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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by cnocon

  1. Oops looks like I quadruple quoted
  2. I understand the need for directness but its not at all okay to tell any one of us that we don't deserve something. While I'm sure you meant well, there are ways to be both truthful and supportive. That kind of "Tough sh*t" thinking is definitely helpful to some people (myself included) but it can actually be harmful and counterproductive for a lot of people, like a few members of my WLS support group. Swilkins, you can do this, and there are many strategies that will help you find success. I'm cheering for you to find the one that works best for you. It will be hard. But believe in yourself and love yourself.
  3. Oh Lisa I'm sorry - shouldn't you have been excused for a month or so?
  4. cnocon

    Nipple Discharge?

    I had this happen to me and, as mentioned earlier, it was high prolactin levels caused by a benign brain tumor. Ask your doctor about getting an MRI if its high prolactin, because catching these rumors can save you from blindness, among other things.
  5. Post on how scary it is to get closer to surgery. Not sure where I'm going to find the strength and hope. http://t.co/beKH0pfL #WLS #RNY

  6. Honey don't worry at all. See http://atlantasportsnutrition.com/2012/05/30/putting-a-fork-in-forks-over-knives/ for a sports nutritionist's analyses of the research presented in that film. It's completely biased and non-scientific. Think about all the documentaries that used "facts" to argue that 9/11 was an inside job. Think of all the "facts" people have that prove the world is going to end this month. The agenda pushed in this film is born of the same class of "facts." While I'm sure your teacher has the best of intentions and believes what she's teaching you, I would bet my life she never went to medical school and probably isn't even a nutritionist or dietician. Is a plant based, natural diet better for you than beef nachos layered in cheddar and sour cream? OF COURSE! But the film blames animal Protein and nothing else... Ugh. I was a researcher for quite some time and to see data presented like this gives me a migraine. Most of all, I'm so sorry this woman made you feel bad about your choice. Her reaction is truly ignorant, and I rarely use that word. You are doing great and making the most of your life and your health. Don't let anybody with bad info get in the way of that.
  7. Good info. How likely is it that a metabolic disorder is contributing to an obese persons weight problems, overall (what is the incidence)? Is it a common thing, and how might one test for something like that? Thanks!
  8. cnocon

    Ice Cream Anyone?

    I actually got them at Meijer's, which is kind of your standard low/middle income grocery store. It seems like something Whole Foods would have as well. But if they have them at Meijer's, I bet they're pretty available.
  9. Honestly, the two things that make a RNY more difficult, in my opinion at least, are the risks for Vitamin deficiencies and then the dumping syndrome, if for example, you eat refined sugars or dairy products and certain fats or fried foods. The vitamin thing is really manageable though. And if you take lots of meds already, just think of it as trading some of the medications for your obesity related conditions for a couple Vitamins each day. And I actually WANTED dumping syndrome because I know that to change my life, I have to change my relationship with those types of foods. I doubt any of us got so heavy on lean Proteins and nutrient rich fruits and veggies alone My surgeon said it best when he said, "With the sleeve you can still sip milkshakes until you're another hundred pounds heavier." And to echo what others have said, the fact that you will have a better idea of what you're getting in to LONG TERM with RNY is really valuable. There just isn't enough data on the sleeve at this time to put my mind at ease, at least. And finally, you WILL be able to eat those sweets and junk foods again after a year or two post RNY. Your body adapts and can handle things like that again with time. I hope that helps you feel better about the RNY. I debated between the sleeve and the RNY myself for quite some time, but it was for the above reasons that I picked RNY. Good luck in two weeks!! Let us know how it goes!
  10. cnocon

    Ice Cream Anyone?

    I have to second the Yasso Greek Yogurt Pops. I'm still pre-op, so I don't know if I would dump, but Don didn't, so that says something. Anyway, I could technically eat anything I wanted but I get those instead of ice cream because they're healthier and they, or at least the strawberry ones, taste JUST like strawberry ice cream. Just don't forget to let them sit at room temperature for a couple mins before you eat them. SO GOOD!
  11. cnocon

    Anyone Around 400 Pounds?

