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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by newgirl07

  1. I too live alone and the advice here is basically what I did -- stock up in advance. I flew to Mexico on a Wednesday, had the surgery on Thursday, stayed overnight at the surgical center and another night in the hotel and flew back on Saturday. I spent Saturday night and Sunday with my sister and back to work on Monday. It was hard to work a full day; I got tired. I think 10 days is about the perfect total recovery. My doc said no sex for 6 weeks and I made it about a month -- I recommend more "careful" and "conventional' sex for the first 6 weeks then go crazy! I've had no pain at my port during sex whatsoever although last night I had dinner with my BF and I was feeling a bit stuck but not to the point of PB. Well, we were being frisky and it was harder for me to get in the mood while feeling like I had a golf ball lodged in my chest! Really, you're up and walking the day of surgery. The key for any surgery is to talk as much as possible without overdoing. I had a hysterectomy in 2001 and I know walking was a key part of my recovery. Good luck to you!
  2. Hey Crazy Ates, I don't think I'm in bandster hell yet but I may be entering banster purgatory. I think my stomach inflamation is finally subsiding and I'm able to eat more now -- dang it! Solid foods start next week for me. My first fill is 9/25 and I can't wait. Anyone else schedule their first fill? How is everyone doing?
  3. Hi everyone, A couple of years ago, my BF wanted to buy me some clothes for xmas. I should first say that this guy is totally fashion savvy, always looks like the cover of GQ. Anyway, I told him he should never buy me clothes because I'm super picky about what I wear. Which is only partly true. The real truth was that I was/am embarassed at my size. Before my band in August I was a 20 and now I'm probably a 16-18 (29# gone). He told me this past weekend that he really wants to go shopping with me and buy me lots of gorgeous clothes. I guess I shouldn't complain about this "problem" -- most women's partners never want to shop -- but honestly, I am having major anxiety about it! I told him that right now I consider all clothes transitional and that I'd think about it when I get to be the size I want to be. But I don't know if I'll ever get over the psychological thing. It's always so safe to shop with your girlfriends -- they can relate to having hips. How can I start to feel comfortable about my body enough to actually send a guy out to get me the right size of something when I'm in a dressing room! The thought is mortifying to me. Does your body image issues get better as you get smaller? It's strange that I'm totally fine with him in the bedroom but can't image the department store dressing room! Help!
  4. newgirl07

    Who have you had enough of ??

    Let the rants begin... Hey Lauren, I agree with your position on religion and will take it a step further...I hate it when people use religion as a crutch and/or substitute for independent thought and personal accountability. :omg: I'm now changing my name and location to avoid the mob carrying torches and pitchforks.
  5. gorgeous...gorgeous...gorgeous! Thanks for the inspiration!
  6. newgirl07

    Who have you had enough of ??

    My personal grammer peeve and I can't belive you all haven't mentioned it: using "irregardless" instead of "regardless." PEOPLE, PLEASE! There irregardless is NOT correct "irregardless" of how you try to use it! I'm sick of my dog being smarter than our President. Say what you will about Bill, at least he had brains. I'm sick of Bill O'Riley. He has no interest in telling the truth and being hateful shouldn't be misconstrued with accuracy and passion. Put Ann Coulter with him in a blender and set it to liquify!
  7. newgirl07

    Countdown to Onederland!

    I couldn't wait to finally add to this thread! I'm 213 right now. I'm so jealous of you all within 5 pounds. 13 seems like forever. I just got my first fill yesterday and just finished my first solid meal -- all went great and I felt full really soon. The band works!
  8. newgirl07

    I live in squalor

    This is an interesting thread. I put the "freak" into neat freak. My house is 100% clean all of the time. I attribute this to two things: my mom is/was even neater than I am (she thinks PAINTING ROOMS is part of cleaning) and I don't have kids. My ex was an absolute slob and I hated picking up after him; I honestly think it was one of the things that tore our marriage apart. I have a few tips/tricks: 1. Clean one area at a time, even it it's just clearing off a table. Seeing success will bring positive results (sound familiar bandsters?). 2. If you're going to another area of the house, bring something with you that needs to be put back in that area. For instance, if I have to go upstairs for something, I'll take the folded laundry with me to put in the linen closet. 3. Keep your kitchen sink clean. For some reason, having a clean kitchen sink makes the rest of your kitchen look cleaner. 4. Put things away immediately after you use them -- and if you have to go to another part of the house to do so, follow rule 2. 5. Start somewhere. The hardest part of getting anything done is just pure inertia. I do believe that our environment impacts our mood and I know I was much more unsettled when I was still married to a slob. Of course, the fact that he was also a total jerk didn't help much either. Good luck everyone. Don't be too hard on yourself but just start somewhere. No area is to small to start.
  9. newgirl07

