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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by raquelrdgz

  1. raquelrdgz


    I had my revision too and with I had never had the band!! Good luck to you!!
  2. raquelrdgz


    Anybody take these? Was told it'd help speed up metabolism & give lots of energy!
  3. raquelrdgz

    What I received from my Pen Pal!

    I'm looking for Julia Alpert--- she sent me a box full of goodies and because of a major set back, I had to have revision on my RNY- today I pulled out that box and her letter, it made my day!!! I want to thank her but I don't know how to get a hold of her, if anyone on here knows, please let her know or let me know!! Thank you!!!
  4. I too, had my RNY Nov 6th however, my pouch is to big!!!! After a slow loss (32 lbs) my dr ran some tests and discovered my pouch was not the size it should be I go back to surgery July 17 and again, I'll have to do the liquids, mushies and then solids! I've got about 40lbs more I'd like to lose so hopefully this will get me there! Congrats to those who have has an awesome success!!! I was looking forward to a tummy tuck this year but looks like that's not going to happen & I'm okay with that, I'm not giving up!!!
  5. raquelrdgz

    Dilated pouch

    I had two tests, one was an x-ray where I drank that chalky white stuff so they could take images of my pouch and the second was an EDG which is a scope - I was put to sleep and a scope was put down my throat to determine how big my pouch was. The dr doesn't know why this happen to me, he says he hasn't seen this in manyyyy years but that it has happen. I recommend you speak to your dr and be persistent cause mine was blaming my food choices right before he ran one x- ray in his office then says - oh you maybe right!! - Doesnf hurt to ask!
  6. I'm 6 months out, had revision from band to RNY on 11-6-12 but my weight loss wasn't anything extreme- I have only lost 32lbs and I voiced my concerns on my 6mo follow up, dr performed some tests in his office which he says he sees my pouch is dilated!! He scheduled me for two procedures that I'll be doing at the hospital to make sure what he saw is acurate, if he is right- I will have to go back to surgery and have my stomach trimmed off!! I'm nervous but sorta relieved that he's detected it so soon, I was concerned as to why I was able to eat so much more than other November members and why I wasn't losing at the same pace everyone else was.... I'm thankful I'm getting some answers and getting it looked into! All I can say is that if you feel something just isn't right, it's up to you to fix it! If I had not been persistent with my dr he would of just thought I was losing at a slow pace since after all I did lose 30lbs! I go in for the tests next week! Hoping to put this behind me soooon! Feels like pre-op all over again!
  7. raquelrdgz

    Texas ?

    Awesome!! That's my dr also!! ????
  8. raquelrdgz

    Dilated pouch

    I received my approval Friday now just waiting on a surgery date!! Getting allll nervous as if it was my first time!!
  9. raquelrdgz

    Texas ?

    How's it going Texasmike?? How do you feel? Is your dr Robert or Garth?
  10. Ok... Here we go... I had a reversal from lapband to RNY in Nov and I am struggling!!! I just can't give up the sweets & high calorie meals! I do really good during the day but when I get home and I'm with my kids and husband I want to eat what they eat and I want the sugar cookie, Cheetos, tacos and everything that caused me to be this way! I say to myself that I can walk away but, I cave! I still crave the bad stuff, I don't dump so it doesn't prevent me from anything and worse is that I don't feel restricted in anyway when I eat! What do I do? I even considered diet pills to suppress my hunger and give me energy or I want my dr to run tests and tell me why I don't have a food restriction but, at my 3 mo follow up he brushed my concern off. Could I see another dr if he's my surgeon? Ahhhh- frustrated:( SW: 218 CW 188 GOAL: 150!
  11. raquelrdgz


    I've been told yes, liquid are liquids so they count along with your waters, teas, coffees ect. At the beginning I thought Water was water and I had to drink 64oz on top of anything else which I was like - good lord, I'm float away lol - PS I was also told that if you drink coffee you have to add a cup of water for every oz of coffee you drink but, I haven't confirmed if that's the truth--
  12. raquelrdgz


    60-100grams per day!! I drink premium protien and it's 30grams!
  13. raquelrdgz

    Band removed and bypass sane day?

    I have a pile like that too and it's helped. At first I guess I wanted to "TEST"u pouch but now I'm at a point where I can make smarter choices- of course I'll still have a slice of cake here and there BUT I used to eat Little Debbie Snacks daily so I've came a long way and still have a long way to go
  14. raquelrdgz

    Band removed and bypass sane day?

    Yes, Nov 6, 2012!! Love it, I don't miss that band one bit!!!
  15. raquelrdgz

    3 Months out and Gas pains?

    How are u feeling?? I've came up with the conclusion that it had to be something I ate (crawfish) that my tummy just could not tolerate and left me feeling sick a whole week but, I'll tell you what-- I am more careful with what I eat now than before! I thought I was going to DIE!!
  16. raquelrdgz

    Texas ?

    Houston TX here!! (Pearland to r specific) Robert Davis at the Davis Clinic is my doc
  17. raquelrdgz

    3 Months out and Gas pains?

    Thanks-- I feel better today but not 100% first time I ever felt pain like that! Felt like I was having contractions!
  18. raquelrdgz

    3 Months out and Gas pains?

    I went to the ER last night cause my stomache was hurting sooooo bad, I tried shower, bath, gas x, and milk of magnesia and nothing helped. At the hospital (after a long 4 hour wait) I had a cat scan and blood work which all came back normal, I was told to follow up with my dr which I did and he gave me two painful shots on my tummy, one on my belly button and the other on my left- it "helped" but the pain is still there-- he said it was an anti-inflammatory --- not sure what caused it but it scared me!!!!! It's not my gall bladder nor stones, he said it could be the sutures or the beginning of a hernia--- hope this goes away fast!!!
  19. Today I stopped to pick up a cake for my mom's bible study and decided to pick up some cupcakes for my boys.... I got home, placed them on the table and went on about my day then I decided to weigh myself and since I'm at a stall I got sooooo upset/disappointed that I marched right up to the table gobbled TWO whole cupcakes while in my head praying to feel what DUMPING feels like!!!! After I was done stuffing alllll those calories and sugar down my throat I felt horrible and threw it up!! I feel like I can't win:( I claim to have will power and enough motivation to do this but there's times I just want to throw in the towel, accept I am meant to be FAT and give it all up!! Help... This is emotionally harder than physically!

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