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Posts posted by chaotica

  1. One has to wonder how long those little swimmers hang around the pouch before they die. We have no acid in there. I think I would have to be chained down to keep it on my face that and the bf would think I was nuts. Lol

    If you are looking for something to improve the taste, fruit is the way to go. Just make sure they stay clear of broccoli and cauliflower! It makes it bitter! I have not been able to swallow, I liken the taste to egg whites mixed with bakingsoda. But I guess if it tasted like candy, there would be a lower population. ;'P

  2. I understand where you are coming from 100%! I'm always hungry and that has been ongoing since a week after surgery. I can ignore it which I often do, because anything solid makes me feel sick and in pain. The only relief I feel is when I get it out. I still can't eat anymore than one or two bites of anything, and salad is still not sitting. But.... There is a light at the end of this tunnel! Soup!! It is the only thing that not only stays down, it doesn't hurt! I am a huge fan of the bean and bacon Soup. It tastes great, and the Beans offer the much needed Protein we sometimes don't get. Also, I've found sticking my bottle of Water in the freezer for an hour forms some ice and makes it easier to drink. The cold feels pretty good on my pissy pouch! Also, I'd you are craving something green, I've found making any kind of greens ( I prefer mustard) and subbing the hocks with a smoked turkey leg and maybe a wing or two, gives you a healthy broth and some protien. Really taste wonderful as well. Good luck. It's all about learning and we are all doing it together.

  3. I know I'm a day late, but that is a running theme in my busy life. Lol

    Surgery was April 25th and I was 250. Down now to 190. The strange thing about it, is I wear a size M. I think a lot of it has to do with being very active. I keep thinking the scale should read lower, and it always makes me a bit sad to see it doesn't. I'm glad I have this forum, because I have found since the surgery, I have next to no support. I had one friend who quit talking to me all together because she didn't want me to do of in the first place. I told her I couldn't stay that weight at 5'3" it was killing me. And my bf just looks at me and says "your still fat, and you took the easy way out." funny how alone it can make you feel when you have no one to talk to about it.

  4. I used to dread shopping, I still hold some of that go back for a bigger six fear. But soon I'll have no choice as everything I have is falling off... Lol

    My eyes popped when I found a large was sliding off! I'm two months out and down 60 lbs! I know this sounds silly, but I can't get over how tiny my wrists have gotten! Funny part is, I know my ex husband is kicking himself now. I just hope I can enjoy shopping once again. Too many years of hating it. And I always grab things way too big. It's like when you cut your hair, and take a shower. You always end up with Shampoo sliding down your face because you're used to having long hair. It's all a huge adjustment. And as for swimwear, I think I could be 110 and still scared out of my mind to try doing that again. Sad thing is, I'm a huge fan of swimming as I used to be a lifeguard and an even bigger fan of rollerblading. I'm bouncing back with no extra skin, but old fears and mindsets are going to take a long time to fix.

  5. Being able to rollerblade without feeling my heart trying to rip free for air.

    Being able to be intamate without feeling like a stuffed turkey.

    I am now able to run up the stairs without getting winded!

    I can tie my shoes without the bow being sideways!

    I can now sit in a plastic chair without my marshmallow butt pouring out the sides and back!

    I still have a long way to go, but seven weeks out I'm down 249 to 199!

    I don't know how I called it living fifty lbs ago. Here's to meeting our goals and taking control of our lives!

  6. It's not easy, as I still at two months post op crave just about everything I did before surgery. I watch food network like its an xxx movie and drool. Lol. But it gets a little easier. I have five children who are thin as rails and because their father and I were tiny kids and he still is, they are much smaller than most kids. They eat healthy and I do get them junk here and there because it's part of being a kid. It is really hard when they are eati g KFC and I'm wondering how long it would take me to take a bite before flying to the bathroom. It's all one big test. I've lost 50 lbs in the last seven weeks and it feels great. I tell people who like to say its the easy way out. You are forced to remain on the strictest diet for the rest of your life. Never a chance to stray because it will make you very sick. Just keep your head up. It will get easier in time, but right now your body is pouting like a two year old because it's being forced to burn its own stores. In time you'll find that if you take a bite of something you once craved, it just is not the same.

