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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by raquelrdgz

  1. raquelrdgz


    Oh but I love Takis lol!! I actually crunched two and sprinkled it in my tuna to give it some flavor and as for the kids yes, I noticed too! My son ate a snack size bag of Cheetos and then a brownie then wanted Cereal <~ no way we had just came back from dinner!!! Only thing is I have boys and I maybe wrong but in my opinion it's more detrimental in females!! You have jeans in 10-20 or 18-20?! I wish I was in a size 14 already but I tried and nope, not there yet but almost!! I love New York & Co and want to throw my Lane Bryant card in the shredder sooo soon, I may even YouTube it You aren't in the pearland area by any chance? I need a gym buddy that will actually go, isn't a stick figure or happy to be fatty!
  2. raquelrdgz


    Yeay!! When is your date?? From what I've heard he is "less" strict than his son, Garth. I didn't have to do the two weeks of liquids prior to my surgery because he said I didn't need it due to my BMI but the nurse said that Dr. Garth Davis would have done it anyways~ I'm happy with my choice to choose him, he's more experienced and to me, he's so funny with his bluntness:)
  3. raquelrdgz


    You're on liquids ???? no he told me to go to mushies and then regular so I'm eating regular foods but I do tend to order or make mushie food just cause I find it easier to swallow - I eat Wendy's chili a lot and Soups from places I go out to like olive garden, panera, BJs and gringos -- at home I'm strict with shakes 110 lbs does seem very small, shoot my 10yr old weighs that!! Funny you say capris - I have a closet full of all colors and I can't wait to give them away!!! I want dresses and more dresses with all kinds of shoes without having to worry that I look like a quarterback lol--
  4. raquelrdgz


    But DECAF?? What's the point? I get my coffee for the caffeine and I just can't open my mouth to say decaf when I'm at the window ordering lol... I guess I just figure if I'm going to be BAD I'm going to be BAD all the way!! As for cokes, I used to be hooked but I honestly don't miss it-- I did try and took a few drinks outta my hub's cup and ended up with a major UTI and not sure if it was the coke but the fact that it happen right after that has kept me from going for another drink That's why I wish I would DUMP cause it'd keep me from any sugar but since I don't- I sometimes take a bite here and there (self control is soooo hard)
  5. raquelrdgz


    I had my surgery there at Memorial Hermann Dr. Davis's office is right outside the hospital. Yes, the first few days I thought I was never going to be the same again, I ended up with fever after surgery and stayed 4 long painful days I love my decision to have this done, I just need to learn what/how to eat and exercise! I have a follow up on the 17th and I have a trainer at the gym that I had suspended while I was going through the 6month weigh ins so after my follow up I will hit the gym hard in hopes that by summer I will be wearing SHORTS & SUN DRESSES looking all cute unlike past summers What's yalls start weight and goal? Mine was 218 & goal (mine) is 150 but, Dr. Davis says 130-140 <~ that's tooooo thin in my opinion! Do y'all have any HouSToN support groups y'all go to?? I'd like one-- I'm in the south side and Dr. Davis is actually pretty far for me but, I plan on going
  6. raquelrdgz


    6 months?? My dr says 12months!! I am A big cocktail, wine, beer drinker and thought this was going to be harder but, it wasn't NOW coffeeeeee is a different story, can't give it up & not willing to alter it with decaf
  7. raquelrdgz


    No way!! Mine is Robert Davis (the father)!!! How are you doing so far? Getting it done around the holidays was really hard for me!! I'm focus now though!! 2013 will be my year!!
  8. I had a revision from band to gastric bypass on 11/6 and my insurance covered it, I did have to go through the 6months of weigh ins, nutritionist, and an evaluation but it was allll worth it!! I'm only down 25lbs and I get frustrated with that BUT had I not done it I would not have lost that weight so, teaching myself to be thankful instead of being so hard on myself I didn't have any issues with the band other than I wasn't losing the weight and there was a smallllllllll slip but my dr says he's had a lot of revisions after 4-5yrs! Good luck to u!!! Don't give up!
  9. raquelrdgz

    Weight loss ignited!

    I actually just bought the "Magic Bullet" for my protien shakes and I add fruits and veggies in there--
  10. raquelrdgz


    Hi! Congratulations!!!!! How do you feel?? What a way to end and start a new year!!
  11. raquelrdgz

    Eating after Gastric Bypass

    I really hope you are right and these nerves need to hurry up. As for the dumping, I should say that nothing I've eaten so far has caused me to dump, not milk, coffee, a small amount of birthday cake, peanut butter so.... I yet to know what that is:( How do you measure when you eat out?? I go out to eat a lot at lunch and sometimes dinners and I try to eat what I would think is a small portion but I'm comparing it to pre-op! Thanks for your advise!! I need all the help I can get!
  12. raquelrdgz


    May I ask... Why would you want it reversed??!
  13. raquelrdgz

    I need some help...

    I too, am a slow loser:( had my surgery 11/6 and I've only lost like 25lbs!! I do not dump and I don't really ever feel full.... I am worried!!! My follow up is on the 17th and I'm dying to ask if he can do this surgery again!!aubey pouch is to big?! Idk.... Keep us posted though, I feel your pain!! We go through all this expecting miracles!
  14. I was banded in 08, I should of done the gastric bypass now I'm going in to get revised but, I have to wait to see if my insurance will accept it! If they don't I still want the band out!! It's useless and I don't recommend it for anyone. Hoping 2013 will be the year for me at my goal weight!
  15. raquelrdgz

    Ugh! The Wait Is Killing Me

    John I am getting a revision from lap band to RNY hopefully the end of this year, I'm having to do the 6month supervised diet
  16. raquelrdgz

    Ugh! The Wait Is Killing Me

    My hubby is supporting and so are the few friends I have told, I don't want any negativity so I haven't told a lot of people I'm 5'2 and 211 and if I could be 160 I'd be soooooo happy but like u said -- I don't have a GOAL but wanna be able to shop anywhere but Lane Bryant Keep me posted!! Are you on FB?! If so look me up, would love to be FBF
  17. raquelrdgz

    Ugh! The Wait Is Killing Me

    Is ur family and friends supportive?
  18. raquelrdgz

    Ugh! The Wait Is Killing Me

    Oh I have BCBS of AL I need one more visit with the surgeon and the phyc visit and these lovely weigh ins What's your start weight and goal weight?
  19. raquelrdgz

    Ugh! The Wait Is Killing Me

    The 15th is good I was afaid he'd say the 31st of every month but he said the 21st -yeay!!!!!! He really didn't put me on any strict diet he just told me the same thing the nutritionist did! I'm in Houston- where r you?
  20. raquelrdgz

    Im Home!

    How are you feeling?? Still on liquids? I wish I was post op!! I can't wait!!

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