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Posts posted by chaotica

  1. I have to say that a week after breaking my knuckle, I found myself being transfers from the immediate care center to hospital for emergency surgery. I had a kidney stone stuck in my ureter tubes and blocking e erverything. I had a swollen kidney. They went in a got it out. The next day I was home. Where in I woke at three the next morning with far worse pain in the other kidney. It was a moaning, crying, painful drive to the hospital. The bf sat with me rubbing my back lightly and praying. Within seconds, the pain was gone and I felt so warm and calm. I ended up passing two stone twice the size of the first! He showed me that if you have faith and trust God, he can do things medicine sometimes falls short on. Doing better now after an IV infusion of Mag, and pills of potassium. And I found out after almost a week in hospital without eating due to beig so sick and pain meds making it worse, the pouch shrank!

  2. I'm beginning to worry about bone loss more than ever now. I was on Lupron for six months for a tumor. I was taking Calcium then and continue to take it still. On Friday I was horsing around with the bf, and I twisted my finger. Not very hard or out of place, but I am not in a cast for six weeks. It seems that I broke the knuckle on my hand above my index finger. It's in half. I'm really worried that my bones are not as strong as they once were, and if there is much more beyond calcium sups to help.

  3. The noodle brand is wonderful! Not chewy or waterlogged even though they look like it. They take on the flavor of whatever you make them with. You have to give them a try. Toss em with a packet of Goya sazon and some chopped squash with chicken and its dinner!

  4. I went through the most painful heart break I've ever known. So I chose to get a tat to remind me never to forget. The breakup happened two days before valentines day. I had my heart broken on valentines day when I was 15 and never forgot it. So I got this on my left shoulder blade. It now has a small triangle shaped web under her legs. I plan on getting a widow coming down on a single string from my neck to my back.


  5. I like your no nonsense way of thinking as well! It's cool to be open and honest. How crappy it is to sit and be all formal pretending you don't think such things. I thought I was a freak when I was big and couldnt move so well, the bf feels like he just upgraded! Lol. He made me so happy this morning when he was in bed and he pulled me in his arms and said, " you are losing a ton of weight, just don't get so skinny I can't hold you like this." now that's what a woman wants to hear!

  6. Once the energy comes back. I began to feel a lot better and way more flexible. Then it hit me, how much better it is when you can breath and there is nothing between you two. No tummy no oh I just ate and this hurts. No I'm getting tired and my leg hurts. Then you remember just how good it is. Not to mention I always thought that it was just a load of crap people fed young girls to keep them from having sex too early, but I'm going to be 30 this year and it's true, it gets better! If I could just get my stupid I'm gonna skip a month then make you bleed for two weeks cycle to take a chill pill, I could get back to biz!....lol

  7. If I were you, I would look into it. If you don't want to do the hormonal route, think about the coper IUD. So many people have become pregnant because all they needed was that weightloss. Not to mention if lack of estrogen was a factor, burning fat will fix that. It's a really good idea to look into it.

  8. I married my ex at 18 just before baby #2. We had been together since we were 15. We now have five children together and have been apart for almost six years. Sometimes men are emotionally stunted when it comes to relationships that started in their teens. They also have their midlife crisis which has nothing to do with us women. They feel like they lost IT and are not part of the game. It's all unjustified but you can't argue with irrational thoughts. So he sees you making a change and talking about being sexy and it triggers his own insecurities. Just or unjust they are there eating at him and he'll will freeze over before he admits it. He's not going anywhere. You have the kids and he will never pay off the bills as long as you have them. He's pardon the expression, talking out his ass. What he's going through is his problem. Plus we dot live in the 50's any longer tell him it's his house as well so if he trying to say your dirty, then what does that make him?? Don't try to blame yourself for his thoughts. There are many low blows yu can deal, but show you are the stronger one and just look at him like he's lost his damn mind and walk away. Plus in the end he'll be hard pressed to find a good quality woman when she finds out he left his family and most of his income will be going to that family. Take a deep breath and let him talk. He'll get over it. Or you will, and when you do, he'll wish you didn't. Trust me. Fell better!!

  9. I have been in love with those for the last two years!!! No carbs, no fat.... Well nothing really! Not to mention they are pretty firm considering how they look. They take on flavor wonderfully!! Good as a ramen Soup or seasoned and tossed over a fish or other meat!

