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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by kwal79

  1. kwal79

    Diabetic 2

    Thank you all.
  2. kwal79

    Being Faithful

    First off I'm glad that after some reasonable talk things are back together in supporting each other. As far as things go. I caught one comment/statement in the post about the kids. As summer knows I'm a product of divorce. I know just how painful it can be! I'm helping her understand that. Yes the divorce is between her and the ex. But every comment, action affects the kids. This is one reason I want to know how to close a thread? We should all move on from here and close this subject out.
  3. kwal79

    Being Faithful

    Thanks mani, We are both quick to reply, defending our actions . Truth is he f'd up! Thanks again
  4. kwal79

    Being Faithful

    Hey mami, and others, Just wanted to chime in real quick! The reason why I said " anyone want to hear my thoughts" is because there is speculation in almost every comment " I'm sure Kevin's a nice guy" HELLO?? Right here! Lol Yes we don't need to explain anything to anyone. But to help people understand ? Yeah , Just ask? She's a phenomenal woman that is going through a lot of shit! We have a great friendship with tons of things in common. Things happen for a reason. I'm blessed to have found her.
  5. kwal79

    Being Faithful

    Does anybody want my input on this matter?
  6. HOw can I delete a profile and post!
  7. Amc methuen spiderman midnight showing!!!!

  8. kwal79

    Blood Sugars

    Baby girl, it doesn't matter. That's what you need. Sugars! There are glucose tabs out there. But my fav way is a lil juice. Or sugar Water. Don't drink a whole 8 oz! But an oz or 2 at a time. After 15 min check your sugars. If they are still down then take a lil more till your satisfied with the numbers. On a side note just wanted to share my diabetic journey. In 2008 I was hospitalized with emergency surgery. They checked my sugars only to find they were 455! I was on an insulin drip in icu for 5 days. The day of my bypass my A-1C was 13.5 ! At my 3 month check it was 8.5 At my 6 month check it was 4.8 That's normal non diabetic adult range! I was taken off all my diabetic meds including insulin. The surgery has done its job! For me that is. I'm going to see my primary at my one yr check up. If its still down in that range I'm officially diabetes free. Hope you a safe journey!
  9. Ever since my weightloss I bruise my tailbone like 3 times a day! I have no ass any more . Apparently I forgot how to sit ! Anyone have any ideas ?
  10. kwal79

    Should I Be Insulted?

    Who's in for a big surprise! Her fam? Or the singles thread?
  11. kwal79

    Being Faithful

    I want to thank everyone for supporting summer. I am supporting her to the fullest.
  12. kwal79

    Hello Ladies

    ::opening door Kevin enters the room hand over his eyes! KEVIN:: So many of you have been popin up in "the men's room" I thought I'd say hi! I have not read anything! OKAY I'm leaving now... ::open door/ exit door Kevin exits the room
  13. kwal79

    Pain In The Ass

    Some times you feel helpless and useless to the things that happen in life! I can't let go. Or can I? I want happiness and not pain! Sorry for the rant people The pain in my ass won't seem to go away!
  14. kwal79

    Pain In The Ass

    That must be a big pain!
  15. kwal79

    Pain In The Ass

    Easy mami! Not that type of thread I'm serious! You know what I'm talking about.
  16. kwal79

    Friday Weigh-In!

    Panda Glad to be here for you! I know how that can feel I've had people do that to me. It's usually one reason or another. A lot of time I've heard it was "they didn't approve" "they didn't know how to talk about it" It's our job to show how open we are to talk about it. Or get those who can't, comfortable enough to talk. Hope this helps Puppy aka kevin
  17. kwal79

    How Many Guys Are On This App

    Mami don't encourage that ! Lol
  18. I completely underestimated the band 'fun.'The album as a whole is incredible. I can't stop listening to it! Must be the mood she puts me in!

  19. kwal79

    Hello Ladies

    Nothing going on in the men's room.
  20. kwal79

    How Many Guys Are On This App

    Who and where is this thread?
  21. Never! I mean never argue with the wife!

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