  7. This has been a problem with me as well. To the point of not eating because the minute I do, I am thirsty, and I have made the painful mistake of taking a drink after! I have found that the gatorade 0 cal helps a ton! And as far as Water goes, if I am just too thirsty and only water will do, I get Smart water. It's bottled and is infused with electrolytes. I keep a bottle of water by me all the time, and I toss a full bottle in the freezer for about 45mins just to freeze the water a bit. Pull it out give it a squeeze and Tada! Ice!! I find, the colder it is, the more it helps. But I can always tell what mood the little alien that is called my punch is in, by taking one sip of water in the morning. No pain, good day. But if it hits my puch like a brick, it's a no solid, Protein water day.

  8. See and this seems to be a real problem for some people. But when I called my doc today he said he's never heard of that problem. It really sucks because it feels like paper. It feels like its dry deep into my skin. Doc says just wait it out. But that's easy for him to say when I feel like a piece of beef jerky!

  9. I'm dry from head to toe... I wonder what a case costs LOL. I just took a cold shower to keep from drying out more. It feels like a sunburn :'(. I am drinking Water like crazy, I just pray it goes away soon. Thank you for letting me know, because I would have taken it by mouth and wondered why I was still dry :')

  10. I understand that there are people who go back to their old ways, but those people are not on this forum. The people here are counting on the help we get from each other. Nobody learns to ride a bike the first time out. I went to Mc Donald's last night and only got a bottle of Water. The bf got a meal and if I had asked him not to, he would have been fine with it. I knew that it was my choice and I can't expect everyone else to do what I do. I didn't bite I to his sandwich or snatch his fries. People are going to try things, and in the future a piece of pizza is not so unhealthy that it's going to throw 200 lbs back on somebody's behind. The point is, to learn how to control your portion. A treat once in a while is not going back to old ways. The change is in the heart, I can say at least for myself that tough love has been a constant from well meaning skinny friends and family. If it didn't work before the surgery, tough love won't work now. The road to success lies within one's heart, not in the words of others. Like the old saying goes, if you don't have anything nice to say.....

  11. After I came home I was told the only pain mess I could take we're liquid Vicodin. I developed a head to toe rash from it, and I called the doctor. Doc said there is no other pain med I could take. I itched my way through the bottle. Now a week after it has cleared up, but I am left with insanely dry skin. My legs (inner thighs) tummy, back... Well, every part but my face is so dry it hurts. I put on lotion, and it burns like fire. Anyone have any ideas how to fix it? I'm going crazy!

  12. I am glad to be a part of a group who understands what being human is like. I slipped once and payed dearly. I didn't eat a cookie or a bunch of fries. I had a few bites of pizza. This is a struggle that does not end just because we have had surgery. It was surgery on our stomach, not our brains. We all think about the foods that tasted good and made us feel good, even if it was short lived. When you are a nanny to a set of two year olds, and every drop of Water is needed one can go a work day without food. This is not a change that is programmed into the brain. The one reason I chose to be on this forum, is to have people to relate to. I don't need to be judged, I faced plenty of judgment for having the surgery in the first place. Nobody is perfect, and casting stones when people need support and understanding only makes people feel alone. Again, thank you to those who understand how hard this is.

  13. Since surgery I've had pizza twice. And both times I ended up throwing up n feeling sick. And all I are was the cheese n sauce on the too. I don't date to eat bread.


    I did just that same thing tonight. I could stand it no longer and after running all day with nothing but Water in my system, i came home and made one for the kids. I asked the BF for one small piece of pizza, I ate slow and chewed until I could isolate the taste of the friken flour in the dough! It went down nice, and for a split second I thought I was home free. Fat chance!! I was praying to the tidy bowl god for about ten mins. I'm no longer craving pizza! I'm two weeks out now, and trying to figure out how to get along with my pouch. It's not going as smooth as I'd hoped :'( I'm always hungry and when I eat certain things, I get this awful ache in my pouch that feels like a cross between hunger pangs and nausea. I'm really trying to work this out, but it just makes me understand how much my life did and still does revolve around food. Please somebody tell me this being hungry all the time goes away at some point??

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