    Haha! Okay fair enough. Gosh I can't wait to see the 200's, myself.
  12. Congrats on making the decision! May I ask what the problem was with the psych eval? I'm going through all the pre-op testing myself : )
  13. cnocon

    Anyone Around 400 Pounds?

    Being realistic is important. People rarely lose all of their excess weight after WLS, but it's possible. You do really have to be dedicated, and it sounds like you are. Look at what weight you'd need to be for a BMI of 22 (mid range normal BMI), and subtract that from your current weight. That's a good approximation of how much excess weight you carry. Now multiply that by 0.5 and that's the low end in terms of expected weight loss. Now multiply that first excess weight number by 0.75 instead of 0.5, and that's a good approximation of the high end of what you can expect.
  14. Obese moms give birth to heart healthier kids following bariatric surgeryRead more at http://t.co/u2jIbaJq http://t.co/KuKAOB6H

  15. That is a really good quote by ol' Teddy. I'm sorry you feel this way. I think people tend to be vocal about their successes and not so much the less glamorous periods where they plateau or lose slowly. My doctor told me fast, drastic losses are the exception rather than the rule. Big losses are proven to happen though, and it will for you too, just more slowly. It's so easy (and this happens to me too) to get wrapped up in fear and comparisons and we forget to trust this scientifically proven process. Stick to the diet, keep exercising like you are doing, and most of all celebrate every time you see you are losing weight and love - LOVE - love yourself for the courage you have to make this change and fight for your life every day. You are doing great, and we are all with you in the struggle. Slow and steady can win the race, too : )
  16. Wow... you looked great beforehand. I'm 300lbs and its kind of strange to see someone with a before picture that's 70lbs lighter than me. Did insurance pay for you? You just look healthy beforehand... It's startling is all. And congratulations on your progress. You look wonderful.
  17. cnocon

    Sleep Study?

    Oh, thanks! That makes sense. Is it a concern with anesthesia?
  18. cnocon

    Ptsd And Pre-Op

    I'm sorry about the emotional turmoil you are experiencing. I'm not a mom but I have personal experience with these kinds of issues. And honestly, the only way forward is counseling (for depression, PTSD), medication if necessary, and support groups for WLS patients. I spent so much of the time - the years - that I was severely depressed thinking something external would save me. A boyfriend, getting in to a certain college, etc. Even when my circumstances changed, and I had all those things, I still couldn't escape myself. You have to decide to fight for yourself, and this surgery is a good step toward that, but definitely, definitely, definitely take an hour each week (you CAN make time) to go to counseling or a support group, hopefully two or three hours for both! You deserve and need that kind of support. Good luck on your journey and we're all with you
  19. cnocon

    New Jacket!

    Great job!! Wow and it even looks big on you (still very cute though)!
  20. cnocon

    Best Decision Ever Made

    Wow, congratulations on your SUSTAINED weight loss! That's amazing!! I'd love to hear what helped you succeed where your friends regained. Of course "stick to the plan" is the bottom line, but how do you think you mustered the strength and perseverance to actually do so? What was your mindset? Lol sorry for all the questions!
  21. cnocon

    6 Month Diet

    The headaches are usually due to a reduction of sodium and sugar in your diet. I struggle with that too. Mustering the strength to eat right is hard enough, and then I get a splitting headache... Ugh. To get through it I try to think about all the pain I'll be in after surgery and how exhausted and achy my body will be from the salt, sugar and calorie reductions. I imagine those first few months will be the hardest. Think of these headaches as practice for harder times... And never lose sight of the better times that will follow them.
  22. Aw, I'm glad to meet you guys! Hopefully we'll all be going through this together : ) Insurance is a pain. I hope we can keep each other updated on how the approval process is going. I think I might switch surgeons. There's a really experienced one that's 4 hours away, but there's an average one 10 minutes away. I imagine post-surgery that being close to my surgeon will be better... And there's a support program that I'd be plugged into as well that I wouldn't have if I went to the far away surgeon. Ugh! I don't know. Any advice?

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