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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by lovealways

  1. lovealways

    January Dates

    Oh, another crazy thing while I'm rambling. How many of us at the start of our journey looked to the future and thought the surgery would never come? With all the hurdles we have to jump through and 3 month and 6 month diets...and insurance and specialist visists...it all seems like a dream now that it's here. Good luck everyone!!!! ~<3 ---<@
  2. lovealways

    January Dates

    Can't sleep. It's 12:21am and I have to be at the hospital at 5:15am. Insomnia and nerves and hunger are a bitch! I need to be up by 4:45am. I'm already nervous; I have butterflies! There's a lot of fear of the unknown. How bad will the pain be? How strong am I? Fear of the unknown is what gets people to stumble, but not me. I know I need to do this. Sometimes I'll think in my head, "wow, this is drastic means, do I really have to do this?" And then I think about failed diet attempts since 7th grade, my struggle with eating disorders, my health...and I realize this surgery is an answer for me...it's a way out, and it's the only way. Well, I guess I'll see you all on the loser's bench. Nothing worth having is easy!
  3. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life! Time for some new changes. I've waited years for this, and it's finally here. I have to be at the hospital tomorrow at 5:15am for surgery!!!! wooo

  4. lovealways

    Starting my last meals...

    Oh yes! I only wish I would have indulged more lol
  5. lovealways

    Starting my last meals...

    My ONLY regret is not preparing more for those last meals lol. Enjoy it while you can!!
  6. lovealways

    January Dates

    Well, I survived the 2 week liquid diet and today is clear liquids and a 10 oz bottle of magnesium citrate. Can't believe it's finally hear tomorrow! This has been such a long journey! I'm excited, anxious, nervous, happy, scared all put together. Tomorrow's the day!!!!
  7. lovealways

    January Dates

    Very good to know! Thanks!
  8. lovealways

    My Fitness Pal

    Perfect. My name is lovealwaysjennifer. My surgery is Tuesday, so I can't do much calorie counting till full liquid and pureed phase, but I plan to use this app a lot. Add me if you'd like! We can motivate each other
  9. lovealways

    My Fitness Pal

    Can you keep track of water intake on my fitness pal?
  10. lovealways

    January Dates

    For those that are newly post-op, Were any of you throwing up after the anesthesia? My sister had the sleeve and was so sick after surgery both in the hospital and home throwing up for the first few days. I am so afriad of this. Anyone have this issue?
  11. lovealways


    I hope to also start a blog as well Or even a vlog!
  12. lovealways

    January Dates

    Yes, good luck all the Monday dates!!! Very excited for you guys. Keep us updated!!
  13. lovealways

    January Dates

    Tuesday!! When's yours?
  14. lovealways

    January Dates

    So so so so so excited!!!!!
  15. lovealways

    January Dates

    How excited is everyone?!!!
  16. lovealways

    January Dates

    I'm required to take 2 chewable multivitamins per day and 2 caramel chewable calcium citrate with D. I got mine both at GNC and CVS.
  17. lovealways

    Premier Protein (Costco)

    Yes they are perfect to use!
  18. lovealways

    January Dates

    Good luck all! Today is my last day of shakes tomorrow is nothing but clear liquids and a bowel prep at 12:00pm. Already started packing. It's getting real now!!! Good luck everyone for tomorrow! I know we have a good amount of people getting surgery! Thoughts and prayers with you each <3
  19. Yup! You heard right! Weight loss surgery. Gastric Bypass to be exact! Am I excited? More than ever. Am I ashamed? Not in the least. If there's anything you should know about me, you should know I can't keep a secret. I can't keep things to myself, especially exciting things. Everyone in my life knows not to tell me anything, because I always end up spilling the beans sooner or later. It always starts out this way. I'll tell one person one thing and then think to myself, well, I already told one person, so why not tell another? One person becomes two, two becomes three, and so on and so forth. This is how it happened over the weekend while traveling by bus to NYC for my first day of graduate classes with my long time classmates. These are girls I've been in the same intense undergrad program with for two years. We're also potential social workers, so they're used to hearing about life transitions and making big decisions, etc. so I kind of felt comfortable with them knowing my "secret". Plus, I figure they're going to be wondering why I'm absent from classes for a week, and wtf is going on with me when I start shedding the weight. So, I told them! I told them all! It kind of just slipped out. I finally got to the NYC campus for my first day of grad classes, and noticed the desks were unbearably tiny (despite paying $30k a year, guys) and decided why panic? This will all be over soon! I'm proud of my decision to get the surgery. I have nothing to hide. I *have* tried every diet, been successful, unsuccessful, gained, lost, gained, etc. I know myself well enough to know this is something I want and need. Plus, I think by telling people rather than keeping it a secret, it helps to reduce the stigma attached to weight loss surgery and being obese in general. Typical bullshit responses I've gotten so far: Oh, well, my father's friend's mother's aunt got the surgery, lost a TON of weight, but regained everything back after like...3 years! Oh, gastric bypass? So you'll never eat again and be on a strict diet for the rest of your life? Oh, I see. They do WHAT to your stomach?? I hear you're going to spend the rest of your life throwing up...you don't want that One of my co-workers gained all the weight back and more. She eats McDonalds every day on her lunch break...and gained all the weight back...you don't want that, do you? You'll never be able to eat pizza again and all that good stuff. Maybe you should try another diet? I hear the FDA is approving a new weight loss pill this fall! You know..maybe if you just try exercising you may be able to lose some of the weight You're going to be needing iron infusions for the REST of your life So I have a few answers for this people... I'm NOT your father's friend's mother's aunt's sister's boyfriend's uncle...I'm ME Yes, I know what I'm doing No, you can't change my mind Yes, I've researched And YES, I'm ready to begin a new life!
  20. lovealways

    January Dates

    How are you feeling?
  21. 3 more days till RNY!!!!

  22. I've told everyone too, for the most part. Family, friends, co-workers, classmates. I've not received one negative comment from those I've told...at least not to my face hahaha. I've got nothing to hide with this surgery

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