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Posts posted by chaotica

  1. I'm four months out. I've never posted pics and I figured now would be a good time. At the request of a wonderful friend from the forum, I reluctantly took this pic. I have to find the before pic from before. I lost a ton of weight in this last month. The change in the pics from now and the one from last month floored me. And I live in this body!!


    Taken today


    Today as well


    Taken a month ago.

  2. This may be the powder room but yes!!!! Stamina = woot woooot!! And if I may add I havnt pounded someone like that since high school! Like picture off the wall! Amazing good times!

    Surgiversary 07/24/12 Sent from my iPhone.

    I am so happy for you!! It's great when you are at it and know you are doing waaaay more than you used to. Congrats baby doll, let the fun begin!!

  3. Have to say, sex is so wonderful now!! I mean, even when I was 130 and in perfect shape, it was never this good. Some say when you hit thirty, it gets better. Well, I won't be there until sept 23. But hot damn!!!!!!! It no longer hurts, I can breath!!! And how freakin awesome is it when legs can go on shoulders without turning into a choking Barney!! No more tummy in the way. Or doing close to a full sit up without breathing just to kiss. Still, I'm on the fence about being on top. Always had a hard time, being only 5'3" my legs are short. So tell me, was it as good for you as it was for me?

  4. Not being able to keep things down. I have been so active, but it always ends in feeling sick and sore. I know I must sound like a baby, but it's really hard to deal with. I get plain tired of getting sick everytime I eat. Now, I don't even like the way food feels in my pouch. Don't even really want to eat. And that's combated by the fact that I'm always hungry and miss food. It's the strangest struggle yet.

  5. The heart thing you're feeling is called palpatations. It's most likely in your case caused by anxiety. It's okay, just a few extra beats. Try and relax as much as you can. Take the amout of pain meds given. Thing have a way of hitting us a little harder than they once did. Try taking half the dose and see if it helps. Also the irregular heart rhythm can come from dehydration. So keep sipping!! It gets better hun, trust me.

  6. I have had five children, six surgeries, and four kidney stones. Oh, and a gallbladder full of stones. But every time a nurse walks in with tha damn rubber strip and a pack of plastic wrapped stuff, my blood runs cold!! I get so worked up inwardly of course, that my veins hide. Some roll, and I almost always end up with a needle in my hand looking for the vein that was just there. I can't stand IVs!!! When I had my stones, they got it in, and an hour later tried to get blood from it. Nothin would come out, or go in after. Those things suck!! Only one time was I ever lucky enough to get a tiny shot of lidacane (sp) before they put the IV in. That was saweet!!

  7. I had my second daughter there. I cried until I got home. They took her right after she was born. I was not allowed to hold her, and I was trying to nurse. Everytime I asked to see her, they would tell me she was eating or sleeping. I didn't want her on a bottle. She was never allowed into my recovery room. I went home very depressed. I have always kept my children right by my side after they were born. I had my RNY april 25th.

  8. Thank you both do much. I had begun to worry I was losing my mind. I was setting things down and losing them right after. My bf made me sit down and calm down, because after almost three straight days of less than four hours of sleep, and no food, my mind was gooooone!!! I sat down alright, and cried. He dragged me to my room in the middle of the afternoon and layed there so I would not get up. I slept!! So now that I got the sleep issue out of the way, I get to work on eating. It seems more like a game of Russian roulette. But I have faith it will get better. I start a new job as a nanny to a super sweet seven month old. And the parents are wonderful. The mother had RNY five years ago, so I'm getting good tips to boot!! I worked one day last week and I do cleaning as part of my job. I was working for six hours straight, and the more I cleaned the better I felt. No pain in my legs, no sweating like a runner, just getting things done and fast!! But when you can't eat.. Oh I got the worst migraine!!! So it's all a learning thing.

  9. Im in love with myself. No seriously!!!!

    People have actually told me I've become concieded. I catch my reflection in anything and I have to look! I don't feel that I'm concieded' date=' I am just shocked at the transformation that has happened !


    Okay so, I have fought such deep selfesteem issues for the last two years, he'll maybe longer, and at my heaviest, I would catch my reflection out of the shower and give myself the look I got from the skinny girls. Would walk by and mutter some mean thing to myself and avoid further looks. I still see many flaws, signs of the abuse my body has suffered. But I also caught my reflection on a late night trip to the bathroom. Er... I like to sleep uhhh... Free?.. Lol trying to say this without TMI but whatever. My jaw hit the floor. I mean it when I say I avoid the reflection, so it had been a while since I peeped my body. A small waist!! Ribs!!!!!!!! No bulge anywhere!! My tummy almost flat and thank God, no extra skin. I turned to the side to see my profile which again, I would never do. I swear to you, I giggled more than a little. I did a few poses, and almost skipped to bed. Almost, I don't skip. I know my flaws, I'm far from perfect, but four months ago, this was only a dream!! So Kevin, enjoy the new body, and tell everyone else to get bent!