    I really don't want to hate my family...

    neveragain, aren't you a little young to be going through a mid life crisis? Seriously, don't be so hard on yourself! A LOT of people completely switch degrees, careers, etc. and are much older than you. As far as the relationship thing, please don't rush! I was married at 26 and divorced at 35 -- so much for marriage... Lauren, not ALL guys expect the "little wife." My boyfriend (who I will likely marry) would puke at the concept. He loves me the way I am and especially my independence. They're all not circa 1945 in their opinion of gender roles. And really, why do we feel like we have to live up to a certain set of standards? Is it REALLY that important to have the "right" car, house, job, spouse? What's right is whatever it takes that makes you feel good about yourself and is healthy for you. Screw the world and their judgements; that's baggage you don't need to carry. BTW, look forward to your 30s; you won't care about what people think of you any more. Woo hoo!
  10. newgirl07

    Fashion Divas

    Hey everyone, I love following fashion trends and now that my size keeps shrinking, I'm getting even more into finding cute clothes and getting good ideas. For instance, Vera Wang has started a clothing collection at Kohl's called Simply Vera Wang and the most expensive thing is around $135 -- sizes up to 16. I also found a web page that tracks Hollywood trends and then remakes things in affordable prices. It had some cool stuff. Hot in Hollywood As long as we're getting skinny, we may as well get hip and GORGEOUS! Anyone else a fashionista?
  11. Hey everyone, I'm in bandster hell waiting for my first fill on 9/25 and last night I had a medium Kit Kat blizzard. OMG it was so good. And now I want to cheat more. You all know this one -- well, I've already cheated so... How do you all get back on the right track? It's so hard after a sugar cheat because it brings back ALL the cravings I've worked so hard to eliminate. I feel like such an idiot! Advice, please!
  12. newgirl07

    I Am 60!!! Years Oldand Things are Bleak

    Green, Have you tried using the acne fighting body wash? My sister is a runner and would get back acne occasionally from her sports bra. Maybe try using one of those loofahs that's on a stick? Just a thought. Absolutely unfair that anyone over 18 should still get acne! As for botox, I'm only (kind of) kidding. I'm hoping there will be better alternatives when I need it. As for now, I spend a ton of $ on skin care but that's mainly due to my overall beauty products addiction. My bathroom rivals a salon. Anyway, whatever works, right? I think I've had those horrible skin tags and if anyone actually cuts them off, don't you worry about them getting infected? That's brave!
  13. newgirl07

    I Am 60!!! Years Oldand Things are Bleak

    Hey BJ, Thanks for posting back. I admittedly am a little sensitive about our age difference (I hate to admit that) because I've seen the dirty looks. I think I should get a t-shirt that reads "I have my own $, I have my own house, I have a hot guy and I'm not a gold-digger but a spouse!" Well, not spouse yet but soon. I don't want to get sidetracked on what I really wanted to post about which is everyone here making a great positive choice for their life -- that's something we can all be proud of regardless of our age. I was talking to my older sister about this post and she said, "I know you have a 50+ year old brain and 99% of your friends are that age but honestly, you can't relate to physical limitations until you get there." She's in the medical field; she should know. Soooo, to all of the great women out there that are 60+, my apologies if I seemed cavalier about your health and future. I was trying to be optimistic but I can see how that could've been really annoying! Always best of luck to you all.
  14. newgirl07

    Anyone in "bandster hell" yet?

    I scheduled my first fill for 9/25. I definitely don't have much, if any, restriction any more. It's hard to not revert to bad habits (i.e. fast food).
  15. Has anyone been able to deduct the costs of their lap band surgery from their taxes? If so, how did you do it? I'll probably call my accountant but I wanted to see if there was any precedence I could use as an example. Thanks and best to you all
  16. newgirl07

    Surgery Results

    I'm starting a new thread where (hopefully) people will report their post-op issues and any advice for the people coming up. I'm not until Aug. 6 but I'm anxious to hear results. I promise to post mine.
  17. newgirl07


    My boyfriend and I are talking about taking golf lessons together. I just got my band on 8/6 and I've never played before. My Dr said no strenuous activity for 3 wks (like working out) and no abdominal strain (i.e. crunches) for 3 months. To the golfer bandsters, how long do you think I should wait until we start lessons? Does golf hurt your abdomen? I imagine the twisting part could be dangerous if you're not totally healed. Any thoughts/suggestions? Also, any advice for a newbie golfer? Thanks, Nancy
  18. newgirl07

