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Posts posted by Lebim

  1. Mine happened over the holidays' date=' we were at a family members house for christmas and the minute I walk in the door I get dirty looks for a younger member of the family who also herself is overweight...well of course I didnt get to voice what i would like to have for the meal, so they made lasanga, ok that was fine but I of course can not eat pasta..So I made do and pick the one that had the cheese on it and picked through it with out eatting the Pasta part with some added cottage cheese, so I could get my protien. and I had some pudding from a desert that was made by gave my husband the chocolate that was on top...So still keeping with in the guidelines of my food intake. I get home and my son was upset about something so I talk to him and he told me the family members were in the kitchen bad mouthing me and that I was lying about what I can and can not eat...Now this didnt upset me because I knew and expect this reaction..But what was hurtful was that they did this in front of my son and he doesnt understand why they had to be so negative. I tried to explain to him that it didnt bother me but I could tell it really hurt.[/quote']

    Wow. This actually managed to disgust me. I'm sorry this happens in your family

    - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012

  2. To gain a pound of fat you need to eat roughly 3,500 calories more than what you burned that day.

    This is science. This goes for every single human on this earth regardless of anything.

    You didn't gain weight.

    It's physically impossible for you to have done so.

    Breathe. It's Water.

    - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012

  3. Kaylee Ann. I <3 you! I follow ur posts all over! Thank u for this!!! I have been jones ing for something! Still sensitive though-

    Awe thank you darling. Yeah just take everything at your own pace' date=' everyone is different, for example I can't have more than 4oz of milk without getting sick while other people are fine. Everyone handles food differently. Good luck to your healing :']

    - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012

  4. Hi guys. Has anyone been experiencing extreme cold post-op? If so' date=' has the doctor explained to you why? I mean besides the obvious of having less padding?

    I've been do cold it sometimes hurts.

    Any tips or suggestions?[/quote']

    I'm always freezing. Al-ways. I just have a jacket in the car constantly due to it. Drink hot herbal tea to stay warm internally and it helps get Fluid in. Starbucks has an awesome calm (camomile) tea ;]

    - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012

  5. So here's a weird happenstance. I was super upset 2 weeks ago because I only lost 1lb all week. This week, on the other hand, I dropped 4.5lbs in a week.

    Now here's the weird part.

    The week before my 1lb loss I was eating well and going to the gym

    The week before I lost 4.5 lbs I was eating my sisters confectionary (like chocolate and sugar and everything we should not eat ever) and skipped the gym a few days.

    So why did I lose more weight?

    My theory is perhaps because I was eating too few calories beforehand... I was eating 550-900 cals per day the week I only lost 1lb and closer to 1200 when I lost 4.5

    I am by NO MEANS saying any of us should eat any of the JUNK I was eating, it's not good at all. Like so bad that I was dumping. But isn't that weird? Obviously I need to focus on eating more because it helps. Healthier things that is.

    I only ate that crap because of the holidays. I feel like if i let myself splurge from time to time for special occasions then I won't eat crap on the daily

    - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012

  6. Cheated???? that is a good one. How in the world do people come up with this stuff.

    Speaking of Starbucks what can someone get that is safe. I got a 25 dollar gift card burning a hole in my purse.

    Oh man so many things.

    Iced passion tea with no classic (liquid sugar) and add your own (I prefer stevia)

    Really any iced or hot tea obviously

    For a few extra calories you could also do my favorite which is the iced passion tea lemonade. Goes down fine.

    If you can drink milk and caffeine: any skinny latte (ex. Skinny vanilla latte, skinny hazelnut latte, skinny cinnamon dolce latte etc etc)

    My favorite drink is as follows:

    Grande vanilla roobios latte with only a quarter milk (versus half) steamed at kids temperature (after letting the tea steep for at least 2 minutes before adding milk) with no classic and 1 pump of sf hazelnut.

    Ooo and I've never had a problem with the very berry hibiscus refresher or cool lime refresher.

    AND their smoothies have 20g of Protein from whey. Ask for the chocolate banana smoothie made with SKINNY MOCHA and perhaps extra Protein like I do. It's just sf mocha, a banana and milk and protein. You can also sub nonfat milk if you prefer.

    - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012

  7. It's sad how shallow people can be! I have had that happen too. A guy who completly blew me off (well pretty nuch acted like i disnt exist) before saw me last Saturday and oh was he ever trying to talk to me and get my number! The good thing about situations like that is you can return them the favor and blow them off!

    Yeah, people who hadn't acknowledge me in YEARS are now all of a sudden commenting on all my shit on fb and liking all my pictures and are trying to talk to me, and it's not even all guys. Oh and that's another thing... I'd be lucky to maybe possibly get 2 likes on a picture 6 months ago... My profile picture has 28 likes... Seriously people?!

    - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012

  8. I have been fantasizing about the day someone tells me I "took the easy way out!" I can even hear my fist hit their jaw- j/k. But seriously this is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. I want to think I will be the "bigger" person (but not for real- physically) and give them the its a tool for Weightloss schpiel. Totally depends on how my day is going. I have told about 5 ppl and that's it. I am learning to live w my addiction/ forced compliance of eating right and abandoning my relationship w food. We know we are doing what's right for us and our lives and health! Keep ur heads up! Ignorant ppl are very prevalent in this world!!!

    You know I've only heard that from larger people. I told one of my regulars at Starbucks that I had it and he says "oh okay so you cheated" and the man had a stomach so far out that it was ridiculous. It's hard to get mad when those who could seriously benefit from the surgery get pissy

    - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012

  9. I find that I take more medications by choice than are required by my surgeon now. He requires B12, Calcium, a Multivitamin and Iron. I also take Biotin for hair, Vitamin e in hopes that it'll help my skin, an acid reducer because I've had ulcers in the past but no one told me to take them, and then my general birth control and allergy pills etc. I just added the vitamin e to my regiment but I feel like I keep adding pills to my inventory to take daily. Is anyone slowly but surely doing this too? I feel like I'll end up buying out the vitamin shop eventually.

    - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
