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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by berniec

  1. berniec

    Gooooo Me Im A Size 12

    Yes that is great!
  2. berniec

    To Sad Right Now

    I'm glad you got some info. I still don't understand why no one ever answers the phone. You should be able to talk to someone I don't care what time it is. If your calling 3 or 4 times a day you should eventually get an answer. I don't know if I would want this doctor to do my surgery. What if your not feeling well or have questions. I would really think about this. I know you want to have your surgery but what about your after care. I'm mad and its not even my doctor. I wish you the best.
  3. berniec

    September Members

    That is crazy. Don't they know you had surgery. I would get documentation from your doctor. I hope everything works out for you.
  4. berniec

    One Day Post Op

    Glad your home and doing better.
  5. berniec

    Hi All!

    Yes the scale will drive you crazy. When I'm at a stall I will skip the next week.
  6. With the medical issues you have I don't see why you wouldn't get approved. You have the band and its not working for you so that should be the reason for approval. I wish you the best.
  7. You look great. I can see a big difference. Congrats!
  8. berniec


    Oh god, my hormones are crazy too. I had surgery on April 23, 2012. I thought I was done with the mood swings. I have become very emotional, sensitive and cranky. I have never been like this. I've always been considered the strong one. I have an appointment with my obgyn next week for my yearly exam. I'm going to ask her is there anything we can do about this. I don't like myself at times. Lol.
  9. berniec

    Scared All Of Sudden

    My doctors says that's what he always requests. He said so that you could be monitored closely. He does it with all of his patients if there's rooms available.
  10. berniec

    Friday Weigh-In!

    Surgery date: April 23, 2012 Starting wt: 297 Today's wt: 224 Total lost: 73
  11. berniec

    Scared All Of Sudden

    I was placed on an icu unit. I think it's so they can monitor you more frequently. I know you are discouraged but I think it will be best for you.
  12. berniec

    October Members

    I know. They all seem crazy and they're trying to figure out if we're crazy. Lol.
  13. berniec

    A Date At Last!

    I had to have one too. Just like the other member said you won't even remember. All I remember is the doctor telling the nurse to go ahead and inject the medicine in the iv. Befor I knew it it was over. I also didn't have a sore throat. Good luck.
  14. berniec

    Diet Dr Pepper

    I was told no carbonation. It stretches the pouch. I had a sugar free slurpee one day and after I had it I was so bloated. I thought about it and it is carbonated. Some people don't think it is but I asked when I went to the 7-11. It's not as strong as soda but it is carbonated. So I won be having either.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