    I Am 60!!! Years Oldand Things are Bleak

    The internet is an interesting forum. There's literally no way to know for sure about anyone save for what they choose to type yet there seems to be plenty of experts and judgements. So be it. I guess my main, and only point, was that we're fortunate to live in a time where medical advancements have been able to make our quality of life much better and for a longer period of time. I think all of us have made the investment in a lap band to take advantage of medical technology, all to our betterment. I think, at least for me, losing extra weight will increase my quality of life and I hope that's the case for everyone on this forum. The idea/saying of 60 being the new 40 is tied to medical advancement as well as to what I hope to be a renewed emphasis in our culture on leading a healthy lifestyle. So no, I don't believe 60 = 40 in the literal sense. I do think that 60 in 2007 is much different than what it was in 1957. I see some really amazing people of all ages living incredible lives; and I do believe part of it is mental and part of it is physical. My dad is 80 but I swear he looks like he's in his 60s and acts like he's 40! He's the hardest working person I've ever known and a great example that aging doesn't necessarily equate to giving up on a great life. I hope to follow his example. Best to all of you on your journey.
  19. newgirl07

    When's your birthday?

    January 31, 1970. Band-age August 6, 2007!
  20. newgirl07

    I Am 60!!! Years Oldand Things are Bleak

    BOH, To answer your question, we've actually been friends for a long time and fate/life brought us together as partners/soul mates. There are great guys out there -- just put it out to the universe. And sorry but I've got the best one. I know, I'm a cornball. And yes, I'm 37 but my guy would love me the same if I were 67 -- he's just that way. I know a lot of guys seek women 20 years younger but he's definitely not like that. I know that if we broke up (which we won't; we'll probably get married one of these days) he would date someone his age. I was a fluke -- or correctly, fate. You're going to have to go by a different moniker, BOH. Didn't you hear that 60 is the new 40? We have all kinds of medical science to make us feel and look younger and you getting the band is all part of that puzzle. I'm hoping that when I hit 60, Botox will be available over the counter!
  21. newgirl07

    I Am 60!!! Years Oldand Things are Bleak

    I'm preparing to get my ass kicked for this reply... BOH, don't give up! I love your sense of humor but honestly -- 60 isn't that old! My boyfriend is 60; I'm 37. He looks and acts in his 40s. I look like I'm younger than 37 but act/live older. Anyway, we have learned with our relationship that state of mind really factors in here. I feel like I'm in my 50s trapped in a 37 year old bod (which isn't too bad I must admit) and I have this incredibly HOT 60 year old bf who bikes over 100 miles at a time. You should see his legs -- yum! So watch some MTV, read Cosmo, Celebrate nature's brazilian and kick some ass! Take it from a girl who knows -- 60 can be very hot. :mad:
  22. newgirl07

    Movies that make fun of fat people

    I heard that she was very competitive with the woman who played Ethyl (Vivian Vance) and always wanted Vivian to be heavier than she was. Apparently, she always freaked out when Vivian lost weight and "looked better."
  23. newgirl07

    Crazy Ates: GET TO KNOW ME!! Debut Query

    Hey Crazy Ates! Great idea here... EVERYBODY CALLS ME: Nancy -- but I have a lot of nicknames I won't list here. :mad: MY PRIMARY RELATIONSHIPS INCLUDE: Boyfriend of 5 years, parents, 3 brothers, 2 sisters, 17 nieces/nephews, 1 soon-to-be great niece. MY NON-HUMAN FAMILY CONSISTS OF: The cutest Boston Terrier in the world and most spoiled -- Mia I LIVE IN: Oregon, just south of Portland. And yes, I've met Kathy -- she's great! OCCUPATION(S): I work in politics with elected officials. I have an extremely interesting job. I'm also in Graduate School; which is crazy when you work full time! AVOCATION(S): I used to go out to swanky restaurants a lot -- now I guess I still will but order appetizers. I love anything realted to the arts and am a HUGE opera fan. I also love to go shopping and spoil my nieces/goddaughters. I can't wait to buy a new wardrobe for myself. And, I LOVE spa day!
  24. newgirl07

    Whats the worst you've heard?

    I can't believe I'm posting this; it's so hurtful. My EX-husband once called me a "lazy, fat, waddling cow." That was the day my heart died and my marriage ended, although not officially until years later (should have kicked that @sshole out ASAP). THEN he had the audacity to complain that I wouldn't let him touch me for weeks (no sex). Well, DUH! Every time I took my clothes off I heard those words. Abusive prick.

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