  10. This is a forum that covers every aspect of life after rny. There are so many changes that take place and it all ties in with the rny. I think this forum will also serve as a reminder to keep ourselves in check so to speak. See it lets us all know we are not perfect. Even if the weight is gone, our lives will still be affected by this. We are more than a support forum for rny, it's a family that enjoys sharing and asking advice on many subjects with the common denominator being the rny. This thread ties into it, but touches on other aspects of life. It's an amazing place. It's the place to go when you need advice or a shoulder. It's as I said before, our place of refuge. I lost the only friends I had because I chose this surgery, and I found better ones here!

  11. I'll take some if you're giving it away! The only thing I liked about being big, was having boobs! Now the girls are gone! If I could just move some things around, I would have a tiny waist and the chest of a woman again and not look like I need a training bra!

  12. Welcome to the forum! You are now part of a family that may not always tell you what you want to hear, rather what you need to hear. You will have your ups and downs with this journey, and it is not a choice to be made in haste. It is the most rewarding punishment you will endure! You will ask yourself at least once if you made the right choice, as I think we have all pre and post op done that at least once. Be prepared to write off sugar for good. Because like myself, you may be hyper sensitive to it. But as you adjust to your new lifestyle, you'll wonder how you ever ate the things you did before. Good luck on this new chapter in your life. You may feel like this is gonna take forever, but you'll see just how fast it goes.

  13. I would use caution when trying bread. I still can't do it. The only corn you can't have is kernel corn. Corn tortillas are ground, so no chance of it getting stuck. Keep in mind that bread of any kind will expand in your pouch. It can seem fine for a bit but after a few mins it can really make you feel unwell. Also, bread converts to sugar and you can dump. You may find its not even worth it for one bite. That's pretty much all you can eat of a sandwich. More frustrating than you think. I don't crave bread any longer. In time it will pass. If you must have one, try flat bread. I can't even do that, but some people handle it. You can also use romaine letus in place of bread. Hope that little tidbit helps. Good luck on your new journey!

  14. Something that made me feel better, it might help all of you that have had or might run into this problem. I for a long time and still to this day have a real hard time eating. I have tried a ton of stuff and gone a day or two without eating at all. There was a day when it was going on day three and everything but the bathtub cam back. I was hungry and weak. So I grabbed a few chips. I know it was wrong, but I was really honestly getting so sick I had to try something. Low and behold they stayed down! I only needed a few. I of course had to stop myself from making myself get rid of it. Not because it hurt, but because I didnt want to risk my weightloss. Seems I'm paranoid about gaining anything back. I force myself to eat now, because I found myself at one point being proud of not having to eat for two days. Sounds stupid, but it's honesty and I am a straight shooter with people. So I go to the doc and tell him about this little problem with the chips. Ready to sink into my seat, he looks at me and says " you know Erin, I have heard that many times!" he then looks at my eating habits and goes on to tell me, if I am not getting at least 600 cals a day, then he wants me to eat anything that will stay down. They really push the 600 rule. So there are days when I can't eat, because I feel so sick, I'll grab a handful and eat three to five. Still brings me nowhere near the target, but it helps. I don't really crave them anymore, but I can't let myself starve until the little a**hole that my new pouch can be says okay you can eat now. I know I'll never let myself go back to bad habits because I just don't want those things like that anymore.

  15. I guess it's all part of a stigma people who are over weight have. The first thing thin people think when they look at us think, is oh, that person has not self control. They must be lazy because if they worked out, they would not be so big. When the truth of it is not always the case. I'm not lazy, and last summer the bf and I walked at least five miles a day on our trips to Chicago. But it seems people have their thoughts regardless of their knowledge of it. It's sad really, because I never, when I was super thin and active I still never thought anything about the weight of the person I was talking to. Looks never mattered to me. It's a sad thing really, because people do that to very thin people as well. They think they don't eat or they are anorexic.

  16. It's probably the idea of us taking some of them into our bodies completely. That and guys see it on porn and the girls always act like it tastes like frosting or something. Had me fooled until I did it for the first time many years ago. Talk about a cruel joke.. Lol. I guess the trick would be to swallow and not make a I'm taking bad medicine face.

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