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Posts posted by lessofme

  1. i had the procedure, if you want to know more about it and what to expect just message me. might be something others wouldn't want to read, lol.

    i will tell you here that it lasted almost 1 year to the day of my novasure procedure when i began cycling again (surprisingly and badly) and i ended up getting a partial hysterectomy about a year after that. worked for others i knew, but not me.

  2. thanks for the support and tips everyone. sorry for being whiney; i was feeling pretty sensitive, disappointed, defeated, and a little depressed at the time of this original post (feelings i rarely admit to myself or others but feel free to say here). i'll figure it out somehow.

  3. no, when i went to the room they said my BMI was too low (36) and BS of CA requires 35 or higher with at least two comorbidities. I didn't see the denial, but i'm sure it was. i've had this feeling everything was coming along too easily/quickly for good to come of it. i have recently asked them like three times, (in regards to my BMI being low what the the likelyhood was of getting approved) and kept being told, "oh you have BS UCD", they almost always approve, don't worry. am i now going to be on the hook for dr.s appointments and pre-op tests? i received a referral approval to start the process, submitted by my regular dr., but what scares me is that i had to sign some papers more than once saying "if your surgery is not approved, you will be responsible for payment of..." oy

  4. went to my pre-op apt today. was given an agenda, got my vitals checked and started filling out forms for surgery while i watched a "next steps" video with two other girls going through the process. we all had dates. after the vid, nurse coordinator came into the room and asked if we had any questions before wewent upstairs to complete our pre-op-i said yes, i have a date but was never told if i was approved. she said she'd seen my folder in the denial box earlier. REALLY??? why not tell me when i checked in?

    now i'm feeling hopeless and crushed. this has been so much to go through, i've taken time off and it's a huge process. i can appeal-but it throws everything off and who knows if they'll even consider me? fml

  5. luckily my hubby is really supportive being that he had the RNY 2 years ago. he hasn't been able to make it to many appointments, but will be there for the surgery and after. that being said, he's not a worrier-i am! ugh...i just don't like being uncertain when i already had to tell work because it's so close. we had a death in the family so i've missed time this week, tomorrow is pre-op so more time missed...and i'm trying to make sure my desk is in a managable state for my back-up to take over, plus i just applied for another job within the agency. bleh..no wonder i have heartburn, lol ;p in the words of my kids, i think i'm going a little "cray-cray" o_O

  6. whoot whoot-congrats on your surgery.

    my hubby pressed his pain pump button religiously so you do the same if you need it. it ain't about being tough right now-it's about getting through those first hard days with whatever distraction you need from your pain or from food. keep sipping, resting and being proud of yourself-look what you just accomplished! :)

  7. I think its great that you're thinking positively. I stopped buying clothes because I'm just sick of the way I look in them & the style of bigger stuff. I plan to suffer in what I've got until I lose, lol. If I've learned anything from forums & youtube, make sure the goal you set is reasonable-like one size clothing down at a time in a reasonable amount of time. I am still terrified of that denial letter-but holding on to hope like everyone else that's waiting here.

  8. I am in the same boat with you. I dont think we will relax until it actually happens. Lol I lost a lot of weight 2 1/2 yrs ago and although I had considered the surgery I didnt know enough about it, was affraid of it and what others would think. My husband had the RNY 2yrs ago, not many people knew and his family thought it was too risky. He did great-we both looked wonderful for our wedding. Then I re-gained about 40 of the 70 I lost. He's only gained about 5-10. But he doesnt try-that will change when I have my surgery because I've been guilty of allowing junk back in the house. My family still doesnt know-I dont want them thinking I failed, either keeping it off or losing it after having the surgery. Bad I know-but they're 120 miles away so it's not like I have to mention it. Also have that concern of jinxing it-still not 100% approved.

  9. finished my last two tests yesterday. the upper endoscopy didn't go so well, especially considering i had a severe Migraine going into it and i ended up belching and coughing at some point. looks like i have a sliding hiatal hernia, gastritis and potentially something else. they took a biopsy..and boy am i sore today! anyone else experience this?

    dr. gave me the green light for surgery-just waiting on insurance approval. hope i find out soon, my pre-op is scheduled for next weds 5/16, and surgery the following tues 5/22. work is gonna LOVE me, not.