  10. Everybody in America is an immigrant except Native Americans' date=' some by choice, some by force

    But we're here now and need to be heard

    God bless us all

    Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk[/quote']

    I agree with all my heart. I have this to say for all the comfy people who hate immigrants, legal or otherwise. I am a product of my mother, who would not be here if her mother didn't come here illegally. She never asked for a handout. She was Mexican. My mother was born here, and lost her father after he was killed on his way home from work by a white drunk driver. With the money she was left, my grandmother bought a house and opened it to local workers as a boarding house. She and my mother worked very hard walking to do laundry for all these rooms. Never still, asking for a single free thing. My grandmother struggled working long hard hours to send my mother to a private school. When my mother was eleven, she came home to find her mother had a stroke. She later passed. This story runs through many families like mine. Not people asking for handouts, scared to, because of fear of being sent back! And you don't know what back is!! I've been there, lived there with my family for a year. I have seen poverty you have only seen from your tv set while warm and full. Nobody asks to be born into poverty. There, you are born into wealth or poverty. We are so used to the fact that here, we have a chance to rise. This is not the norm in third world places. There is NO chance of that. Now I may never see my family, my uncle passed, and we could not say goodbye. Imagine being trapped in your home because you have money and a biz, and some gang pos is waiting for you to come out! If your family lost what little you had and there was no way to get food. No food bank, no Soup kitchen. You tell me, would you stand around while your children die in your arms because they are starving or sick? No ER if you don't have cash up front there. I'm so sick of people saying them, them. Aren't we all people on one planet? There is not one goup of people I would not feed if they were starving. We are a country that has the luxury of becoming fat when people in others just want to stay alive. If we are thirsty, even the homeless can get a free drink of Water from next to any place. Try that in Mexico!!! It won't happen!! No fountains, the Water is poison. Best to dehydrate then die from untreated water. I will never bitch about immigrants as long as I live in a country that walked in and murdered and stole the land from it's rightful owners. I understand there is abuse of said systems, but don't dare blame an entire race for it!! How the hell do you think the hollocaust began?? Stop holding onto things and worrying about how much is left. Because there is no price on people, ever! If you were stuck on the side of an empty road in winter, and a less than legal mexican stopped to give you a warm ride, and nine out of ten times they will because they know what struggle feels like.. Tell me you would not take the ride!! It's time to get over this bull once and for all. We are people, not one better than the next. Stop blaming. " let he who is without sin cast the first stone." remember it and live by it. And I don't apologize if this ruffles some feathers, because it is meant to. If it does yours, then it's time to look at how you feel about people as a whole.

  11. Where are u from chaotca

    I'm out in round lake. But not from. Born and raised in Waukegan. I had an awful time after my surgery at vista. Hard to call it vista, I was born there and grew up calling it Victory. I lit that place up after I got home, because they really treated me like I was not there. Never had help getting up the first time. And never saw a nurse. But since then, things have changed big time. I guess telling them I would tell everyone I knew how bad I felt, and that is not my attitude or way of treating people. It really has gotten so much better. I spent a few days on the same floor three weeks ago due to kidney stones. The nurses didn't recognize me until I showed them the before pic. I wish you the best of luck, and don't drink the broth!! It tastes like dishwater..lol

  12. I was gonna send you a message. I was thinking about you today believe it or not.

    I know I have dropped off for a while. I have not forgotten my rny family. I have just been pretty sick. Okay, very sick. I've not held anything down in over a week now and because of a major flare of RA and no money to speak of, I have had to take aspirin just to get out of bed. And some days I can't get out. This was never this bad before the surgery. No need to give me the third degree about the aspirin, I'm suffering for that too. Cramps in my left side since starting. I miss you guys. I'll be on more. I promise. And I'll be going to the doctor soon. Don't really feel like dropping dead, I just got thin!! Lol hugs Mami!!!!!

  13. I need to try these. I can't really tolerate shakes...

    I have been so bad about my protien since I came home. I'm four months out on the 25th. I can't drink any of those shakes. It's not just about taste. It's the texture, that thick frothy and gritty foam it turns into makes me sick just looking at it. And the vanilla ones are GROSS!!! I wish like hell there was a chewable protien tab. Imagine the money they could make on that! I tried one of those bullets, and it said fuzzy peach on it, so why when I opened it and took a sip, did I drive the rest of the way home wishing I didn't? That thing tasted and smelled like a barn!!! I'll keep eating my soy Beans out of the pods with a bit of sea salt. Not too costly, and pretty yummy!!

  14. I would love to have someone have the hots for me eventually maybe I need to just get back to this weight . . . Everyone loves a man In uniform right?

    Surgiversary 07/24/12 Sent from my iPhone.

    So if you're ever in the area in that uniform, I'll be sure to set my house on fire and stand on the roof. Just gotta carry me down!

  15. Thank you both so much!! They sent one stone in to be tested. There is a link to rny and stones. There is a real misconception about too much Calcium. It is not from too much, rather not enough. It's been crazy and the worst pain ever! I have a uti also and a kidney infection, but I've been drinking a lot of Water to help clear it up. Also, being dehydrated for long periods of time can cause a major consecration of minerals thus causing them as well. Please my RNY family, drink lots of water and watch for signs of these evil little things!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
