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Posts posted by goodlife

  1. You know one thing that is true for most humans....we don't like change. We form routines in our lives and we're comfortable that way. I think it's normal that he's questioning how this big change is going to affect him and the family.....I think he's looking for reassurances that his life isn't going to be disrupted too much. Is that a tad bit selfish? yeah, probably...but it's human. I bet most of our spouses/family members have had those thoughts and concerns but probably a lot of them found other thoughts and concerns to voice rather than that one.

    My husband was very supportive at first too and then as it got closer he turned into a real ass. I was so angry with him and I made a post on here that I wanted to sell him for the money to pay for my surgery! I knew that his actions and words and behaviors were out of fear and concern but that didn't make it right and you better believe I told him so too! I think a part of him also wanted to test me to see how serious I was and how committed I was to having this done. Well, I showed him. I didn't back down for a second and didn't give in either.

    I have to say though that he has been my absolute biggest supporter ever since. He took excellent care of me in the hospital and in the first few post-op days. He still takes excellent care of me. He tells me all the time how proud of me he is and how happy it makes him to see me more healthy and active. And he can't keep his hands off of me either! lol

    So now that I've damned near written a book...how do you deal with this? Just talk to him. Try to reassure him that while you're eating habits are going to change, that's a small price to pay for your health. Reassure him that you're still going to take care of your family and you're still going to sit and enjoy family time you just won't be eating as much as you did before.

    And I can tell you this too...we eat out a lot. There hasn't been a restaurant yet that we've gone to that I've not found something that I could have.

    I can also tell you that our family life has improved ALOT since my surgery and weight loss. I still have a ways to go but I FEEL so much better now and I can do so much more which means we're all doing more things together now. Last week, me and hubby and our 21 yr old son went to play tennis together. I haven't been able to play tennis in probably over 8 yrs. I love to play but was just too fat to do it. It felt GREAT. We also have a 15 yr old daughter. She loves to shop but before I never wanted to go..only when it was necessary because I was so miserable and I couldn't stand up or walk for any length of time because my back would KILL me. It was just easier to stay home. How sad is that! Today my daughter and I went shopping for hours and had a great time together. I swear it brings tears to my eyes when I think about all the things I missed out on.

    I just can't say enough about all the positive changes and benefits this surgery and weight loss have brought about.

  2. Well YES you can totally do damage by not following your surgeon's instructions and progressing on to dense foods so early out. They have their plans for a reason...mostly to protect your stomach which was just surgically altered and is trying to heal.

    Know what? Tough titties that you don't have an "appetite" for Protein shakes....I mean what is that? Do you WANT to cause a leak in your sleeve?

    And with getting in so little fluids, do you WANT to get dehydrated and end up in the ER for IV fluids?

    Why would you go through the trouble and expense of getting the surgery if you're just going to sabotage yourself so soon?

    I don't understand that.

    Please get your head in the game and get with the program before you hurt yourself.

  3. I CAN eat anything..but I know my trigger foods and know to stay away from them.

    My trigger foods are junk food of course...mostly sweets. Cake, Cookies, cookie dough, cake batter...yep I know gross huh? I LOVE cake batter.

    If I can learn moderation one day....maybe I will allow myself a treat here and there...but I absolutely do not trust myself. It's a very slippery slope...have a little bit, want more, take more, keep going back for me. DANGEROUS ground that!

    But like luna I think I have a cast Iron stomach too...I've had NO issues in the six months since I've had surgery...no foods have given me any problems. I can eat anything I want to.

  4. This is what my loss has looked like so far.

    Month 1 - 20lbs

    Month 2 - 14lbs

    Month3 - 10 lbs

    Month 4 - 9 lbs

    Month 5 - 14 lbs (but not really...cause that was a fake weight on that day...hmph. In other words, that number 201 showed on the scale 6 times that morning...I got off and on and off and on 6 different times because I couldn't believe it but it showed 201 every time so I recorded it. BUT the next day it was 208 and it's been coming down from that ever since. This morning it was 202. BAH!) Bottom line is my loss for the 5th month was probably in reality more like only 6 lbs.

  5. I saw this post by jg62's husband and thought I'd start a new thread asking for prayers for her since alot of people may never see his post.

    She had plication surgery and complications afterwards.

    Here's a link to his post.


    Let's all offer her our best wishes and prayers and she'll be able to read them when she's all better. Hopefully it will bring her comfort to know that we all care and are thinking and praying for her.

  6. Chilo...the new site will take some getting used to. I liked it the way it was just fine myself!

    But it's all the same people with just a new look to the site. So please don't feel like you can't rely on everybody for support!

    In a few months we'll probably have forgotten what the old site looked like or how it worked!

    I've been there and done that on other sites...lol

    We're here for you!

  7. WLS is an exclusion on my policy too.

    I self paid here in Louisiana. www.whyweight.com is who I used. My doc was Dr. Matthew French. He's awesome and I love him.

    My cost was $13,600 which includes a year of followup and complication coverage as well.

    My husband wouldn't even hear about me going to Mexico...but if that would have been an option, I would have chosen Dr. Aceves.

    I've heard nothing but wonderful things about him.

  8. Your carbs are definitely way high if you're trying to stick to a low carb diet...As chilo said...she does better having a moderate amount of carbs.

    Most of us that doesn't work so well for...including me!

    What are you eating in a day that's giving you so many carbs? I try to stay around 30g a day.

  9. Oh nevermind...I see that little bitty arrow.

    Are we allowed to put in requests?

    I really liked the static link at the top of the old pages for New Posts...

    Now I can only find that by being on the forum index page and I have to scroll to the bottom to find active topics for today.

    Any chance we can get two things...a find my posts link at the top somewhere and a New Posts link at the top also?

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