back Pain

    I had back surgery almost 11 yrs ago at age 25. I started gaining the weight then and never stopped. Many up and downs along the way. I have major back pain now. So this concerns me to hear. Hoping its not the norm. I hope u get to feeling better soon. Back pain is no fun.
  9. MommyHand


    You are so determined and positive, I have no doubt you will reach your goal of being healthy...and hot to boot!
  10. I hope I am like that. I grew up on soda.....never drank milk or water but koolaid and soda. That is so my biggest vice. Fortunately I recognized that before I had kids. They all three love milk and choose water oaver just about any beverage. But I never allowed them to have soda til they were older and only on special occassions. I will drink water but only at certain times. I'm looking forward to the money I will save from not drinking soda.
  11. My DD has a rare metabolic condition called GSD (glycogen storage disease) her body is unable to store or process glucose at all. Unjury Protien is what she has to drink. She also has to drink uncooked Argo cornstarch Bc its a complex carbohydrate and it takes a while to break it down. It tricks her body into thinking she has some stored energy.
  12. MommyHand

    Cooking With Kids

    I am a single mom of 3 kids. I love to cook and I have a dd who requires a diet of high protien & complex carbohydrates. Anyone have experience cooking down the road post op meals everyone enjoys?
  13. MommyHand

    Where Is Everyone From?

    You are just up the rode from me.
  14. MommyHand

    Where Is Everyone From?

    Originally from S. GA, but have been in Gainesville, FL for 20+ years. ~ Dr. Ben-David ~
  15. MommyHand

    Book To Read Prior To Surgery

    I just had my consult on Thurs. I bought this book last weekend and read it cover to cover. My surgeon was impressed with how much I knew. It is definitely informative and thorough. Worth the $10 for kindle
  16. MommyHand

    Protien Shake Question

    Oh and it has Stevia in it....what are your thoughts on it.
  17. MommyHand

    Protien Shake Question

    Ok so I remembered that I had bought protien powder for my son who is a football player. Its called whey-26 protien. I checked the label and the first ingredient is whey protien isolate. I scoop is 30g, with 26g of protien per scoop. There is no sugar and only 1g of Carbs per scoop. Its only 14 scoops per container but it was only $10.
  18. MommyHand

    Hello From Fl

    No, no drinking & jumping... I was jumping with my kids and got bounced off...lol. Broke my hand in 3 diff places, ligament & tendon damage and crushed the ulnar nerve in my elbow. So 5 surgeries in 3 yrs...but hopefully no more. Thats awesome you don't have to do the 2 week liquid diet. Awesome you are in the gym too. You are incredibly motivated. I am swimming and walking for now. I stay super busy with 3 kids. They are 14, 12 & 5. My biggest goal is being a positive HEALTHY role model for them.
  19. MommyHand

    Protien Shake Question

    I think Unjury is awesome. Has really been great for my daughter. Just a lil expensive when you add the shipping onto the costs. Don't mind spending it on her...lol
  20. MommyHand

    Hello From Fl

    Lol... Too funny. I assumed you have a medical background, although I dont...I know all those things. Unfortunately Im no stranger to the operating room. Mainly from injuries...no more jumping on trampolines. My Drs office told me if I got all my test done next week they would schedule me by the 2 week in August. Im not holding my breath bc Im waiting on them. But I am a single mom of three and I was hoping to have surgery before they go back to school. I was counting down the days til my consult, I can imagine how stoked you are! I assume with the protien shakes your doing the liquid diet. Not looking forward to it but will gladly do it to get to my goal.
  21. MommyHand

    Protien Shake Question

    Thanks so much for such an informative posting! I will start looking at the labels. My dd uses unjury protien. It is only available from the supplier.
  22. MommyHand

    Hello From Fl

    Oh wow! I would have been upset too! I have a legal background so I will certainly use it if needed. I guess its just frustrating having to wait on someone else. At my consult on Thurs I was told I had to schedule the psych eval and they will schedule everything else. So Friday morning I scheduled the psych eval for this Wed. But nothing else has been done....lol. If I was allowed to schedule the m, they would be scheduled. Not that its been forever...I'm just super anxious. So you are 10 days out....hows it going?
  23. MommyHand

    Hello From Fl

    Lol, thanks for the warning. I have my psych eval scheduled next week. I still have to get my labs, upper GI, EKG, sleep study & blood gas. I think the hard part is waiting. I am inpatient....lol.
  24. MommyHand

    Almost There...

    Awesome! I went in Thurs. I have to have my psych eval, sleep study, blood draw, EKG, upper GI & blood gas. I think the hard part for me is waiting to get it all scheduled....impatient.
  25. MommyHand

    I Did It!

    Awesome Job! Congrats and best wishes on your upcoming wedding!

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