  10. i'm really new-but in all the posts i see where you have commented, they are such inspiring, honest and helpful comments. let us inspire and encourage you back. don't lose hope, don't run from yourself or get angry with yourself/body. sometimes you just need to tweak things to get a jump start. we are not made perfect, and who wants perfect anyways?

    i have an idea: take a little break from the stress of scale watching and focus on your heart and mind-then after a pre-set amount of days, pump yourself up for a "day at a time" goal. message me if you need to talk-i'm a good listener! :] YOU GOT THIS!!!!!

  11. wishing you the best of luck on your surgery! like the others said, this is for YOU and YOUR health. you will get in what you put into it. it's what i keep telling myself. my tentative date, (upon today's test results and insurance approval) is 1 day after yours. i'll be cheering you on.

    btw-my hubby had the RNY in 2010 and did very well. his problems were with staying hydrated (only inthe first few days) and getting in Protein (the first few weeks) because he's picky regarding food. that being said, he's now doing great, has had remarkable relief from his plantar placitis (sp?) because there's no longer as much weight on his feet, has increased energy, and he looks so handsome! it wasn't easy, and i'm really proud of him. i'm sure your family will be as well-not to mention happy for the chance to have you healthy and have an increased life span. :]

  12. congrats to you on getting a date! don't knock yourself for falling, just be proud of yourself for getting back up and get ready for the next big thing! they will work around what you've got i'm sure, especially once they're in there. i'm still in that suspense mode of waiting for final approval so reading all these positive posts are really helpful to me. keep us all posted and best of luck!! :]

  13. All great advice, thank you. Don't know why I really care so much what others think-perhaps it's that idiot named failure looming over my shoulder... (I went from 270 - about 195 but it took me a year, and I gained 35 pounds back). I think I'll just end up saying I'm "having surgery" and let them think whatever. I did talk to the nurse coordinator again today, she said to discuss it with the scheduler on 5/16. Apparently the notes, if you need them, just say you're having surgery-not what kind. I know our HR office though, they'll make the disability coordinator call and ask, or will research every crum of info on the note. Sheesh!

    Oh, I just counted the days-TWO WEEKS...OHMYJEEZ!!!!! Hoping after the Echo and Upper endoscopy results are back the insurance responds quickly with an approval...not telling them otherwise.

  14. The bariatric nurse coordinator called me today-if my echo & upper endoscopy come back ok on Weds., I get to keep the pre-op we scheduled for 5/16 & the surgery date of 5/22. Holy tomatoes they are NOT messing around!!! But wait...there's more, o_O when I asked her if my authorization was submitted she said no, but with my insurance carrier it wouldn't be a problem getting approved. So is it wrong of me to still be nervous? So many things to think about...1st, dropping the bomb at work! Our HR is nosey-I know because I work there. Don't really want everyone knowing my personal business, watching & judging me-waiting for me to fail-yes, it's like that. And I'm not sure how to approach it. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! 2nd...well everything else like nerves, being affraid of failure, what if I get really sick, lose all my hair (that's a biggee for me), & worse- what if it all falls through and I dont get approved? Dang, that's a whole bunch of whats. On the other hand-this could really be happening! Whoohoo, feeling the roller coaster

  15. Which surgery did you ladies have? I'm having RNY and am wondering what to expect. I work at a desk, but get up, attend meetings, etc. No lifting. They said 6 weeks-but that seems like a long time for this busy girl. My hubby had the RNY in 2010 , (looks great I have to say) & he said he could have gone back after 2-3 weeks...but, men can be stubborn and he was a bad boy about getting in the Protein and Water. :( I keep hearing we have to use the 6 weeks to dedicate ourselves to learning how to eat again, which takes a lot of time.

  16. Thanks for responding Jen. I will certainly keep everyone posted. It's awesome to hear you're approved w/out a lot of complications. How exciting for you! :)

    A bmi of 40 seems to be the "magical" number for insurance in most cases. My echo and upper endoscopy are scheduled for 5/9 so the request should be submitted to insurance once those results are received. 3 long more days, then the wait.... Yikes. o_O

  17. I wish you all the best and hope you're quickly approved! Please keep in touch. Isn't it nerve wracking, all the waiting? I was about 270 2yrs ago-lost about 70-75lbs through weight watchers but it took over a year and I regained so easily. It wasn't even due to over eating, it was just my thyroid and not taking time for me by getting Water and meals in when I should. But things are changing now! I've got everything ready for when/if they give me a date after my last tests-except telling work :( Worse feeling is being torn between excitement, yet the potential that I won't get approved. Gotta change my attitude to "it WILL" ;)

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