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Everything posted by Lolipop86

  1. Lolipop86

    Non-Scale Victory!

    im only a week out and i notice some of my more snugger blouses i used where you can see my tummy bulge actaully fit better. my husband has told me my face looks thinner and my tummy seems to have gone down not a lot but he can tell. I cant wait to see that accomplishment either!!! I currently have always been a size 14/15. i have been wearing sweats/ leggings since my surgery I have some jeans that always made my love handles bulge out... i gez soon i will go into my own closest and shop for clothes that used to fit me lol! congrats again!!!!
  2. Lolipop86

    1 Week Post Op..need Help:(

    I am actually looking foward to the beans! I love them! I also like avocado so even making a small batch of guacamole and pureeing chicken on the side sounds delicious. I know it wont look so appetizing but I gotta do it. I also like tuna, how about the devils meat that comes in a tiny can... is that pureed enough you think> just a thought.... I like my veggies too like sauteed mushrooms with tomatoe, zuchinni and cheddar. any other ideas or recipies you can think of? thanks!
  3. Lolipop86

    1 Week Post Op..need Help:(

    that is exactly how i feel now. I know that as the weeks come along and the #'s start dropping I will be happy!!! its about taking baby steps and adjusting to them. THanks and congrats on ur 56 lbs lost!!!!! how far are u post op???
  4. Lolipop86

    1 Week Post Op..need Help:(

    thank you so much for your warming advice. I know its only the first week and i have still lots to learn along the way. Im not sure why i felt like this today but i am planning on joining a gym tomorrow. I for one dont like being indoors a lot. it depresses me. I actually miss work or even going out to the stores and window shopping. hope u get approved and once again thank you!
  5. Lolipop86

    1 Week Post Op..need Help:(

    today was the first day I actually cried. Im usually pretty positive and in a very good mood. What were some of the pureed foods that you have done? any ideas? are you back to reg. foods? I have an appt on jul 17 and i beleive they will give me the ok to start eating mashed-solid foods and obviously limit my portions.
  6. Lolipop86

    Hospital Time?

    usually for laproscopic its a 2 night stay. I just had surgery on last thursday june 21st and was discharged on Saturday the 23. i think open rny is usually 4 nights.
  7. HEllo everyone!!! I just had my 5 day post op appt!! I am so happy with the results! I am very close to the number 12..... here is why: 1. I was born on the 12th day of July 2. I was born at 12:24pm (half of 24 is 12!) 3. this is the year 2012 4. my surgery was on the 6 month of the 12 months in a yr (6 half of 12) 5. my surgery was on the 21st of this month flip the numbers around and u get 12!!!!!! AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST : 6.it may sound stupid or corny but I am actually pretty happy! Today when I went to the appt I was weighed!!!! Since my surgery this past Thursday, In these past 5 days have lost a total of 12 MORE LBS!!!!!!!! bring my total to 21 lbs (again flip the #'s around) lost since the preo-op and post op liquid diet!!!!! I got the okay today to start eating the full liquids.. for the next three days until Friday I can have, YOGURT, cREAM OF WHEAT, CREAMED Soup, Protein shakes WITH MILK!!! BESIDES MY Water OR juice I TAKE!!! When I got home today I literally felt that i could only eat 2 TBLS of greak yogurt. I kid you not I couldnt believe I felt satisfied and full On Friday I will be able to start on my pureed diet!!!! SO excited! Pain management is getting better, I can also start using liquid tylenol instead of the groggy pain meds! We will see how that goes..... I cant wait to start seeing new results!!!!!
  8. Lolipop86

    Lucky Number 12!

    Thank you I am beacause in this short period of time I HAVE NEVER LOST THIS MUCH WEIGHT!! I WAS IN SHOCK!
  9. Lolipop86

    Newbie From Texas!

  10. 10lbs is awesome... It does get hard being around food. Keep up the good work! Just to think in a few hrs you will have your surgery! CONGRATs...I'm currently on my recovery stage...I had my surgery on Thursday and got home Saturday!
  11. Hey guys sorry it took a while to update... My surgery this part Thursday went awesome! *other than having a really bad experience with a rude nurse who I ended up putting a complaint on... Things went Well, pain management was good, started to walk and for the first day able to keep ice chips and sips of Water down. Yesterday I had horrible lower back pain so Dr ordered an antiinflammatory med. REally helped! I was moving about like nothing:) IV was taken out yesterday evening...however I woke up this Am a little dehydrated, nausea, and headache. So my original time of discharge was pushed out a few hrs. I had so much loving support from family and friends it was awesome.... My JP was taken out today and OMG that hurt like a bit** I actually screamed... I'm glad its out now, just gotta keep fresh gauze on it and dry. My steristrips are doing good ...Dr says my lives was gorgeous and wasn't a problem at all Will continue this clear liquid diet until I meet with the Dr on Tuesday again then switch to my 3 days of full liquids:) Long story short slowly but surely having a great recovery:) P.s had lost 15 lbs total pre- surgery:)
  12. Lolipop86

    I'm Home:)

    Awesome:) ok I will thanks!!
  13. HEllo everone!!! 2day is my 3rd day home! I have been well. I am still on my Clear liquids. My hubby and family/friends that come and visit have been very supportive. I am able to have homemade broth, sugar free jell-0, gatorade, and apple juice. My bowels started returning When Igot home Saturday. As expected,they were loose and dark. I swear I spent more time in the bathrooom that night! I got a call from the nurses to ask how things are going. It was good to know they were concerned and helpful. I mentioned the whole loose stools and they asked what I was drinking. after I explained I felt it was the apple juice, they told me I might have been experiencing my first "dumping syndrome" even though my apple juice is 100% fruit juice it still contains high natural sugars. I was told to try and dilute it 50/50 with Water. SO far this has helped. Pain management is going well I walk at least 5 min 3 times a day. Somedays I feel a litte more pain and other days I feel good. I have my post op tomorrow, I am anxious to know if and what I have lost since surgery and what amount was water wieght. I will then be able to move up to the full liquids. I will be able to have my yogurt again! Cream of wheat, shakes! I will do this for 3 days. Then By friday I should be able to start on my pureed! I cant wait, I have so many recipes i mind I have found on various bariatric sites! I know the food might not look so pleasant but At least it would have the taste of real foods again:) I still cant believe my waiting and surgery are now over! Let the weight lost begin DOes anyone know where I can make a weight lost tracker?????? THanks!!!!!
  14. niece, thanks!!!!! congrats!!!!!
  15. Lolipop86

    Today Is My Day!

  16. Lolipop86

    before And after

    way to go!!!!!!!!!!!! you look awesome!!!! Just had my surgery this past thursday 6/21. HOw long has it been since yours? keep up the good work!!!! BEAUTIFUL!
  17. home alone and doing well, about to go outside for a short walk:)

  18. Lolipop86

    Tacky Comments!

    I used to get the same remarks from "friends" they asked me why are u taking the easy way out, just stop eating! let me tell u, it pissed me off!!! They dont know the emotional stuff we go thru. going to the store and hopeing they at least have a plus size section for you to browse. DOnt mind the texts and ignore them. doesnt look like your so called friends are so supportive. my excuse to them was its my decision and its better for some health issues I have been going thru. Hope this helps!
  19. Lolipop86

    I'm Home:)

    thanks! I had no idea, i actually feel the same way when I am drinking. I feel like i drink to fast. BUt like i mentioned from talking to my dr today it was like I had my first dumping syndrome over the weekend. I drank my apple juice pretty quick I think and didnt dilute it. THe sugar went thru me quick. sorry i am pretty new to the website how do u pm??? where can i find that?
  20. Lolipop86

    Chrons Disease

    Awww. i feel for her. ONly 60??? is that because the chrons? is she really decided on doing it? the pain she would go thru and only for 60 lbs?
  21. Lolipop86

    I'm Home:)

    I know what you mean by the time I was leaving I was actually wanting to stay! I felt at home was going to be rough! but on the contrary I felt the support. The only thing I dont miss from the hospital was them waking me up every 2 hrs for vitals if i was sleeping or even early in the morning!!! hahaha! I do remember on Friday evening I was told not to chew gum! I remember the nurse walking i to do vitals and she say i took my gum out when they checked my temp. She told me im not sureif you know this but chewing gum can actually make you more gasy, she mentioned when you chew gum its like your swallowing air and it fills your tummy and then you can have cramps. I didnt know but then again that explained the cramps I had that night! when are u allowed to chew gum?
  22. Lolipop86

    Chrons Disease

    I can see where they wouldnt want to reroute. Doing the sleeve has close to the same weight loss outcomes as the bypass. It is actually better for her being that she wont have the dumping syndrome or even the other symtoms a rny give and it wont be so hard on the intestines. I had my first dumping syndrome saturday with apple juice it was painful and had me on the toilet most of the night. But then again everyone is different. Hope this helps! Good luck with the surgery! I hope that day comes quickly for u!
  23. Lolipop86

    Chrons Disease

    NOt familiar with this. HAve you asked your PCP or bariatric nurse team?
  24. Lolipop86

    I'm Home:)

    THanks! I feel like i tough it out cuz I dont feel so much pain. Sometimes cramping. BUt thanks for the advice> i didnt realize it could push back my heeling time. What stage are you on for you post op diet? I have me post op tommorow and will be able to start on my full liquids for 3 days then my pureed! ( Protein shakes, cream of wheat, yogurt!)
  25. Lolipop86

    Pre Op Diet Question..

    When is your surgery> HAve you tried limiting your carb intake? HOw about substituting any of your meals for a protein shake or even a slim fast shake? I was hard for me too. BUt having more protein in your diet helps keep you full longer.

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